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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Advanced React by Meta

1,012 ratings

About the Course

Learn how to use more advanced React concepts and features, become proficient in JSX, and confidently test your applications. You’ll examine different types of React components and learn various characteristics and when to use them. You’ll dig into more advanced hooks and create your own. You’ll look into building forms with React. You’ll explore component composition and new patterns, such as Higher Order Components and Render Props. You’ll create a web application that consumes API data and get familiar with the most commonly used React framework integrations, tools, and testing techniques. By the end of this course, you will be able to: • Render lists and form components efficiently in React. • Lift shared state up when several components need the updated data. • Leverage React Context to share global state for a tree of components. • Fetch data from a remote server. • Use advanced hooks in React, and put them to use within your application. • Build your own custom hooks. • Understand JSX in depth. • Embrace component composition techniques • Use advanced patterns to encapsulate common behavior via Higher Order Components and Render Props. • Test your React components. • Build a portfolio using React. You’ll gain experience with the following tools and software: • React.js • JSX • React • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript • VSCode You will be able to leverage the potential of this course to develop new skills, improve productivity, act effectively with data and boost your career. To take this course, you should understand the basics of React, HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Additionally, it always helps to have a can-do attitude!...

Top reviews


Sep 9, 2023

Thta's great course, Covered Hooks, Context API, Unit Tests and more ... Hands-on projects were fantastic, and the instructors were top-notch. If you're serious about React, don't miss this course.


Jun 14, 2023

The course is excellent, and it was quite valuable for me. It gives us an in-depth explanation of the most common hooks, and different techniques to develop better applications.

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251 - 264 of 264 Reviews for Advanced React

By Muhammad H


Aug 16, 2023

The course material is way too formal plus the audio quality is also below par. The way of teaching is not really student-oriented but rather "how good we are at teaching" oriented. A lot of assumptions are made continuously about our understanding.

By Laura D


Jul 22, 2023

The course moves very fast, the content is dense and unorganized. I spent more time researching topics to understand the content then learning from this course.

By edanov23


Mar 15, 2024

Not so many explanation in details, a lot of information where they take for granted you know already the topic.

By Jeffrey D


May 6, 2024

way to fast introducing advanced topics in 4 min. not realistic at all.

By Divya S


Mar 11, 2024

It was hard! I am still not confident in my React skills

By Melchor G


Feb 2, 2023

the lab had too many errors before

By Renae M


Nov 6, 2023

I was excited about the concepts that were going to be taught in this course, but after completing it I was left disappointed. I will provide my take on the bad and the good. I design course content so I will speak from my knowledge and experience. The course seemed as if it was rush and failed to provide content which engaged all learning styles. The videos on the most important parts seemed rushed especially during the coding segments. Some of the links for the additional reading material returned 404 errors. Some of the concepts covered when reviewing the actual React documentation it states that this should never be used in your programs because it can make your programs inconsistent. The positive was because I felt that it was lacking necessary content, I did additional research on my own and feel that I need to continue to work on improving my React skills because after completing this course I do not have the confidence in my abilities that I feel that I should. I would recommend looking at the React documentation on the React website in conjunction with the course material. You may even want to view it and then view the course content for each given subject.

By J C


Sep 3, 2023

Terrible course. Not enough depth on anything, poorly taught, then to test your knowledge, instead of checking what they have taught you, the tests are on topics that are not covered until later on in the course. Poor teaching methods, you end up having to go away and learn everything elsewhere anyway, so why did I pay for this course?

By Dilek


Apr 1, 2024

Ich konnte nicht mal mein Zertifikat in meinem Testzeitraum erhalten! Was fürn Dreck!!! Warum wird das dann angeboten??? Alles umsonst gemacht oder was!? Kann ich nicht weiter empfehlen!

By Stephanie N


Feb 28, 2023

The lab preview never works and gives a bunch of errors so you never know what's going on in your code. Robotic actors reading from a script. Terrible way to learn.

By Md A


May 2, 2024

bakwash course ..pressurised by college to complete .

By 21JE0571_Aasif K


Sep 25, 2023

why i am not able to use my lab

By Vipul C


Jun 21, 2023

Not understandable

By Joshua G


Oct 10, 2023
