Creating Business Value with Data and Looker

Completed by Tyler Brassel

June 19, 2023

Approximately 1 months at 10 hours a week to complete

Course Certificates Completed

Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud

Analyzing and Visualizing Data in Looker

Developing Data Models with LookML

View certificate for Tyler Brassel, Creating Business Value with Data and Looker, offered through Coursera. In this three-course specialization, learners explore Looker and the value of data in an organization.  The learning journey includes understanding data’s role in an organization’s digital transformation, how a business analyst can use Looker to analyze and visualize data, and finally the skills needed to be a LookML developer who creates data experiences for self-serve exploration, analysis, and visualization by business users at their organization.

Course Certificates

Earned after completing each course in the Specialization

Exploring Data Transformation with Google Cloud

Google Cloud

Taught by: Google Cloud Training

Completed by: Tyler Brassel by June 8, 2023

1 week of study, 3-4 hours/week

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Analyzing and Visualizing Data in Looker

Google Cloud

Taught by: Google Cloud Training

Completed by: Tyler Brassel by June 15, 2023

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Developing Data Models with LookML

Google Cloud

Taught by: Google Cloud Training

Completed by: Tyler Brassel by June 19, 2023

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