Code and run Django websites without installing anything!
This course is designed for learners who have some experience with Python but a novice to Django. The modules in this course cover setting up a Django project; understanding the relationship between views, templates, and URL patterns; introduces models and the database; styling with Bootstrap; and deploying Django.
To allow for a truly hands-on, self-paced learning experience, this course is video-free. Assignments contain short explanations with images and runnable code examples with suggested edits to explore code examples further, building a deeper understanding by doing. You’ll benefit from instant feedback from a variety of assessment items along the way, gently progressing from quick understanding checks (multiple choice, fill in the blank, and un-scrambling code blocks) to slowly building features, resulting in large coding projects at the end of the course.
Course Learning Objectives:
View, templates, and URL patterns
Models and the database
Styling with Bootstrap
Deploying Django