Dulanjaya Bhanu Ranawaka account profile

Personal details

Dulanjaya Bhanu Ranawaka


Lives in Kirindiwela, Western, Sri Lanka


Graduates January 2025


Graduates January 2025

Work preferences

Desired roles

Front End Developer


Full Stack Developer

(Lead / Manager)

Additional info

Links & Resume

My name is Dulanjaya Bhanu. I'm a Full stack software developer based in Sri Lanka. I have developed many types of Desktop Apps, Web Apps and Mobile Apps. And I would like to learn about new technologies and programming languages.



Birmingham City University

Bachelor's degree in Engineering, expected to graduate January 2025

January 2021 - Present


University of Michigan_logo

University of Michigan · Course

Python Basics

Category: Python Programming
Category: Computer Programming
Category: Problem Solving

View certificate

Completed September 2021