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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Fundamentals of Music Theory by The University of Edinburgh

1,728 ratings

About the Course

This course, revised in 2022, will introduce you to the theory of music, providing you with the skills needed to read and write Western music notation, as well as to understand, analyse, and listen informedly. It will cover material such as pitches and scales, intervals, clefs, rhythm, form, metre and time signatures, phrases and cadences, and basic harmony. This course covers the fundamentals of Western music theory, from the absolute basics to some more advanced concepts. As such, it delivers material for beginners and offers much to experienced musicians alike....

Top reviews


Apr 1, 2021

Very good course which hammers home the essentials.

Good enthusiastic lecturing and importantly on completion progressed onto Coursera Musicianship Specialisation which I have now almost completed


Aug 22, 2017

It was a very nice course. We were able to understand the basics of music theory and how the notations and chords work. Thank you so much to the entire staff of Edinburgh University and Coursera..:-)

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101 - 125 of 552 Reviews for Fundamentals of Music Theory

By Daniel N A

Apr 17, 2017

An amazing course on the Fundamentals of Music Theory! I am beginning my musical education with this program and getting ready to start community college in the fall, so this is definitely getting me ready. Perhaps, one day I plan to study music at this university in Scotland.

By José A B

Jul 13, 2020

Muy recomendable. Realiza un repaso de los conceptos introductorios y centrales para el análisis musical. Ejemplos claros y muy buenos profesores. El examen final es un compendio de todo lo explicado, con una exigencia justa y superadora. Muy conforme con el curso realizado.

By Ndamulelo N

May 24, 2017

This is a great course and will help you to quickly grasp the essential knowledge & skills in music theory. However you must not only rely on the videos, make use of the class notes provided and also do your own research.Last but not least, practice what they teach you:)

By Ray T

Jul 21, 2023

Very good class, although it can be pushy at times. Reviewing the videos at least twice is necessary to ensure that you understand the material. Concepts it teaches you are used very often in jazz, so if you want to learn jazz then this is a good class to understand it.

By Rhys P

Nov 23, 2021

I enjoyed this very much. I think there was one quizz that covered content that wasn't in the video or the reading. I have learned a lot. One thing I found a little frustrating is that when I got something wrong, I didn't know why, so I couldn't learn from my mistakes.

By Dominic P

Jun 21, 2021

This is a really excellet music theory course. All of the staff contributors were well organized and well-spoken. I enjoyed the interface with text and video, and it was a good refresher course in music theory for me as a music educator for 20+ years now. Well done!

By Tri

Oct 23, 2019

Starts off fairly easy but gets much harder halfway through. Helps if you know how to read music well (not sight reading). Stick it to the end and you'll learn a lot! I know I did!

Highlights for me: Learning about the importance of circle of fifths and modulating.

By ramingr

Aug 16, 2018

This has been a really great way for me to learn much of the basics of music theory!

The instructors have made a great job in explaining quite complex ideas in a way that is easy to understand, however some in-depth seeking will be needed from the students as well.

By Sara M

Jan 17, 2019

A great course! It has been undoubtedly my favourite until now in Coursera and I highly recommend it. I would like to specially thank Dr Nikki Moran, Dr Zack Moir and Dr John Philip Kitchen for making it look easier than it is and really pleasant and enjoyable.

By Nikita D

Aug 23, 2017

I think this course is a great way to start understand how Western music works on a new level, how read note stave, how to start analyze music and find harmony. There are some great mnemonic things to remember lot of difficult stuff. I like it a lot! Thank you!

By Ece B

Dec 1, 2016

I am an amateur musician myself, in high school. I love playing music and singing so much but i always felt like i was missing theoretic information. Thanks to this course, I feel like i am overcoming this situation. Thank you so much for making this possible.


May 25, 2020

The course is well organized. The instructors explain the materials clearly supplemented with demonstrations that help tremendously. However, it seems the learner needs to read and self initiate extra materials to appreciate and understand the knowledge.

By Verse

May 8, 2019

An exceptional overview of the basics of Music Theory and a great curriculum organization provided in this course really did help me understand the curriculum better. Thank you to all the teachers in this course that helped me to learn something new!

By Panagiotis E

Nov 23, 2016

A very well structured cpurse. A solid amount of information delivered, with the pace picking up maybe a little too abruptly after week 3. However, I did learn a lot, and investing the time required was definitely worth it. Highly recommended.

By Samuel G

Dec 10, 2018

Great course, starts with the most basic fundamentals and quickly becomes very challenging. The teachers are great and the course material is solid. Even though I'm finding it a real struggle to complete, I've enjoyed this course thoroughly.

By Bartosz W

Dec 21, 2017

A great course for complete beginners, or self taught musicians who are willing to learn what they are actually doing. Don't expect complex concepts here. But the basic building blocks are laid out very well. That creates a good foundation.

By Gal K

Jun 7, 2023

I've got to learn the basics of music theory - musical sheets reading, harmonies, common chord progressions, musical piece analysis and much more!

Much appreciations to the university of Edinburgh creating and maintaining this course!

By Joseph F

Jan 5, 2021

The teacher are extremely knowledgeable and help to break down difficult concepts into digestible lessons. They also cover a broad range of topics and give me the confidence and interest to explore music theory further!! Thank you :)

By Marc P

Jul 7, 2017

Excellent course. It does go beyond the fundamentals, and is a bit difficult in the last couple of weeks, but is a very interesting and informative course. The teachers are excellent and I recommend it for any aspiring musician.

By Safak A C

Sep 17, 2020

It was a great course. First few weeks really starts from the fundamental stuff and in the later weeks lectures cover more comprehensive aspects of the music theory. I'm really glad that I completed this course. Thanks a lot.

By Renat K

Dec 24, 2017

This is the most exciting educational journey i had in my life! Today i'm able of composing music on a whole new level. I keep on educating myself and deepening my knowledge thanks to Coursera and The University of Edinburgh.

By Manuel V

Jan 28, 2019

El curso es la mejor introducción que he encontrado a la materia. Con la profundización del estudio uno reconociendo algunas ambiguedades, pero aún así me ha ayudado mucho a desarrollar habilidades para el análisis armónico.

By Priyanka

Jun 2, 2019

It is an excellent course for we students to understand the core and foundation of music theory. Extremely professional tutors who help us understand every lecture easily.

I can't thank Coursera enough, for this oppurtuniy.

By black s

Apr 28, 2020

A bit of a quick ramp up. Prior musical background and experience reading sheet music is very helpful. Learned a lot, and enjoyed the listening exercises/examples that you can replay at your own pace in the lectures.

By Kevin H J

Jan 30, 2023

This course was challenging in all the best ways! I started slow, got intense, stretched my brain, and came out better for it on the other side! Thank y'all for teaching and offering this course through Coursera!