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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design by Google

64,766 ratings

About the Course

Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design is the first of a series of seven courses that will equip you with the skills needed to apply to entry-level jobs in user experience design. UX designers focus on the interactions that people have with products like websites, mobile apps, and physical objects. UX designers make those everyday interactions usable, enjoyable, and accessible. The role of an entry-level UX designer might include empathizing with users, defining their pain points, coming up with ideas for design solutions, creating wireframes, prototypes, and mockups, and testing designs to get feedback. Current UX designers and researchers at Google will serve as your instructors, and you will complete hands-on activities that simulate real-world UX design scenarios. Learners who complete the seven courses in this certificate program should be equipped to apply for entry-level jobs as UX designers. No previous experience is necessary. By the end of this course, you will be able to: - Define the field of UX and explain why it’s important for consumers and businesses. - Understand foundational concepts in UX design, such as user-centered design, the design thinking framework, accessibility, and equity-focused design. - Identify the factors that contribute to great user experience design. - Review common job responsibilities of entry-level UX designers and teams that they work with. - Explore job opportunities and career paths within the field of user experience. - Explain why design sprints are an important and useful part of a UX designer’s work. - Describe common UX research methods. - Identify and account for biases in UX research....

Top reviews


May 13, 2021

This course introduced me to the world of UX Design. It has also encouraged me to go deeper in this field and explore more. Thank you, Google, Coursera, Commonwealth, and the Government of Bangladesh.


Mar 11, 2022

It is a great course for beginners and people transitioning to UX/UI design career from other fields. It gives you a basic knowledge and information what UX design is and how to apply it in real life.

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101 - 125 of 10,000 Reviews for Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design

By Shaktisinh R


Jul 10, 2023

I recently completed the "Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design" course, and I must say it was an outstanding learning experience. This course provided a comprehensive and insightful introduction to the world of UX design, covering essential concepts, methodologies, and best practices.

The course content was well-structured and presented in a clear and engaging manner. The instructors did an excellent job of breaking down complex topics into digestible modules, making it easy to grasp the fundamentals of UX design. Each module was accompanied by practical examples and real-world case studies, which greatly enhanced my understanding and allowed me to see the concepts in action.

One aspect that impressed me was the emphasis on user research and understanding user needs. The course provided in-depth guidance on conducting user research, creating personas, and utilizing user feedback to inform the design process. This user-centered approach truly highlighted the importance of empathy and ensuring that the end-user's perspective is at the forefront of design decisions.

The course also covered various UX design methodologies, such as wireframing, prototyping, and usability testing. These hands-on exercises provided valuable opportunities to apply the knowledge gained and hone practical skills. The course platform itself was user-friendly and facilitated interactive learning through quizzes and assignments.

Furthermore, the support provided by the course community and instructors was exceptional. The discussion forums were active and allowed for meaningful interactions with fellow learners. The instructors promptly addressed questions and provided valuable feedback on assignments, fostering a collaborative learning environment.

Overall, the "Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design" course exceeded my expectations. It served as a solid foundation for anyone interested in UX design, equipping me with the necessary knowledge and skills to begin my journey in this field. I highly recommend this course to anyone seeking a comprehensive and insightful introduction to UX design.

Note: This review is based on my experience with the course and may vary for different individuals

By Daijah R


Mar 24, 2021

I 100% recommend this course. Whether you're a new designer, or someone who has had formal training in UX and looking to brush up your skills, it's worth it.\n\nContent: The course is very intentional about focusing on research, testing, and user-centric best practices, while remaining relevant to current trends in UX. The instruction prioritizes accessibility and inclusivity which is often missed in introductory design courses. You do not need prior knowledge of UX, and very minimal knowledge of tech in general! From the very beginning, the instructors explain EVERYTHING you need to know. There are numerous resources provided throughout the course for added success such as training for tools, readings, and discussion. The content is so helpful that you're rarely left with questions, and when you are, there is opportunity to contribute to a peer discussion board.\n\nTime expectations: One of the greatest parts of the course is being able to work at your own pace. I typically have a pretty busy schedule and was able to complete assignments during the allotted time I had set aside to work. If you're a career-pivoter or someone working full time, you would absolutely still be able to be successful. While the self-timed work is great, sometimes it can be a bit intimidating so I was also grateful that while I am able to work at my own pace, the course also sets time expectations. The peer graded work also helps to motivate you to work efficiently!\n\nCompared to other courses/bootcamps: I have had experience with other introductory UX courses, and this by far has been among my favorites. I appreciate that the course allows you to be on an individual track while also being able to interact with peers who are also learning. Additionally, I find that other courses may focus way too much on work outside of UX. I really enjoyed that this course set the foundation for User Experience principles rather than solely focusing on visual elements and tech jargon.\n\nOverall, this course was accessible for people of all experience levels! I recommend beginning with this course and continuing with the accompanying courses for a well-rounded education of UX Design.

