June 7, 2023
Approximately 3 months at 10 hours a week to completeAFONSO DIELA's account is verified. Coursera certifies their successful completion of University of Toronto Self-Driving Cars Specialization.
Course Certificates Completed
Introduction to Self-Driving Cars
State Estimation and Localization for Self-Driving Cars
Visual Perception for Self-Driving Cars
Motion Planning for Self-Driving Cars
Understand the detailed architecture and components of a self-driving car software stack
Implement methods for static and dynamic object detection, localization and mapping, behaviour and maneuver planning, and vehicle control
Use realistic vehicle physics, complete sensor suite: camera, LIDAR, GPS/INS, wheel odometry, depth map, semantic segmentation, object bounding boxes
Demonstrate skills in CARLA and build programs with Python
Earned after completing each course in the Specialization
University of Toronto
Taught by: Steven Waslander & Jonathan Kelly
Completed by: AFONSO DIELA by March 21, 2023
7 weeks of study, 5-6 hours per week
University of Toronto
Taught by: Jonathan Kelly & Steven Waslander
Completed by: AFONSO DIELA by April 25, 2023
4 weeks of study, 5-6 hours per week
University of Toronto
Taught by: Steven Waslander & Jonathan Kelly
Completed by: AFONSO DIELA by May 22, 2023
6 weeks of study, 5-6 hours per week
University of Toronto
Taught by: Steven Waslander & Jonathan Kelly
Completed by: AFONSO DIELA by June 7, 2023