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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Science of Well-Being by Yale University

37,605 ratings

About the Course

NEW TEEN VERSION AVAILABLE HERE: In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into your life. THE SCIENCE OF WELL BEING WAS PRODUCED IN PART DUE TO THE GENEROUS FUNDING OF THE DAVID F. SWENSEN FUND FOR INNOVATION IN TEACHING....

Top reviews


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presenter is very good .

i love her.

the content which i learned here in this course is actually intuitive and i have heard and read from different sources , but here its different.

thank you


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This course was really interesting! I loved it. The teacher was amazing and very engaging. And it was my first time doing peer-graded assignments, i was scared but i did it and i'm so proud of myself.

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476 - 500 of 10,000 Reviews for The Science of Well-Being

By Emesh F

Apr 29, 2020

Absolutely awesome course. Well designed, and well put together to keep us engaged and motivated. I always wanted to attend an IVY league institution, but of course financially, and academically I was not up to par with those dreams even if I was an honors student. Being able to attend "virtually" and complete this course, as well as receiving a certificate of completion at the end, is pretty solid. I learned a great deal and promoted this to many military members I know as well as Friends and Family as I believe they can benefit immensely from this course. Thank you Prof Santos and YALE for allowing us the opportunity to attend and complete this course.

By Taoufiq J

Apr 19, 2019

What I learned from this course that we could live all our life without knowing the real meaning of happiness, simply because we haven't the right information.

However now I could say that all my exeptations (Grades, Job, Money, Material things, Love, ...) in life had another impact on my daily life

In Addition, I learnt how to react when I have annonyings futures and replace it with new habits as Gratitude, Support situation, Savoring, Exercice, Social support, bref I have a new Happiness Mindset

Finaly I could say thank you to the teacher Laurie Santos and Yale University, because of you, Now I see life from another perspective

Thank you :)

Taoufiq Janati

By Cíntia V

Jul 22, 2020

Finally, I would like to thanks to Yale University and Professor Laurie Santos for been offering this wonderful Course. I am very grateful for all that this Course have done for me! Furthermore, I am Brazilian and I am not fluent in English Language, so it was a great challenger for me to do a course of well-being in English. I am very thankful to achieve this final moment of the course!

And a last point but not least, I would like to thanks to my colleague who read my responses. I consider English language one of the most beautiful and I am really glad to be able to write in it, despite of the mistakes I may have done in my writting. Please forgive me!

By Belinda T M

Dec 8, 2021

This was a really good course. I enjoyed the videos and science behind it and the fact that Laurie knew we would not be perfect after 4 weeks but gave us strategies to combat the not doing including the WOOP technique. I think I will use this strategy myself. I currently use it for my clients and need to focus on myself to better myself and increase my happiness. I know this is up to me. Great science which proved some of what I had known intuitively such as smiling at people in a museum meant more people smiled back at me and I enjoyed the visit more.

Thanks Laurie. Making it free was also amazing and allows everyone to access this great course.

By Hollie K T W

May 8, 2023

Delighted living is not just action of happiness, joy, and gratefulness- it is a breathing condition of every second. It is a condition where sadness and anger does not have a chance to breath.You own the concepts – the emotional intelligence for anger and the sadness origination. You extinguish and replace anger, depression feelings compassionately with the functions of love, joy, gratefulness and happiness. You live a happy, joyful, delightful well -being life.

Life is generous, justice, and love.

The course is a mountain spring for the desert plants to blossom into beautiful plants. Acting and drinking from the mountain spring revives the student.

By Karen F

Dec 12, 2019

Very methodical. All assignments were challenging. The time for the duration of the course seems appropriate. I liked the reading materials and purchased a few of the books. I noticed the biggest change was when I practiced my character strengths. I wonder why it took me so long to just do the things that make me happy! The science is fascinating. It confirms some of the things I suspected, and also introduced me to new information, especially about how the brain works. I am more appreciative of simple solutions. I feel a forward momentum towards more joy and happiness and I couldn't be more grateful. Thank you Laurie Santos! You did an amazing job!


Oct 2, 2020

Fue maravilloso empezar el curso con tantas expectativas, al final fueron muchas las dificultades contra las que tuve que luchar porque me desmotivé un poco al no recibir los frutos de un lindo trabajo y luego viendo que todos mis compañeros eran igualmente suplicantes para obtener sus calificaciones. Quizá se pueda estudiar otra posibilidad de calificación. Muchas gracias. El curso es excepcional, es maravilloso. Me quedan tareas de recableado en mi vida y en la vida de quienes me rodean, pues es con ellos que comparto permanentemente mis logros y las ganas de creer en mi que ha logrado Coursera.

