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Learner Reviews & Feedback for General Chemistry: Concept Development and Application by Rice University

1,023 ratings

About the Course

This course will cover the topics of a full year, two semester General Chemistry course. We will use a free on-line textbook, Concept
Development Studies in Chemistry, available via Rice’s Connexions project. The fundamental concepts in the course will be introduced via the
Concept Development Approach developed at Rice University. In this approach, we will develop the concepts you need to know from
experimental observations and scientific reasoning rather than simply telling you the concepts and then asking you to simply memorize or
apply them. So why use this approach? One reason is that most of us are inductive learners, meaning that we like to make ...

Top reviews


Aug 28, 2015

If I'd had access to this material when I first failed freshman chemistry 40 years ago, I probably wouldn't have failed. Kudos to Dean Hutchinson for bringing us his innovative approach.


Jun 8, 2021

I love the opportunity given to me to learn this course... It explained the basis and really made me understand the harder parts, now i have better understanding and wider knowledge!.

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1 - 25 of 256 Reviews for General Chemistry: Concept Development and Application

By Bandyatuyaga M

Oct 2, 2018


I would inform you that i wish to receive my certificate according to general chemistry :concept development and application, then your feed back will rejoice more thank you.

By Zillah K

Aug 28, 2015

If I'd had access to this material when I first failed freshman chemistry 40 years ago, I probably wouldn't have failed. Kudos to Dean Hutchinson for bringing us his innovative approach.

By Terrence M

Feb 17, 2018

Lectures are great and material is comprehensive. The only problem is there is a multiplicity of errors in the questions.

By Adrian R

Jun 21, 2019

I am using this as a review of General Chemistry to prepare for the MCAT and it is so helpful! The approach when I took it during class was very rote-memorization-heavy and I was worse off for it. Prof. Hutchinson lays things out in a very logical way and all the learning is based on key questions that a curious learner would likely find themselves asking; all the "why" questions you might have while learning Gen Chem are answered and not brushed off with a "just memorize it." It does probably help some that I was exposed to this material once already but I am retaining so much more than when I took this course in college or even than when I was going through the ExamKrackers MCAT Chemistry book. So much gratitude!

By William L

Jul 14, 2016

This course should be a 5 Star course. It is challenging and requires effort. The lectures are well done but not up to the level of the quizzes. The book looks like an abandoned project. The errors and missed references to tables and equations from part one of the book to the other are too many.

Having said that, I have never learned so much about a topic. I attempted the problems in the book before I took the quiz. That makes a huge difference. A week covers 2-3 chapters in the book. I started to doing the each chapter's problems before moving on in the week. This made taking the quizzes a lot easier.

Overall I am very happy for having taken this course.

By Aida T

May 4, 2020

Very helpful course! Used it for MCAT prep. Professor is very interesting and the method he has developed is brillliant!!! Though there are some mistakes in quizes,and it became quite boring when the amount of math and equations had increased,I still loved it. Highly recommend this course to the ones who wants to UNDERSTAND the chemistry. It will be even better if you have some background from math and physics , can count logarithms and interpret the graphs well. Good luck! Thanks again to the Professor and the University!!!

By Julie M

Aug 17, 2015

This course and the accompanying textbook explain chemistry in a very simple, ground up way that I was able to easily understand.

By Mark M

Mar 12, 2016

Most excellent course. Professor Hutchinson's presentation of chemistry made the learning experience valuable and enjoyable. The course is planned well and delivered in a most professional way. It's apparent that a lot of work went into creating this course. The use of the split screen is a good technique that fully engages the learner, and following the concept development concept throughout the lectures provides a solid foundation for moving from one concept to another.

The minor negatives are the pdf file of the CDS material didn't always present correctly (especially tables, a common problem converting Word to pdf) and some of the chapter numbers didn't match ... but these are minor glitches and did not detract from the course itself.

I can't say enough good things about this course. I kept thinking how great it would be to attend Rice University and attend Professor Hutchinson's classes. It's quite evident that he loves teaching and it shows in his lectures. I look forward to any future courses offered by Professor Hutchinson and Rice University.

By Alfonso M

Jan 7, 2016

I thank the organizers for this well-structured Chemistry course. I was sometimes overwhelmed by the amount of information given but I guess this is due to the condensation process that had to be carried out in order to impart the contents in 11 weeks. Otherwise I would have appreciated to have more exercises resolved during the lessons and to get a sheet with all the formula used during the course...Thank you again.

