Advanced Data Science with IBM

Completed by NUO WEN LEI

March 2, 2021

Course Certificates Completed

Fundamentals of Scalable Data Science

Advanced Machine Learning and Signal Processing

Applied AI with DeepLearning

Advanced Data Science Capstone

View certificate for NUO WEN  LEI, Advanced Data Science with IBM, offered through Coursera. As a coursera certified specialization completer you will have a proven deep understanding on massive parallel data processing, data exploration and visualization, and advanced machine learning & deep learning. You'll understand the mathematical foundations behind all machine learning & deep learning algorithms. You can apply knowledge in practical use cases, justify architectural decisions, understand the characteristics of different algorithms, frameworks & technologies & how they impact model performance & scalability.

Course Certificates

Earned after completing each course in the Specialization

Fundamentals of Scalable Data Science


Taught by: Romeo Kienzler

Completed by: NUO WEN LEI by February 12, 2021

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Advanced Machine Learning and Signal Processing


Taught by: Romeo Kienzler & Nikolay Manchev

Completed by: NUO WEN LEI by February 17, 2021

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Applied AI with DeepLearning


Taught by: Romeo Kienzler, Niketan Pansare, Tom Hanlon, Max Pumperla & Ilja Rasin

Completed by: NUO WEN LEI by February 21, 2021

4 weeks of study, 4-6 hours/week

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Advanced Data Science Capstone


Taught by: Romeo Kienzler

Completed by: NUO WEN LEI by March 2, 2021

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