Apr 19, 2019
perfect for beginner level. all the concepts with code and parameter wise have been explained excellently. overall best course in making anyone eager to learn from basics to handle advances with ease.
Jan 30, 2022
This is totally one of the hardest course I've ever taken on Coursera. It's packed with knowledge I did not know before. Definitely recommended for people who want to learn data analysis with Python.
By Manoj M
•Apr 1, 2021
Great Course which gave in detail information and Hands on lab about different visualization libraries available in Python such as Matplotlib, Seaborn and plotly for charts and dashboards. Useful course to understand and learn data visualization
By Guy B
•Sep 24, 2019
Great course. few things to make it perfect:
more mathematic explanations required.
more details and explanations about the code itself - the methods and the opportunities inside it.
make the videos more interesting and not so monotonic and boring.
By mustapha b
•Jan 6, 2020
I thank Mr. Joe Santarcangelo 🙏🏼 who helped me learn how to prepare data for hashtag#analysis, perform simple hashtag#statistical analysis, create meaningful hashtag#data visualizations and hashtag#predict future trends from the data👨🏼💻.
By Ronald A
•Aug 17, 2020
The videos explained carefully the structure of the codes and explained the result. The graded quizzes and particularly the final project is also very helpful because it will let you review your notes and test your understanding of the course.
By Swapna N
•May 13, 2020
It was a wonderful experience in learning the course. It was completely a practical approach. I enjoyed the process of assignment submission and reviewing peers assignments. I would highly recommend the course for everyone. Thanks once again.
By Mike F
•Oct 18, 2019
Outstanding course! Valuable information and methodologies all with clear and concise presentation. The labs are detailed and filled with awesome examples. Coursework is intuitive and easy to understand. I would highly recommend this course.
•Jan 19, 2023
I have really enjoyed doing this course. The videos, the assignments, the exams, all of them cover very interesting and challenging topics, such as data modeling with different techniques used in machine learning. Thanks IBM and Coursera!
By Saurabh M
•Aug 31, 2020
Its very nicely designed course .Its designed such that you get brush up your fundamentals and get to know the real taste of statistics and probability applying practically to real world. i really enjoyed and earned a valuable knowledge.
By Ricardo S
•Feb 24, 2020
La calidad de los cursos de coursera es excelente. Obviamente tienen detalles que se deben trabajar como algunas presentaciones que no coinciden con las voces en off. Sin embargo con suspicacia se pueden solventar estos infimos detalles.
By Krishnamurthy A
•Nov 13, 2022
I applied for financial aid and got approved with the same.I am yet to start with the course but am getting the message assignment overdue.Kindly push the dates so that I will be able to complete the courses and assignments comfortably
By Ritik K
•Jul 2, 2020
I learnt a lot in this course, the teaching way is quite good with animation and real life based example. I must say the course is designed very carefully. I want to thanks all the course creators to gave us such a great opportunity..
By Jafed E G
•Jul 6, 2019
I enjoy the lectures. The professor has a good speaking and teaching style which keeps me interested. Lots of concrete math examples which make it easier to understand. Very good slides which are well formulated and easy to understand
By Mahdi G
•Jun 14, 2023
Really it is Worthfull Course. Helpfull Training Method. Nice Videos & Specially The Labs Are Worthfull & Helpfull.
I extend my thanks and gratitude To Coursera & IBM To give me chance learning. i Say Best Wishes & Regards. u r great
By V.S.S. T
•May 15, 2020
Very helpful and useful course especially for beginners who are willing to gain knowledge on Data Analysis. I would recommend starting with this course for those who are interested in mastering their skills in Data Science later on.
By Richard M
•Jul 10, 2023
El curso hace na revisión a nivel básico de aspectos que te conducen a la realización del análisis de datos, utilizando comandos no solo de librerías de Python como Pandas, sino tambien de conceptos fundamentales de estadística.
By Zwanga R
•Jan 27, 2022
The course was very interesting and exciting. The videos were well presented and laid out in a way that is easy to follow and eager to learn follow. Assignments and exercises made us quite interactive and I really enjoyed that.
By Muhamad F
•Jan 29, 2025
All the practice is extraordinary and based on real scenario! Without coach i would be lost forever. my tips is always using whenever you got lost because the module do not fully explain the logic behind every syntax or step.
By Sayak P
•May 13, 2020
This course is based mostly on very basic concepts , it's good for those lacking the slightest knowledge in the field of statistics , but yes for beginners it's pretty fine.I loved the presentation of those labs,quite useful
By Daniela V
•Nov 3, 2022
Excelente curso. Con ejercicios prácticos y un nivel más experto de Python explorando otras librerías mas complejas y con mayor aplicación en machine learning y estadística. La metodología del curso es muy dinámica y amena.
By Phil L
•May 31, 2020
Really good course. More challenging than I expected. I expect it will take a few applications of the concepts to get them down 100%. Very good presentation of material. The labs were critical to learning the concepts.
•Feb 25, 2019
The course perfectly fits those who has some knowledge on python and want to do data analysis with it. It explains how professionals would process data, build model with the data, and use the model to solve a real problem.
By Bhargav M
•Sep 14, 2024
Good course. Gives you the skills you need to analyze data with python. I had to spend even more time because I straight up took this course without much idea of statistics and I wanted to really understand the concepts.
By Min T A
•Mar 18, 2021
This course covers exploratory data analysis and even furthers onto machine learning with some key statistical introduction such as Linear Regression, Correlation, P-value, F-score, etc, explained in its most clear form.
By K58 L D Q
•Sep 25, 2021
A very interesting and informative course. I have access to the foundational knowledge in using Python for Data Analysis. The labs are helpful as well. I know I can apply the lesson I've learned in real life, real work.
By Pranav K J
•May 10, 2020
Very good course and well designed , so that a new person also can understand it very well. They way it is taught is admirable. I will recommend, the aspiring data science Engineer, must take this course specialisation!