By Bui T P T


May 30, 2023

Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design is an exceptional course that provides a comprehensive introduction to the world of UX design. From the moment I started the course, I was impressed by the depth of knowledge and practical insights it offered.

One of the standout features of the course is its well-structured curriculum. It covers all the essential aspects of UX design, starting from the fundamentals and gradually diving into more advanced topics. The course materials are presented in a clear and concise manner, making it easy to follow along and understand complex concepts.

The instructors are incredibly knowledgeable and passionate about UX design. Their expertise shines through in their engaging teaching style and the real-world examples they provide. They effectively illustrate the principles and best practices of UX design, making the learning experience both enjoyable and informative.

What sets this course apart is its emphasis on hands-on learning. Throughout the course, there are practical exercises and projects that allow students to apply the concepts they've learned. This experiential approach helps reinforce understanding and develop practical skills that are crucial in the field of UX design.

Additionally, the course provides ample opportunities for collaboration and interaction with fellow learners. Discussion forums and group activities foster a sense of community, where participants can exchange ideas, seek feedback, and learn from each other's experiences.

Overall, Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design is an outstanding course that offers a solid foundation for anyone interested in pursuing a career in UX design. It equips learners with the essential knowledge, skills, and mindset needed to create meaningful and user-centered designs. I highly recommend this course to anyone looking to delve into the exciting field of UX design.

By Isira L


Jun 15, 2023

I recently had the pleasure of completing the "Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design" course on Coursera, and I must say it was an exceptional learning experience. This course provided me with a solid foundation in UX design principles and techniques, equipping me with valuable skills that I can apply in my professional endeavors.

The course content was comprehensive, well-structured, and delivered in a manner that was easy to understand. The instructors were knowledgeable and passionate, making the learning process engaging and enjoyable. The practical exercises and assignments allowed me to apply the concepts learned and gain hands-on experience, which greatly enhanced my understanding of UX design.

Moreover, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for the financial aid service offered by Coursera. As a beneficiary of the financial aid program, I was able to access this high-quality course at no cost, which has been immensely beneficial to me. The availability of financial aid made it possible for me to pursue this valuable learning opportunity and gain valuable skills that will undoubtedly contribute to my professional growth.

I highly recommend the "Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design" course to anyone interested in entering the field of UX design or seeking to enhance their existing skills. The combination of excellent course content, knowledgeable instructors, and the availability of financial aid makes this course truly exceptional.

Once again, I extend my heartfelt thanks to Coursera for providing financial aid, enabling me to access top-notch educational resources and empowering individuals from diverse backgrounds to pursue their educational goals.

Thank you, Coursera, for this outstanding course and your commitment to making education accessible to all.

By oshan a


Mar 4, 2024

I would like to express my sincere gratitude for offering the "Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design" course on your platform. The course content was exceptionally well-structured and provided a comprehensive understanding of UX design fundamentals. The clarity of the material and the engaging presentation made the learning process enjoyable and accessible. The practical applications discussed in the course were particularly insightful and have enhanced my ability to apply UX principles in real-world scenarios.I would like to commend the instructors for their valuable feedback and guidance throughout the course. Their expertise and commitment significantly contributed to the overall learning experience. The interactive elements, quizzes, and assignments were thoughtfully designed, adding a dynamic and practical dimension to the learning journey. The support resources provided, including forums and additional materials, were immensely helpful in reinforcing the concepts learned. The technical aspects of the course, such as video quality and platform usability, were excellent, creating a seamless learning environment. the "Foundations of UX Design" course has exceeded my expectations, offering excellent value for the investment. I look forward to applying the knowledge gained in my professional endeavors. Thank you once again for providing such a valuable learning opportunity. I appreciate the dedication of the Coursera team and the instructors in creating an outstanding educational experience.

