Software Development Lifecycle

Completed by Ton Minh

August 12, 2021

Approximately 2 months at 10 hours a week to complete

Course Certificates Completed

Software Development Processes and Methodologies

Agile Software Development

Lean Software Development

Engineering Practices for Building Quality Software

View certificate for Ton Minh, Software Development Lifecycle, offered through Coursera. The Software Development Lifecycle Specialization covers the process and practices used for software development. At the end of this specialization, the learner will be able to:

1.) Build high-quality and secure software using SDLC methodologies such as agile, lean, and traditional/waterfall.
2.) Analyze a software development team's SDLC methodology and make recommendations for improvements.
3.) Compare and contrast software development methodologies with respect to environmental, organizational, and product constraints.

Course Certificates

Earned after completing each course in the Specialization

Software Development Processes and Methodologies

University of Minnesota

Taught by: Praveen Mittal & Kevin Wendt

Completed by: Ton Minh by August 11, 2021

4 weeks of study, 3-4 hours a week

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Agile Software Development

University of Minnesota

Taught by: Praveen Mittal

Completed by: Ton Minh by August 12, 2021

4 weeks of study, 3-4 hours / week

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Lean Software Development

University of Minnesota

Taught by: Praveen Mittal

Completed by: Ton Minh by August 12, 2021

4 weeks of study with 3-4 hours /week

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Engineering Practices for Building Quality Software

University of Minnesota

Taught by: Kevin Wendt

Completed by: Ton Minh by August 12, 2021

4 weeks of study, 3-7 hours/week

View this certificate