September 21, 2023
Approximately 1 months at 10 hours a week to completeVASILEIOS TSOUVALAS's account is verified. Coursera certifies their successful completion of Infosec Advanced Python Scripting for Cybersecurity Specialization.
Course Certificates Completed
Advanced Python - Reconnaissance
Establishing Command-and-Control and Finding Credentials
Defensive Python
Learn how to use Python for offensive and defensive cybersecurity
Establish Command-and-Control between the target environment and the attackers infrastructure
Use Python to automate gaining access to a target environment
Earned after completing each course in the Specialization
Taught by: Howard Poston
Completed by: VASILEIOS TSOUVALAS by September 21, 2023
Taught by: Howard Poston
Completed by: VASILEIOS TSOUVALAS by September 21, 2023
Taught by: Howard Poston
Completed by: VASILEIOS TSOUVALAS by September 21, 2023