Gracias, Coursera, una linda labor. Muchas gracias.

By Victoria C

Dec 26, 2022

I'm 75 and retired. For lots of health reasons, I had pretty much mentally and spiritually "closed up shop" expecting death to come soon, especially since my cardiologist and oncologist agreed that I had "about a year" left to live. Well, that was more than five years ago, and a few months ago I was found to be cancer fee and my heart was damaged, but working well with medication. So I decided I needed to live again......and I found this course. I don't think I' m overstating it what I say that this course changed my life. I helped me to set realistic goals for my present health status. I'm thrilled. Thank you so much for this opportunity.

By Adarsh H

Jun 5, 2020

I found the course very interesting and practical. Laurie's sessions were engaging and varied. The discussions with other experts provided an understanding of different techniques/strategies that could be used as well as additional reading material. I am glad i took this course because it made me challenge my assumptions about well being and happiness and not only do i think differently now but actually do exercises to check out the efficacy. And the results have been extremely encouraging. i will recommend this course to everyone who would like to understand how our mind works and what we must be aware of to increase of sense of well being.

By Nicole K

Jun 14, 2018

This course is truly life altering. I've learned so much! Particularly that all those things that we've been chasing all our lives in the hopes of attaining happiness actually don't make us happier. Not to mention many of the things we avoid (I'm looking at you Social Connection) will, in fact, make us way happier. I think everyone should take this course. People honestly have no idea how to be happy and so many of us struggle with finding a reason to get out of bed in the morning. It shouldn't be like that. We all deserve happiness. I am forever grateful that I stumbled upon this course. It has changed my life. Thank You Yale and Laurie Santos.

By Michelle C

Mar 2, 2021

This is such a great informative course. I have learnt a lot during my studies during the course with such in-depth information and readings available to us. The 4 week rewirement challenge allows you to put the information you have learnt into practice. You feel it’s all worth while when you achieve your goals during the rewirement process. Starting with your Happiness and Well-being scores at the beginning and having them re tested at the end is also a good tool to see where your improvements are. At the beginning I did not sign up for the certificate but by the end I signed up to have the certificate to show my commitment to the course. 🙏🏼

By Anna L C

Nov 11, 2020

I did this course after listening to The Happiness Lab and really enjoyed it. I love that all the information is based on studies and actual results. Everything that's discussed in this course is really interesting and I feel like my emotional intelligence has gotten so much better. I was able to understand a lot of things about myself and create paths to successfully implement better habits in my life. Really appreciate all that I've learned, have shared a lot of my knowledge with the people around me. Definitely recommend if you want to learn what are some things you can do - and how to do them - and feel happier. And who wouldn't want that?

By Lynne S

Aug 17, 2020

This course was wonderful. It provided me with many tools that I will use continually throughout my life. The tools are easy to use, science-based and practical. The information in this course is well substantiated with science-backed studies, references to further readings and very data driven. I learned so much about human behaviour and in particular, my own mis-conceptions and mind growth. The content was interesting and Professor Santos was so engaging. All of the rewirement activities taught me so much about my mind set and how to actually promote change in my life for my own well-being. Thank you for this course. It is life-changing.

By Roubayi z

Dec 13, 2022

Overall experience, through this course and practice, I seem to have opened the door to a new world. I know that through practice, I can improve my sense of happiness. It depends on human effort. In fact, happiness is very simple. It is something we have ignored before. Pick it up and continue with practice, there will be more positive emotions, and things around me seem to be moving in a good direction, like a positive cycle, life suddenly brightens up, and life is full of strength. I plan to share this course with more people, so that they can also change their cognition, practice happiness operations, and improve their sense of well-being.

By Jacqueline M

May 9, 2020

I really enjoyed this course and found it very helpful during this difficult time of the pandemic. It gave some practical tools to use and some surprising elements which challenged some preconceptions. I already knew some of the concepts but this is a very good package and approach. I particularly liked WOOP as a strategy and will definitely use it in my life and work. Its important to address obstacles in advance as they can be very demotivating.

Professor Santos makes a very large amount of information and detail easily digestible and was a pleasure to learn from. I am very grateful for this course and would highly recommend it to others.

By Allen R

Feb 16, 2023

I thought it was a great class. The material was well organized and presented in a progressive manner so learning was a breeze. I can see why this class is the most sought out class at Yale.

I wish you had a class for the parents of the undergrads. Much of the pressure and material expectations come from external sources. Kids are taught what success looks like from the parents eyes. Students wouldn't be so stressed all the time and enjoy the journey. I am retired, a boomer, and my kids are through grad school so I understand quite well what drives the Gen Z population. Gen alpha will have similar challenges. Buckel up for a bumpy ride!


