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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Introduction to Cloud Computing by IBM

7,034 ratings

About the Course

Start your cloud computing journey with this self-paced introductory course! Whether you need general cloud computing knowledge for school
or business, or you are considering a career change, this beginner-friendly course is right for you. In this course you’ll learn about essential
characteristics of cloud computing and emerging technologies supported by cloud. You’ll explore cloud service models, including Infrastructure
as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS), Software as a Service (SaaS), and Public, Private, and Hybrid deployment models. Discover
the offerings of prominent cloud service providers AWS, Google, IBM, Microsoft, and others, and review cloud computing cas...

Top reviews


Feb 3, 2025

Nice introduction to cloud computing, give it 5 stars because there is a section about emerging trends such as microservices and SaaS. Totally recommended to grasp a general idea in cloud computing.


May 19, 2020

It was so so grateful being here , I loved it course so much , as it provided all the concepts very clearly , I would also recommend all other to have this course and gain knowledge provided by IBM.

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1401 - 1425 of 1,574 Reviews for Introduction to Cloud Computing

By Aditya M

Nov 20, 2022


By Sovik G B

Jun 8, 2022


By Farai

Apr 2, 2022



Nov 19, 2021


By Charbel Y

May 17, 2021


By Karthick B

Mar 17, 2021


By sahithi k

Jun 9, 2020


By pranitha e

Jun 4, 2020


By Divyansh G

Apr 2, 2024


By Nischal R

Feb 5, 2021



Oct 20, 2024


By Google C

Sep 18, 2023

Decent course, I just find it frustrating and strange that so many introductory concepts and foundational topic are over-looked and skipped throughout the course. For example, there were a lot of important terms that I believe is crucial to explain to students, such as, what is a server, what is a network, what is a datacentre, what is a system in I.T? Even though I have no problem with learning what these terms are on my own, I feel like the course would have more depth and be more meaningful if there was a foundational for learners to build on, obviously if every learner learns this knowledge on their own, you might have gaps in learners' understandings of how these all relate to cloud computing. For example, I didn't know what the difference is between a cloud environment and cloud computing, perhaps it could just be a personal lack of knowledge on this domain, but I still think it would be valuable for the learners to have a bottom-up understanding of everything.

The course was overall decent, I don't have any other complaints, some of the content was too fast in the final week, cloud security concepts was talked about as if students should have already done their own research regarding cloud security, which once again, references my first complaint. I do still appreciate the opportunity to enrol and take this course, as I learnt a lot of new information. It was fascinating to learn about cloud computing models, services, environments and all the other things, I enjoyed this course, just wish that they took more time to break down the concepts into more understandable and beginner-friendly material.

Conclusion: Take this course, it is definitely worth your time and IBM are champions for making these course available to us on Coursera, as well as Coursera for providing the platform to unify their courses.

Thank you IBM and Coursera, I'll always be grateful for these lessons and material.

By Ann a

Dec 2, 2022

In terms of when I did my best learning of the material, I found the portions where an apparent field expert used diagrams to develop a concept to be the most effective. I enjoyed the logical layout of the material complete with the 'use cases'.

In terms of where I feel inadequately prepared to act on this new knowledge. I think that the class material was light on practical applications. I felt as I did in most undergraduate courses that I took in Brick-and-Mortar institutions. It 'seemed and felt' as if a lot of material was covered and that I should be thereafter edified on a subject, but the reality was that the information was not actionable and my education consisted of discombobulated facts, unintegrated and with no practical use what-so-ever.

I am taking into consideration that there is apparently a tremendous amount of collaboration and technologies that must be mastered in order to truly understand how to create and navigate an understanding of distributed microservices that can scaled dynamically.

I am taking into consideration that perhaps the course creators did not want to bog down the student with information that could be learnt in its ideal context later in the specialisation.

I hope that the other courses in the specialisation add more levels of practicality to the experience. I don't think I could survive another institution taking my money and giving me unactionable/useless information and telling me that it is my ticket to success.

By M. F M

Sep 2, 2023

This is a great introductory course into Cloud Computing. It is obvious IBM and their people behind the project have worked really hard to create amazing content. The video lectures are quite good with the icons and voice overs. I deducted two stars because of the pedagogy of the course. Firstly, there should have been PDF slides provided for all the lectures. Secondly and more importantly, there is too much rote learning and just definitions in this course. I know what Cloud Computing is on a very very high level but I still have no idea where to go from here. There should have been a hands-on practical project starting from week 1 with a firm with classic IT infrastructure and what problems it is facing and how Cloud Computing technology can help it solve those problems. That is much needed for this course to assist students in learning the concepts rather than just memorising some definitions.

