This course is designed to elevate your Selenium WebDriver and test automation skills by automating complex web elements like select boxes, datepickers, and web tables, including handling multi-select boxes and web table cell objects. You'll manage browser pop-ups, multiple windows, and differentiate between close and quit methods.
The course covers automation for iFrames, JavaScript alerts, and advanced mouse actions such as drag-and-drop, resizing UI elements, and multi-key operations. Test synchronization focuses on implicit and explicit waits, ensuring efficient test runs. You will explore Selenium 4 features, including configuration, relative locators, and updates to the actions class.
Additionally, the course delves into operations like taking screenshots and retrieving element dimensions before advancing to TestNG concepts, including installation, automation, and using annotations for test management. The Page Object Model and Page Factory provide a framework for organizing test code, while TestNG's advanced features like groups, parameters, and parallel execution prepare you for any test automation challenge.
This course is ideal for intermediate to advanced test automation engineers and developers with basic Selenium WebDriver knowledge, looking to expand their TestNG and advanced web automation skills.