Graphic Design Elements for Non-Designers

Completed by Thomas Eloph

April 15, 2023

Approximately 1 months at 10 hours a week to complete

Course Certificates Completed

Basic Elements of Design: Design Principles and Software Overview

Graphic Elements of Design: Color Theory and Image Formats

Textual Elements of Design: Fonts, Typography, and Spacing

Print and Digital Elements of Design: Branding and User Experience

View certificate for Thomas Eloph, Graphic Design Elements for Non-Designers, offered through Coursera. In this hands-on course called Graphic Design Elements for the Non-Designer, you explored graphic design elements, color theory, images, publication design and techniques for creating effective layouts. You also learned about typography, the creative process, the importance of brainstorming, and how to discuss and critique design in a professional setting. Page layout software and online sites were used to incorporate and manipulate text, color, photographs and images.

Course Certificates

Earned after completing each course in the Specialization

Basic Elements of Design: Design Principles and Software Overview

University of Colorado Boulder

Taught by: Lori Poole

Completed by: Thomas Eloph by April 11, 2023

View this certificate

Graphic Elements of Design: Color Theory and Image Formats

University of Colorado Boulder

Taught by: Lori Poole

Completed by: Thomas Eloph by April 10, 2023

View this certificate

Textual Elements of Design: Fonts, Typography, and Spacing

University of Colorado Boulder

Taught by: Lori Poole

Completed by: Thomas Eloph by April 15, 2023

1 week of study; 4-5 hours

View this certificate

Print and Digital Elements of Design: Branding and User Experience

University of Colorado Boulder

Taught by: Lori Poole

Completed by: Thomas Eloph by April 13, 2023

1 week of study; 4-5 hours

View this certificate