By Brennan F

Jul 31, 2022

The robotic woman talking is very hard to follow. The language used seems unnecessarily complex, and is delivered so quickly that is obvious she is either reading from a script or is a computer. The videos with actual humans explaining things were really totally different (in a good way); clear, simple, and concise language. Those clips/videos were much more education compared to the other ones. In those videos I felt like I was actually learning and understanding the concepts and terms as opposed to the robot woman spewing out all sorts of words and sentances without really explaining things in a good way. It is marketed as good for beginners, but there were many terms related to cloud computing that were not explained that I needed to look up on my own. Would be helpful to remember that not all of these cloud computing terms are common for non-techies :)

By Ryan T

May 18, 2023

Thank you for giving me the chance to provide feedback.

I enrolled in the IBM Full Stack Developer Professional Certificate. I am completely new to the IT industry, and have no knowledge in IT. The course Introduction to Cloud Computing actually requires prior fundamental IT knowledge. To be specific, without prior understanding of hardware and operating systems, and basic understanding of software, programming and databases, one will not be able to understand the concepts taught in this course.

Only after completing this course, I realised that I should have done the IBM Information Technology (IT) and Cloud Fundamentals Specialization first. May I kindly suggest that this specialisation is being made a pre-requisite for enrollment into the IBM Full Stack Developer Professional Certificate.

Thank you very much for your time.

By Lara Ž

Jun 19, 2022

After having followed another Course on Coursera, rating that one with 5*, I'm sorry to not be able to give this one more than 3*. It is a dry course - I watched it on double speed and it still felt as some video from the 80s (minus the modern graphics). The instructor who is listed - can't remember seeing his face once. The other instructors, where there, ranged from meh to good.

I would also not say this is a beginner course. People with limited computer knowledge would have a hard time just picking this up - they'd need to do lots of researching on the side.

The assignment at the end is disproportionately easy compared to the rest of the course.

Overall: Yes, I did get bombarded with a lot of info. But will I retain it? Not sure.

By Youssouf A T

Dec 20, 2024

I learnt about existing cloud carrier paths and cloud components such as object storage. I previously though AWS S3 was just a commercial product that i wouldn't use so i didn't pay much attention to it. Now i know why it's supported by the Laravel framework and often mentioned in software development projects. Some quizz answers can have multiple truethy answers but you have to select the exact answer that was told in the course, it's sometimes annoying. My main consern is that the course is kind of too verbose and long, it could be shorter. Sometimes it feels like an ad, other times like a news paper article. Overall thanks to the team behind it. I'm glad i finished it.

By MotasemBellah E

Feb 20, 2025

the hands-on labs don't work due to IBM trial account blocking certain features behind a paywall and the course doesn't go in-depth or give a chance to apply anything you learn apart from the pure theory behind it though that much is to be expected from an introduction course so it is an okay place to start for someone completely new to the field and would like to learn the jargon and get a high-level overview of how things function however there are no practical tests. would give it a 4 if the labs worked.

By Kochetov D

Aug 19, 2022

The course itself is very informative and quite useful for everybody working in IT. However there were some drawbacks. First of all, I was really annoyed by continious errors and problems of coursera service. First I couldn't take that course and pay, then there was a problem with completing the last assignment. It took too much time to resolve all these technical issues. But the filling of that course is powerful and at the end I was able to resolve all the errors with help of support.

By Melinda A

May 21, 2024

The robot narration and plain presentation slides make it harder for the studies to be engaging. Also, at times it was hard to grasp what the main takeaways were; there were useful summary pages, but the quizzes would ask specific questions that pertain to details of a situation. However, I did appreciate the insights from real professionals in the field. All in all, I would prefer more visualizations, more questions on the key takeaways, and an instructor to present the course.

By William S

Feb 11, 2022

I have some experience in cloud computing prior to this, and I'm happy to say I learned a significant amount from this course. However, it didn't strike me as information that was very useful. The basics were covered, but only really definitions of those basics, without much hands on work. It was a course that I'd tell business leaders to take if they were thinking about moving to the cloud, but if you want to become a cloud engineer, I'm not sure that this is worth your time.

By Phillip T

Mar 24, 2022

The class gives a nice introduction to cloud computing and very easy to understand. The Final Assignment's method and criteria for grading is kind of stupid. It requires the help of other students peer-reviewing and most are not serious at reviewing and tend to give really bad grades for correct work or really good grades for mediocer work. If there was some sort of actual review/grading system or atleast questions that don't require "peer review" would've been better.

By Richa

May 17, 2023

The course was very detailed but the Cloud account making should not be made into a graded assignment, especially because signing up into IBM Cloud, even for free/trail version is just not user friendly. I tried with three different emails. And even after that I could not create the "free plan" stuffs. I could see others struggle with that too, because it's a peer graded one. Almost the whole discussion is also filled with complains of failed attempts.

By Roman S

Oct 3, 2024

Pros This is a very informative and fresh course. It's easy to navigate and has a consistent format. Cons The narration volume of videos was too low and inconsistent. The Cloud IDE lab was slow, buggy, and only worked in Firefox. One of the graded assessments had a duplicate question. One of the wrong answer explanations on a quiz was incorrect. All courses should work well with the Edge as it's the most advanced AI-powered browser.