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Learner Reviews & Feedback for The Science of Well-Being by Yale University

37,612 ratings

About the Course

NEW TEEN VERSION AVAILABLE HERE: In this course you will engage in a series of challenges designed to increase your own happiness and build more productive habits. As preparation for these tasks, Professor Laurie Santos reveals misconceptions about happiness, annoying features of the mind that lead us to think the way we do, and the research that can help us change. You will ultimately be prepared to successfully incorporate a specific wellness activity into your life. THE SCIENCE OF WELL BEING WAS PRODUCED IN PART DUE TO THE GENEROUS FUNDING OF THE DAVID F. SWENSEN FUND FOR INNOVATION IN TEACHING....

Top reviews


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This course has the power enough to change the course of your life. It can be a journey from misery to well being, if you follow the instructions given in this program. A must must must attend course.


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presenter is very good .

i love her.

the content which i learned here in this course is actually intuitive and i have heard and read from different sources , but here its different.

thank you

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651 - 675 of 10,000 Reviews for The Science of Well-Being

By Marly G

Aug 17, 2020

Its been such a great experience, an amazing and wonderful journey.

I'm very thankful to the teacher, who helped me just just so much(thank you so much teacher)

The best things is, that if in some random moment, i feel bad or stressed, i can always come back here, and reread or re listen, which for me is just amazing.

I totally recommend this to everybody.

I would love to give more stars, but unfortunately, i can't.

Thank you so much, miss Laurie Santos, i am deeply thankful to you , and i will always treasure this place,thanks.

By Daniel Y

May 27, 2020

I thoroughly enjoyed the course. I was a good blend of lecture and planned work. I believe there were several key areas that a person could learn from and implement in their daily lives, to help them live happier ones. Dr. Santos is great. I like how she committed to some of the challenges herself, and was honest enough to admit they are not always easy to complete. I really liked the continue to learn sections, with additional resources. Because, even if the course is ending, our ability to learn doesn't necessarily have to.

By Jude h

Sep 2, 2021

The course has lead me on a journey of discovery and real interest on the topic of well being and happiness. During the course I ventured out to podcasts,and in particular "the happiness Lab",Meditative Story" and continue to really enjoy listening and learning.

I must admit I have become a follower of Laurie Santos - if I wasable to give her a gratitude letter in person I would BUT NZ is a long way away !!

I know I among millions who have done this course and that speaks for itself as far as review stars go>


By Rowena J S

May 16, 2019

Super informative and super inspiring. Plus, Prof. Laurie Santos explains everything in a really relatable way. Through this course, I've become more sensitive and conscious about my purchases, about how I spend my time, and how I take care of myself and the people around me. It helped me realize that being happy means being intentional in your goals and in your actions. I'd love to review over and over the lessons here because I know there is still so much I can take from them. Thank you, Prof. Laurie, Yale, and Coursera!!!

By Alua

May 5, 2020

Probably the best course I've taken in my life, both online and offline. The charming teacher explains the basics of how our brains are wired and provides tools to rewire them for our own good in an easy and digestible way.

Thank you so much for the course and the opportunity to finally believe I am capable of change :) Finally adopted all the habits I wanted to have for years. Certainly feeling myself way happier.

Good luck to all the students! And remember that knowing theory is one thing, but practise makes it all real <3

By history

May 26, 2020

Content: Wonderful, insightful material, very competently presented.

On communication: the instructor needs to do a careful assessment of her speech habits. They are thoroughly cliched in intonation and words, e.g., the word "like" is used ad nauseaum. A critically-minded professor should not be a mirror of all the cliches, verbal intonations and fill words used in her current social context. Divest yourself, as much as possible, of all contemporary speech habits that detract from clear, concise and effective communication.

