User Interface Design

Completed by Eleonora Rodriguez

February 20, 2024

Approximately 1 months at 10 hours a week to complete

Course Certificates Completed

Introduction to UI Design

User Research and Design

Prototyping and Design

Evaluating User Interfaces

View certificate for Eleonora Rodriguez, User Interface Design, offered through Coursera. You learned industry-standard theory and methods for developing successful user interfaces. You now have fluency with the user research, prototyping and evaluation techniques necessary for creating intuitive interfaces that facilitate good user experiences. You demonstrated this fluency through an in-depth capstone project.

Concepts and techniques covered include structured approaches for understanding a user base and their needs (e.g. contextual inquiry and design psychology), prototyping and design methods (e.g. low-fidelity and paper prototyping), and techniques for evaluating your design choices (e.g. heuristic evaluation, user studies).

Course Certificates

Earned after completing each course in the Specialization

Introduction to UI Design

University of Minnesota

Taught by: Loren Terveen, Haiyi Zhu, Lana Yarosh, Dr. Brent Hecht & Joseph A Konstan

Completed by: Eleonora Rodriguez by December 28, 2023

4 weeks of study, 3-8 hours/week.

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User Research and Design

University of Minnesota

Taught by: Loren Terveen, Haiyi Zhu, Lana Yarosh, Dr. Brent Hecht & Joseph A Konstan

Completed by: Eleonora Rodriguez by January 7, 2024

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Prototyping and Design

University of Minnesota

Taught by: Loren Terveen, Haiyi Zhu, Lana Yarosh, Dr. Brent Hecht & Joseph A Konstan

Completed by: Eleonora Rodriguez by January 21, 2024

4 weeks of study, 3-7 hours per week

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Evaluating User Interfaces

University of Minnesota

Taught by: Loren Terveen, Haiyi Zhu, Lana Yarosh, Dr. Brent Hecht & Joseph A Konstan

Completed by: Eleonora Rodriguez by February 20, 2024

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