
Paul Gobée, MD

Assistent professor of Anatomy


Paul Gobée is an M.D. who specialized in developing e-learning in anatomy since 2000 and in teaching gross anatomy of the abdomen since 2010. Together with his colleague Daniël Jansma he develops the e-learning materials of the department of Anatomy & Embryology, LUMC. He founded the CASK (Clinical Anatomical Skills) interactive tutorials, the reference site AnatomicalTerms.Info and the CASK microscopy viewer, all accessible at He developed an extensive e-learning course on the anatomy involved in procurement of abdominal organs for transplantation. This course is used internationally and is part of a mandatory trajectory in the training of abdominal donor surgeons in the Netherlands. He is an active member of the Clinical Anatomical Terminology committee of the American Association of Clinical Anatomists.