In 2012, Dr. Andes was the lead researcher and developer of the Georgia Latino Health Report. In the same year, she developed and chaired the Georgia Latino Health Summit in collaboration with the Hispanic Health Coalition of Georgia (HHCGA). Dr. Andes is also an HHCGA board member and part of the coalition’s behavioral health working group. Dr. Andes’ most active public health work in Latin America is in Paraguay. In 2005, Dr. Andes began a qualitative project on adolescent sexual and reproductive health in Asuncion, with funding from the U.S. Agency for International Development through an agreement with CDC. That project was published in Spanish in 2009 and English in 2010. In 2009, Dr. Andes received a grant from Higher Education for Development (HED), also funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development, to collaborate with the Paraguayan Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS) and other universities in Asuncion, to develop their post-graduate curriculum in public health. Since 2010, Dr. Andes has also been working with a community-based organization, Mil Solidarios, which serves disadvantaged youth in the Bañado Sur neighborhood of Asuncion. She has also worked in Colombia and Mexico.