Edwin Ronald Lambert account profile

Personal details

Edwin Ronald Lambert


Lives in Surrey, Canada


Google Data Analytics_logo

Google Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate


Google Data Analytics_logo

Google Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate

Work preferences

Desired roles

Data Analyst


Data Scientist


Python Developer


Additional info

Links & Resume



Google Data Analytics Capstone: Complete a Case Study preview image

Google Data Analytics Capstone: Complete a Case Study

This repository is part of the Google Data Analytics Capstone Project, focusing on analyzing Cyclistic's bike-sharing data to identify strategies for converting casual riders to annual members.

•Completed July 2024



Google Data Analytics_logo

Google Google Data Analytics Professional Certificate

Category: Data Analysis
Category: R Programming
Category: SQL
Category: Spreadsheet Software
Category: Business Analysis

10 month program • Completed July 2024


Coursera Project Network_logo

Coursera Project Network · Course

Using Basic Formulas and Functions in Microsoft Excel

Category: Data Analysis
Category: Microsoft Excel

View certificate

Completed July 2024


Google · Course

Google Data Analytics Capstone: Complete a Case Study

Category: Exploratory Data Analysis
Category: R Programming
Category: Computer Programming
Category: Tableau Software
Category: Statistical Programming

View certificate

Completed July 2024

Coursera Project Network_logo

Coursera Project Network · Course

Create a Project Management Tracker using Microsoft Excel

Category: Microsoft Excel
Category: Leadership and Management
Category: Project Management

View certificate

Completed June 2024