In this course, we’ll introduce students with basic knowledge of traditional financial products to data-driven resources they can use to complement their fundamental analysis. We’ll also highlight certain deceptive marketing practices that can paint a rosier picture of addressing ESG-related concerns than may actually be the case.
Moreover, many corporations appear to be growing increasingly aware of the values of the millennial generation, who, according to some industry surveys, appear to account for the vast majority of those who cite ESG as a central goal in their investment plans.
We’ll dive more deeply into these topics, and through a series of video, webinar, and reading modules, among other objectives, you’ll learn to explain how Big Data and artificial intelligence may be used for actionable accountability, and describe inherent challenges in data analysis, as well as differentiate between different forms of deceptive business practices, including green washing, social washing, and pink washing, You’ll also be able to provide insights about how millennial, and younger, investors’ interests may be driving increased attention on ESG investing.