By Rebecca D

Jul 7, 2021

The content was great, but not challenging, which surprised me. The information was clear and made good sense to me. I wish I had taken the live course in the Yale classroom so I could have asked Dr. Santos questions, but that doesn't change my opinion of this course. I learned a lot about ways to increase my happiness. The assignments were where the change really started to happen, of course! I saw a whopping 35% increase in my happiness levels, and I feel more capable to continue improving my happiness with these tools.

By Katarzyna H

May 31, 2020

This was my first online course like that, I really enjoyed combination of theory and practical rewirements. It made such a huge difference! Even forums, peer review and grading was a nice surprise, as it created this whole community and the feeling that we are all human and struggle sometimes and want to get better. It definitely created a lot of support structure.

I liked the format of the course and videos with some notes. I could do it when doing other things, like cooking, which made it easier to complete the course.

By Christine H

Feb 24, 2020

This course gives you science-based tools to implement in your life. It leads you through chosing one of the tools to work on daily for the last 4 weeks of the class and then you evaluate yourself to see if you have felt any improvement. This is a wonderful course you will carry with you the rest of your life and follow. It offers reality checks of what really makes you happy and you may be surprised at the science behind some of the answers. The lectures are very interesting the readings go more in-depth on the subjects.

By Esther C

Jul 8, 2020

This was an awakening. It was life-changing for all of us who believe in the pursuit of happiness and well-being. What I thought I wanted, needed, and longed for in my life was challenged. I am now pursuing something far greater. The epiphany that came with this course is not explained in the syllabus. Truly living within the rewirements and learning from them is provocative. Application of the tools is paramount to the course remaining alive in you long after the prestigious YALE certification fades in your inbox.

By Naiia L

Jul 5, 2020

I began this course at the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, when Southern California first went into lock-down. Having a course dedicated to maintaining happiness and healthy habits was crucial to my well-being, and aided greatly in finding the moments in life to be thankful for. For anyone interested, it's not a "fluffy" course and provides quantitative data & example to substantiate what's being taught. Highly recommended and WILL make you a better-balanced individual, or at least make you realize why you might not be.

By Erin J

Jan 1, 2019

This course has been super enlightening and through the use of actual qualitative studies has shared and shown the effectiveness of some incredibly easy and meaningful techniques to improve one's own well-being. The casual discussion format is easy to follow, and several times I've found myself surprised at the inaccuracies of what I thought I knew about increasing happiness versus what I've learned in this course. Also a great introduction to so many accessible resources to continue on after the course ends! Thank you!

By Erin M

Mar 20, 2021

I honestly think EVERYONE should take this course. I can only imagine what a better place we'd all be in if we understood what happiness is really based on and how to feel it more frequently. The choices we'd make would be different. The hours of the day would be spent differently. Our actions would be different. Our head space would be filled with different, better, more productive things. Overall, our communities would all be so much better and happier if everyone took this course and really took it to heart as well.

By Wendy S

Dec 14, 2020

What a wonderful course! I love the mix of mind and heart because both are important in life.

Thank you Professor Santos - this can be so helpful and grounding to people of all ages. I am 54 and this has been so helpful and grounding during this crazy time. I have recommended it so pretty much everyone I know. I would especially love my kids (high school and college students) to participate. What wonderful tools and awarenesses to have at a young and potentially stressful time in life.

Have a fantastic holiday!

By Julianne N

Jul 6, 2020

This course incorporates not only the research and science of well-being, but actively trains you to incorporate several habits into your daily routine to help you achieve a better quality of life. I appreciated the real-world application, as well as the paradigm-shifting science behind the activities. I expect (from Dr Santos' example) that this will be a lifelong endeavor; I will fail many times (thank you, hedonic adaptation!). But I believe that I have gained several skills that will help me continue to improve.

By Karin M

Jun 23, 2020

I greatly enjoyed this course, and got a lot out of it. I will say that incorporating life changes habits into a daily routine is easier said than done, especially once the course is over. But I learned a whole lot about strenghtening social connections, choosing experiences over things, and taking the time to appreciate and ENJOY the little things in life. I loved the studies that Lori referenced, truly making it the SCIENCE of Well Being. I feel I'm a better person (or at least on my way) since taking the course.

