IBM AI Engineering

Completed by JACOB P STROCK

November 22, 2021

Approximately 2 months at 10 hours a week to complete

Course Certificates Completed

Machine Learning with Python

Building Deep Learning Models with TensorFlow

AI Capstone Project with Deep Learning

Introduction to Deep Learning & Neural Networks with Keras

Introduction to Computer Vision and Image Processing

Deep Neural Networks with PyTorch


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98K Students Enrolled

View certificate for JACOB P  STROCK, IBM AI Engineering, offered through Coursera. Learners who have completed this 6 course Professional Certificate have a practical understanding of Machine Learning (ML) & Deep Learning (DL). They have technical skills to start a career in AI Engineering, and can:
•	Implement ML algorithms including Classification, Regression, Clustering, and Dimensional Reduction using scipy & scikitlearn
•	Perform ML on Big Data and deploy ML Algorithms and Pipelines on Apache Spark
•	Demonstrate understanding of Deep Learning models such as autoencoders, restricted Boltzmann machines,  convolutional networks, recursive neural networks, and recurrent networks
•	Build deep learning models and neural networks using Keras, PyTorch and Tensorflow libraries
•	Demonstrate ability to present and communicate outcomes of deep learning projects

Course Certificates

Earned after completing each course in the Specialization

Machine Learning with Python


Taught by: SAEED AGHABOZORGI & Joseph Santarcangelo

Completed by: JACOB P STROCK by June 26, 2021

5-6 weeks of study, 3-6 hours per week

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Building Deep Learning Models with TensorFlow


Taught by: Samaya Madhavan, Ricky Shi, Alex Aklson, Romeo Kienzler, Joseph Santarcangelo, JEREMY NILMEIER & IBM Skills Network Team

Completed by: JACOB P STROCK by June 29, 2021

7 weeks of study, 2–3 hours per week

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AI Capstone Project with Deep Learning


Taught by: Alex Aklson & Joseph Santarcangelo

Completed by: JACOB P STROCK by November 22, 2021

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Introduction to Deep Learning & Neural Networks with Keras


Taught by: Alex Aklson

Completed by: JACOB P STROCK by July 5, 2021

2 - 3 hours/week

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Introduction to Computer Vision and Image Processing


Taught by: Aije Egwaikhide & Joseph Santarcangelo

Completed by: JACOB P STROCK by July 3, 2021

6 weeks of study, 3-4 hours/week (Approximately 15 hours to complete)

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Deep Neural Networks with PyTorch


Taught by: Joseph Santarcangelo

Completed by: JACOB P STROCK by June 28, 2021

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