Learner Reviews & Feedback for Bacterial Bioinformatics by University of Virginia
229 ratings
About the Course
This course provides demonstrations and exercises for performing common genomics-based analysis tasks of bacterial sequence data. It uses BV-BRC, the Bacterial and Viral Bioinformatics Resource Center (merger of PATRIC, IRD and ViPR, the three former resources), as the platform for analysis. BV-BRC is the NIH/NIAID-funded bacterial Bioinformatics Resource Center, providing comprehensive bacterial genomic data with integrated analysis tools and visualizations. BV-BRC also provides a private workspace where users can upload and analyze their own data. Course participants will gain skills needed to do comparative analysis of bacterial genomes, starting with raw sequence data.... ...
Top reviews
Dec 20, 2021
I appreciate the instructors for this amazing course that sharpen my skills in the bacterial genome analysis.
Feb 14, 2022
it was very informative course and i enjoyed doing home works and assessments.thank youRegardsNeeraja