Quantum Computing: from Basics to the Cutting Edge

Completed by Sunil Boopalan

December 10, 2021

Course Certificates Completed

Quantum Computing. Less Formulas - More Understanding

Physical Basics of Quantum Computing

The Introduction to Quantum Computing

One-way Quantum Computation

View certificate for Sunil Boopalan, Quantum Computing: from Basics to the Cutting Edge, offered through Coursera. In this specialization, the student will learn about the principles of quantum computing and how to put these principles into practice.
As part of the first course, the student studies at a basic level with the idea of ​​computing, with mathematical and physical principles that should be laid down in the construction of any model of quantum computing.
In the second course, the student is introduced to the physical principles of quantum computing.
The third course is devoted to a mathematical look at quantum computing models and the problems of quantum algorithms.
The fourth specialization course focuses on an alternative model of quantum computing - one-way (measurement-based) quantum computing.

Course Certificates

Earned after completing each course in the Specialization

Quantum Computing. Less Formulas - More Understanding

Saint Petersburg State University

Taught by: Сысоев Сергей Сергеевич

Completed by: Sunil Boopalan by December 10, 2021

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Physical Basics of Quantum Computing

Saint Petersburg State University

Taught by: Kirill S. Tikhonov, Tatiana Yu. Golubeva, Evgenii Vashukevich & Ivan Vybornyi

Completed by: Sunil Boopalan by December 10, 2021

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The Introduction to Quantum Computing

Saint Petersburg State University

Taught by: Сысоев Сергей Сергеевич

Completed by: Sunil Boopalan by December 10, 2021

5 weeks, 2-4 hours/week

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One-way Quantum Computation

Saint Petersburg State University

Taught by: Sergei Korolev, Evgenii Vashukevich & Tatiana Yu. Golubeva

Completed by: Sunil Boopalan by December 10, 2021

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