Sep 17, 2019

I rate the course as excellent!

Professor Laurie Santos has engaged students, like me, who live thousands of miles from YALE.

The content was fabulous and motivated me to leave my comfort zone (I was a sedentary person and after the course, I motivated myself to do physical activities on a regular basis).

I learned many concepts that will help me in my daily life. The ones I loved the most were: MISWANTING; Consciously practice SAVORING, learn about GROWTH MINDSET and MIND-WANDERING and the WOOP Method.

The weekly rewirements were awesome!

Congratulations to the entire team! You were brilliant!

Receive an affectionate thanks from Brazil!

By Daniela B

Sep 6, 2019

Even if I was a bit skeptical in the beginning, after the first week I realized this course offers precious insight about the way our mind works and all the ways it can trick us.

Laurie is the kind of teacher I wish I had when I was still in school and it was very easy to follow her and to pay attention.

I recommend this course to anybody interested in getting to know more about themselves and about the actual things that do make us happy. The information is well structured and valuable and you have lots of resources (books, studies, interviews) if you want to find out more about a particular topic discussed in the course.



By Kaycee M

Jun 14, 2020

This course has been very engaging and useful. It's made me aware of misconceptions about happiness and features of my mind that make it hard to be happy. The most useful part of the course for me has been learning about strategies that have been proven to increase happiness and putting them into practice through the rewirements. I think this course is so valuable as it gives you a greater awareness about what can impact your happiness and wellbeing and because it helps you build habits that can lead to a more happy and fulfilling life. I would recommend it anyone - I think there is something for everyone to learn and get out of it.

By Thủy

Jun 29, 2020

I found this course through a YouTube video, when I was struggling with all of my negativity. To be honest, I have come across these concepts somewhere on the internet while I was searching for positivity on my own. Still, hearing it from esteemed researchers give me great comfort. I really like the professor, because she seems to truly care, and the way she spoke comforts me somehow. I also learned about critical thinking through the extra questions posed by the students. The course provided materials for extensive reading, I really appreciate it. I'm trying hard to implement what I've learnt. "Knowing is not half the battle".

By Paul H

Jun 20, 2020

This course was excellent. Professor Santos was kind, engaging and brilliant. I enjoyed the data driven, scientific foundation of the lectures. The collateral materials, especially a couple of the earlier TED Talks with Seligman and Gilbert were great. I also found the application of the science to my daily life in the rewirement challenge to be extremely illuminating about the underlying principles and learnings in the course. I am very grateful for: (1) the learnings from this course; (2) my rewirement successes to date; and (3) the growth mindset driven motivation to strive for more rewiring and happiness in the future.

By Dimo D

Jun 4, 2020

This course is really wonderful. It gives a new perspective to things. It is amazing how simple steps are needed for one to be happy. Yes, in theory they are very simple, but in pracitce they are certainly not. The good things about the course is that it pushes you to go outside your comfort zone by giving you rewirement challenges and making you give a feedback. In this way it is much easier to be persistent with the new practices and also it helps you create new habits. I would definitely recommend this course for everyone who is trying to create a better version of himself/herself! Well done professor, you are truly amazing!

By Teresa J W

Jun 30, 2020

Dr Laurie Santos' course is packed with unexpected information on what makes us happy. She has a clear sense of how to present the material in a manner that makes i clear and easily understood. The articles she cites are fascinating. I feel as if I have taken the course in person due to her easy manner and kind comments. Thank you so very much Dr. Santos, for this wonderful course that can be a springboard for improving our perceptions of what we want and even further growth. I am grateful to have found this course, especially in these strange times and to be able to study these very interesting subjects with Dr. Santos.

By Stephanie S L

Jun 14, 2018

This course has giving me the chance to see how I have been living my life all along, even when it is still focused for Yale students, you Coursera and Dr. Lauren, can´t imagine how helpful this is for my life, I recently was left alone, my husband left without a logical and apparent reason, and I thought I never could stop feeling sad. With some of the tactis seen here, I have learned how to make myself a little happier each day and along the road help others. For me is much more than a simple online class, I really hope to have the chance to hear that this life-class is applied in my country Colombia, to help others like me.

By Julya M

May 27, 2020

Overall, this was a delightful experience. The content of the course was immediately applicable and easily sharable. While some of the information was familiar to me, the reminders and recommendations were timely and supported me through a challenging time. I appreciated the pace with which thee rewirements were presented. Having a week to focus on each one provided valuable insight and personal learning. The 4-week challenge was helpful to solidify the integration of at least one of the rewirements within my daily workflow. The additional resources were very meaningful. Thank you, Dr. Laurie Santos, for your dedication