Applied Cryptography

Completed by Aadhitya Swarnesh I

September 14, 2020

Approximately 1 months at 10 hours a week to complete

Course Certificates Completed

Cryptography and Information Theory

Symmetric Cryptography

Asymmetric Cryptography and Key Management

Cryptographic Hash and Integrity Protection

View certificate for Aadhitya Swarnesh I, Applied Cryptography, offered through Coursera. This specialization is intended for the learners interested in or already pursuing a career in computer security or other cybersecurity-related fields. Through four courses, the learners will cover the security of information systems, information entropy, classical cryptographic algorithms, symmetric cryptography, asymmetric/public-key cryptography, hash functions, message authentication codes, digital signatures, key management and distribution, and other fundamental cryptographic primitives and protocols.

Course Certificates

Earned after completing each course in the Specialization

Cryptography and Information Theory

University of Colorado System

Taught by: Sang-Yoon Chang

Completed by: Aadhitya Swarnesh I by September 4, 2020

2-4 hours/week

View this certificate

Symmetric Cryptography

University of Colorado System

Taught by: Sang-Yoon Chang

Completed by: Aadhitya Swarnesh I by July 16, 2020

2-5 hours/week

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Asymmetric Cryptography and Key Management

University of Colorado System

Taught by: Sang-Yoon Chang

Completed by: Aadhitya Swarnesh I by July 28, 2020

2-5 hours/week

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Cryptographic Hash and Integrity Protection

University of Colorado System

Taught by: Sang-Yoon Chang

Completed by: Aadhitya Swarnesh I by September 14, 2020

2-4 hours/week

View this certificate