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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Personal & Professional Productivity by University of California, Irvine

16,353 ratings

About the Course

You will be able to gain and apply your knowledge and understanding of personal and professional awareness, organization and commitment,
and use the tools, methods and techniques that you have learned in goal setting, prioritization, scheduling, and delegation to overcome time
management challenges and enhance productivity. Upon completing this course, you will be able to: 1. Learn to plan effectively to achieve
your personal and professional goals 2. Learn to recognize and overcome barriers to successful time management 3. Identify specific
time management tools and use them effectively 4. Manage resources both effectively and efficiently 5. Keep your se...

Top reviews


Aug 1, 2020

Simple, lucid and engaging with real-time practical challenges. Resource material like formats, slides and link to articles and youtube video (loved the one on Multitasking in Week 4) are beneficial.


Dec 1, 2020

Excellent presentation in a succinct, easily comprehended style. Loved the video links about multi-tasking. Wow! It totally makes sense that we've got that all wrong--even as it applies to computers.

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101 - 125 of 3,415 Reviews for Work Smarter, Not Harder: Time Management for Personal & Professional Productivity

By Legna H

Aug 18, 2021

I found it helpful overall. It gave me practical tips to use on my work life, and changed some misconceptions I had about things like multitasking and work/life balance. It also teach me with base the importance of having a work plan and measure the activities I do usually and where could I be spending more time than necessary.

By Victor Q

Nov 1, 2020

The course was concisely presented. Valuable information gained thru online learning will be helpful for my career and personal development. Thank you very much to the instructor, Margaret Meloni, MBA,PMP. Special thanks as well to the Department of Science and Technology (DOST), Philippines and Coursera for this opportunity.

By Vidya S

Sep 28, 2020

I learnt a lot ,It boosts me to work efficiently in my career. Gives important tips and pointers to a smarter working style. Outstanding course with a simple & practical suggestions on time management and improving personal & professional productivity. Narratives of clients is very well used to understand the concept.

By Ali H

May 20, 2020

Look Time is most important thing we got in this world, and if we invest it in true manner it, we'll be paid back more than we imagined ever, so this course is all about how we should invest our time in most efficient manner, as we are not going to get that minute again(which we lost in unproductive work).

By Zylyka G

Oct 6, 2020

The lessons are simple yet effective. They're easy to digest and apply. It's also really helpful to feel because being orderly isn't only for workaholics. Even people who have multiple personal tasks (especially for freelancers) can also use this time management to have a a good cycle of rest and tasks.

By Sara C

Sep 16, 2022

I really enjoyed this module. It put alot of things from my previous positon into perspective...I now realize that while my workload was extremely demanding with alot of liability, it was not impossible. It could have been something I succeeded in had I taken this course prior to taking that position.

By Dai N

May 16, 2021

In my opinion, the course is very helpful to me once I am a fresh in career path. It covers all mistakes I have made and offers solution for each to improve and complete. The content is well-planned and reach the objectives. Besides, there also have actual example to demonstrate what the course dóe.

By Glenda J T

Apr 29, 2020

This courseware is very helpful.It offers lots of tips and adequate scenarios that everybody in a workforce can relate. It also provides the work plan and graphs that illustrate the samples mentioned in the lecture. I am so happy that I took this course. I will surely apply what I've learned here.

By Andrew A B I

May 29, 2016

Very good course. It was extremely easy for me as I have near-OCD tendencies and am a retired Army veteran. Time management has been one of my biggest practices in the last couple of decades of my life. Everything I've already known to be true was taught in this course. Great blocks of instruction!

By Jose C L M

Jul 7, 2020

This course really gives out very helpful information and tips that can be used all the time and can help to boost work productivity. I'm a student; I have never had an office job yet. However, I see this course as a powerful tool to help me organizing and increase my productivity in college work.

By Maria G A

Jun 27, 2018

Very good course. It has plenty of applications not only on the professional side of life but also on the personal side. It makes you think and go through things we usually take for granted and it actually does help improve the way we work on a daily basis. I'd recommend this course to everybody.

By Danesh F S

Aug 1, 2020

This course if perfect for everyone. It does not require any pre-requisite knowledge and the professor starts the program from scratch and brushes upon several topics and ideas to work smarter and have better time management. A good course for learning to streamline your day and plan in advance.

By Arthi V

Aug 31, 2015

This course is very helpful for me to live an organized life.I understood how I was wasting a lot of time and this course is helping me to do more and more towards my professional and personal development and let me plan things smarter and made me avoid unnecessary stress or tension.Thank You!

By Jan U

Mar 21, 2022

This course has le t me know several processes that will have helped me by the time when I have a new position. Topics such as: Financial Analysis Planning, forecasting and budgeting. Strategic financing. All of these have been of great teaching for this period which I have been living.

By Narain T

Aug 4, 2020

This mini course hit right on the nail without revolving around. Most of the content is based on common sense of doing work. As it is to simple we tend to apply some complicated mind formulas to get the work done. But this course reminds us how keeping things simple can work like a miracle.

By Bingshuai N

Aug 15, 2015

The course is short but contains a lot of things. It helps me to track my time and review what has been done in a day, week, month and year. By studying these statistics I could re-arrange my time of doing things, prioritizing myself and discipline myself. Thanks a lot for this course.

By Greg A

Oct 14, 2022

Great content with (perhaps too) easy quizzes.

There are cute and short animations and no lecture videos. Besides, you can read a number of short texts that summarise the most important ideas with clear examples.

All the knowledge that you learn here can be put in practice immediately,

By Liz J

Jul 3, 2020

Good course for young professionals who need to manage their work load and time for the first time in an office setting. Information taught in this course includes the basics of being self-directed, talking about time management with your direct supervisor, and increasing efficiency.

By Thắng L

Jun 20, 2021

It is very good, it really teaches how to manage time better. You may or may not be able to work intelligently by following the regulations or advice of the course. The instructor is blatantly very good at what she teaches and gives a very professional and accessible guideline.

By Lam T

Jul 15, 2020

The information was presented very succinctly and accessible to the viewer. Examples were clear and illustrate the concept very well. I particularly enjoyed the fact that strategies for working smarter were given, rather than just speaking to unproductive habits we all engage in.

By Sergey K

Apr 5, 2020

A great course to refresh or learn the basics of time management, productivity and project management. Although, I'm a certified PM it was a breath of fresh air. The course helped me to review the fundamentals of productivity with hands on tools to implement in daily routine.

By Christiane S

Aug 19, 2015

Easy to absorb, the audio examples given in video are good for those who do not understand the basic concepts/terms explained in notes alone. I feel this was a helpful short course, that is both efficient and well organised. Really teaches you to work smarter, not harder ;)

By Javier V

Sep 7, 2016

Es muy bueno, enseña realmente como gestionar mejor el tiempo.

Decididamente puedes o no trabajar inteligentemente siguiendo las normativas o consejos del curso.

La instructora es descaradamente muy buena en lo que enseña y da una pauta muy profesional y al alcance de todos.

By Vinod S J

Aug 29, 2020

It is a very good course for working professionals as in daily working condition it helps in doing multiple task in given time & also it is very helpful in time management. By completing this course one can improve his/her efficiency & also give time to his personal life.

By Foivi-Vasiliki C

Jan 24, 2021

This course was very helpful. It combined a lot of interesting information about time management with various examples. There are many practical tips on how to improve your productivity. The way of learning is very simple and all the details shared are up to the point.