Advanced Machine Learning


November 6, 2021

Course Certificates Completed

Introduction to Deep Learning

Addressing Large Hadron Collider Challenges by Machine Learning

Practical Reinforcement Learning

Natural Language Processing

Bayesian Methods for Machine Learning

Deep Learning in Computer Vision

How to Win a Data Science Competition: Learn from Top Kagglers

View certificate for LASAL CHATHRANJEY  JAYAWARDENA, Advanced Machine Learning, offered through Coursera. This specialization gives an introduction to deep learning, reinforcement learning, natural language understanding, computer vision and Bayesian methods. Top Kaggle machine learning practitioners and CERN scientists will share their experience of solving real-world problems and help you to fill the gaps between theory and practice. Upon completion of 7 courses you will be able to apply modern machine learning methods in enterprise and understand the caveats of real-world data and settings.

Course Certificates

Earned after completing each course in the Specialization

Introduction to Deep Learning

HSE University

Taught by: Evgeny Sokolov, Зимовнов Андрей Вадимович, Alexander Panin, Ekaterina Lobacheva & Nikita Kazeev

Completed by: LASAL CHATHRANJEY JAYAWARDENA by June 21, 2021

6 weeks of study, 6-10 hours/week

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Addressing Large Hadron Collider Challenges by Machine Learning

HSE University

Taught by: Andrei Ustyuzhanin & Mikhail Hushchyn

Completed by: LASAL CHATHRANJEY JAYAWARDENA by November 6, 2021

5 weeks of study, 3-5 hours/week

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Practical Reinforcement Learning

HSE University

Taught by: Pavel Shvechikov & Alexander Panin

Completed by: LASAL CHATHRANJEY JAYAWARDENA by October 17, 2021

6 weeks of study, 3-6 hours/week for base track, 6-9 with all the horrors of honors section

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Natural Language Processing

HSE University

Taught by: Anna Potapenko, Alexey Zobnin, Anna Kozlova, Sergey Yudin & Зимовнов Андрей Вадимович

Completed by: LASAL CHATHRANJEY JAYAWARDENA by August 27, 2021

5 weeks of study, 4-5 hours per week

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Bayesian Methods for Machine Learning

HSE University

Taught by: Daniil Polykovskiy & Alexander Novikov

Completed by: LASAL CHATHRANJEY JAYAWARDENA by October 24, 2021

6 weeks of study, 6 hours/week

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Deep Learning in Computer Vision

HSE University

Taught by: Anton Konushin & Alexey Artemov

Completed by: LASAL CHATHRANJEY JAYAWARDENA by September 9, 2021

5 weeks of study/ 4-5 hours per week

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How to Win a Data Science Competition: Learn from Top Kagglers

HSE University

Taught by: Dmitry Ulyanov, Alexander Guschin, Mikhail Trofimov, Dmitry Altukhov & Marios Michailidis

Completed by: LASAL CHATHRANJEY JAYAWARDENA by July 19, 2021

6-10 hours/week

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