By Barb K

Dec 8, 2019

Thank you so much Laurie for providing this course. As an educator I found the information fascinating. Particularly the information on grades. I have actually used some of the data you showed with students with interesting results.

The course was invaluable. It was a perfect combination of theory and practical information. The data was really informative and it gave me a lot to think about. My top character skill was Love of Learning and I certainly loved this course and the knowledge I gained. Again, thank you.

By Justin H

Jun 5, 2020

Really good course. I feel like I learned so much. I do wish that the final rewirement challenge, was more of a challenge academically. For me I would have gotten a lot of benefit from a very in depth writing assignment that forced me to go back through the lectures to remind myself of the academic theories. However, I do appreciate that this manner of doing it was probably better for not excluding some people. This course was incredibly interesting both from a personal standpoint for my life as well as theoretically.

By Elizabeth R

Jul 10, 2022

This is a course that has helped me realize the valuable things in life. We, many times focus on material, irrelevant, minor stuff and let all the good things pass us by. This course has helped me see what is important in life. How important meditating is, planning, figure out our way to get to our goal (WOOP). It has been therapeutic to learn week by week the different methods and techniques we can use to drag ourselves to the present time and enjoy, savour, the moment living in the present. An absolute eye-opener!

By Elizabeth D

Jan 24, 2022

I love the combination of teaching the science of what actually makes us happy (spoiler - it's not stuff!) and practical exercises to build the habit of actually doing the things that contribute to our well-being. At first I felt like things were going too slowly and I could practice more than one technique at a time, but I realised while doing it that I needed to slow down and focus on each technique if I wanted to make it a habit and learn how to adapt it to make it work best for me. I highly recommend this course.

By Margot T

Jun 22, 2020

This course has been very impactful for me. I've found myself rethinking goal setting and setting priorities that are a lot more connected to my actual well being. The course did a great job of stating that a lot of what we think will make us happy (work accomplishments, grades, being rich, losing weight, etc) will actually affect very little of our baseline happiness. While daily practices and things like gratitude, sleep, exercise, tapping into our strengths, have a much bigger impact in our day to day well-being.

By Charlene G

Apr 7, 2021

I thought this was a great course, it really made me think. It also was very self reflective, I realized through taking this course that I am responsible for my own happiness.

I enjoyed the weekly lessons and could feel myself becoming more content with every passing week. My husband noticed I was more relaxed and happy.

Professor Santos was very well organized and she knew her stuff. She was a joy to listen to and made the course fun and relatable.

I would and have recommend this course to others.

Thank you so much!

By Sarah S

Jun 7, 2020

This course literally changed my life. Not only did it reduce anxiety attacks, decrease depression and boost my overall happiness and wellness, it actually helped give me the courage to quit my job and strike out on a new career path as a solopreneur copywriter. Through this course I realized what a detrimental effect my job was having on my mental health and wellness and so by implementing the tools and lessons learned, I made the change for the better! Thank you so much, Laurie. Couldn't have done it without you!

By Chalee B

Dec 28, 2020

Dr. Laurie is so engaging and likeable. The content and issues that she discussed were relatable and I found myself involuntarily nodding and agreeing with many of the issues/topics that she discussed throughout the 10 weeks in this course. I do wish there was a little more interaction other than the forms to keep track of your rewirements or that the app was a little more updated, but otherwise I really enjoyed this course and would recommend it to anyone who wants to change their outlook and perspective on life!

By Eugenia P

Nov 27, 2020

I loved this course! I enrolled in it initially because I was noticing that I was starting to get very depressed and sad (COVID-19, Job Loss, Etc). Professor Santos was engaging and easy to understand, she was relatable and the class flowed nicely. My mood has improved dramatically since taking this course and I have shared this course with many of my friends and on my blog

Thank you Coursera, Yale University and Doctor Santos for a Great course that really makes a huge difference in people's lives!