By Jessica H

May 24, 2017

I really enjoyed the Concept Development approach to the material. I wish more science courses were taught with this approach! Inductive learning is so much more intuitive. Dr. Hutchinson is an incredibly knowledgable, personable, and engaging professor. The videos are clear, succinct, and he reviews material from the previous video at the beginning of each new video so the course felt very well organized.


Jun 15, 2020

I enjoyed every minute of this course and I have learnt so much. Thank you Coursera for this opportunity. I'll definitely recommend this course to my friends and colleagues.

By Martin T

Jan 25, 2016

This is my first experience of Coursera, although a have done many other MOOCs. This is an excellent course. I studied chemistry many years ago and was looking for a course to revise some of the topics. The subject matter is at just the right level: challenging but not intimidating. The lectures are well structured and presented, and the background reading material (provided free of charge) is excellent.

A brilliant first impression, both of Coursera and the host University (Rice).

By O R

Apr 14, 2020

This course is very effective ,i am very happy as my subjects are regained by attending this exams.It helped very well.concept isvery clear and explanation is easy way .this course explain the student to learn chemistry concepts development study approach methods .i learned the moleculer theory and atomic structure,chemical reaction and chemical equalibrium.

By Rhiannon A

Oct 5, 2015

I took this class as a chemistry review for my MCAT and really liked the concept development approach. As an undergraduate, I learned a lot of these concepts by memorization but never made the connections or the thorough understanding as I did after taking this course. Thanks!

By Manoranjan 1 M

May 19, 2020

I enjoyed the course very much and learn many concepts throught th evideo lectures and evaluated my self through quizes. I like the way of teaching by the faculty.

By Yasuhiro K

Oct 31, 2018

This course is the best course of general chemistry. The lectures were a little tough, however, I think I got intuitive understanding on chemistry. I deeply thank Prof. Hutchinson for his passionate Lectures. (If some minor misprints in quizzes are corrected, this course is worth more than five stars!)

By David K C

Jun 28, 2016

Excellent choice of general chem topics. I used this course to review certain topics on the MCAT. The Acid-Base & equilibrium sections were very helpful. Prof. Hutchinson is a very engaging instructor. Aside from his detailed lectures, his notes were very clear and easy to follow.

By Deleted A

Apr 6, 2016

Although I have studied chemistry in Hungary, but from this point of view of chemistry teaching was interesting. The demostration of perfomarnces was colorful, itemized and the two art of chemistry teaching could learn from each other.

By D V

Mar 17, 2016

I am enjoying the course. I appreciate the method the professor is using for the lectures. I am taking the course for the challenge of learning something new as I have not studied chemistry since my first year of college in 1958.

By yoram g

Feb 5, 2020

i enjoyed much and learns a lot on Chemistry. Thank You very much prof Hutchinson!

By dustin s

Oct 25, 2015

needs more questions and answers. maybe just a section for practice or somethin

By Blair L

Dec 16, 2017

I learned a lot from the course, and truly appreciate Professor Hutchinson's (and Rice's) generosity in having delivered it. I would have benefited a from more time invested in the quizzes. They were not well edited. (Similarly, the e-book could use a good edit.) This was an annoyance more than a severe detraction, however it leads into a larger issue. I believe that the motivated e-student benefits from a more involved means of analyzing content-retention / gestation than simple multiple choice questions. In fact, one might argue that the whole idea of a MOOC is the quizzes / tests of comprehension. If you wanted to learn it on your own, you could just buy a book and go to the Kahn Academy for some videos. (This gets into a larger subject that edX, coursera and the whole MOOC experiment needs to ask with earnestness -- whether the traditional class-delivery model is sufficient in an online forum. I would argue strongly that a greater investment is needed -- that Kahn Academy is a different breed. This raises an obvious financial question -- for non-tenured editors, quiz makers, etc. But asking the money question too soon is putting the cart before the horse.) Anyway, thanks for the class, and all the best.

By Vasif H

Mar 13, 2020

I learned a lot from the course, and truly appreciate Professor Hutchinson's (and Rice's) generosity in having delivered it.What i really think is that this course gave me a lot of knowledge.I have obtained how can i prepare typical sample test,teaching methods and so from the course lectures .

By pradeep K

Aug 24, 2020

This course is very good ,i am very happy as my subjects are regained by attending this exams.It helped very well.concept isvery clear and explanation is easy way .i learned the moleculer theory and atomic structure,chemical reaction and chemical equalibrium.

By Akinsola B D A

Jun 9, 2021

I love the opportunity given to me to learn this course... It explained the basis and really made me understand the harder parts, now i have better understanding and wider knowledge!.