By Pancharas S


Sep 10, 2023

The "Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design" course has been an incredibly enriching journey into the world of user-centered design. As a student looking to expand my knowledge in this field, I can confidently say that this course has exceeded my expectations.

The most impressive aspect of the course is its comprehensive coverage of UX principles and methodologies. It takes you from the very basics to advanced concepts, making it accessible for both beginners and those with some prior experience. The emphasis on real-world applications through practical exercises, case studies, and discussions with peers was invaluable. It not only helped me understand the theory but also allowed me to put it into practice.

The course instructors were engaging and knowledgeable, providing clear explanations and prompt feedback. The course materials were well-structured and up-to-date, keeping pace with the ever-evolving field of UX design.

What truly sets this course apart is its ability to foster a sense of community among learners. Collaborating with fellow students on design challenges and sharing insights was both enlightening and motivating.

In summary, "Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design" is a must for anyone interested in UX design. It equips you with the knowledge and skills needed to create user-centered solutions, and it does so in an engaging and supportive learning environment. I wholeheartedly recommend it to aspiring UX designers.

By M. A A


Jul 31, 2023

As a student passionate about design and user experience, enrolling in the "Foundation of UX Design" course on Coursera has been an absolute game-changer for me. From the very beginning, I was captivated by the comprehensive curriculum and expertly crafted content that delved deep into the world of user-centered design.

The course structure was perfectly paced, allowing me to grasp fundamental UX concepts while honing my skills through practical assignments and hands-on projects. The guidance of industry professionals and peer interaction within the course community made the learning journey all the more enriching and enjoyable.

I am immensely grateful to Google and Coursera for making this course accessible to learners like me through financial aid. Their generosity allowed me to embark on this life-changing journey, empowering me with the knowledge and confidence to pursue my dream career in UX design.

Without a doubt, I would rate the "Foundation of UX Design" course 5/5 stars for its exceptional content, supportive community, and invaluable learning experience. I highly recommend this course to anyone eager to dive into the world of UX design and make a real impact in the digital landscape.

Thank you, Google and Coursera, for this incredible opportunity, and thank you to the entire course team for your dedication in delivering such a remarkable learning experience!

By Erika M M


May 16, 2023

I recently completed the course "Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design" on Coursera, and I must say it was an exceptional learning experience. The course provided a comprehensive and well-structured curriculum that gave me a solid understanding of the fundamentals of UX design. The instructors were knowledgeable and engaging, making the learning process enjoyable and interactive.

One aspect that truly impressed me was the practical nature of the course. It not only covered theoretical concepts but also emphasized hands-on application through various assignments and projects. This allowed me to put my newly acquired knowledge into practice and develop essential UX design skills.

Furthermore, the course went above and beyond by offering an incredible incentive—a free Adobe XD subscription valid for 9 months. This added incentive not only provided me with a valuable tool for UX design, but also demonstrated the commitment of the course organizers to support their learners even beyond the duration of the course.

Overall, I highly recommend the "Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design" course on Coursera to anyone interested in diving into the world of UX design. It offers a fantastic learning experience, practical insights, and even rewards that further enhance the value of the course.

By Md A R


Nov 9, 2023

The Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design course exceeded my expectations, providing a comprehensive and insightful journey into the core principles of UX design. The course structure was well-organized, offering a step-by-step exploration of key concepts such as user research, information architecture, and prototyping. The real-world examples and case studies enriched the learning experience, illustrating how these principles are applied in actual design scenarios. One notable strength of the course was its emphasis on hands-on projects and practical application. This allowed me to immediately implement what I learned, reinforcing theoretical knowledge with practical skills. The instructors were knowledgeable, responsive, and supportive, fostering an engaging learning environment. However, the course could benefit from more frequent interactive sessions or forums for student collaboration. Despite this, the Foundations of UX Design course stands out for its quality content, clear presentation, and valuable skills it equips students with for entering the field of UX design. Overall, it's a highly recommended course for anyone seeking a solid foundation in UX design principles.

By Umer S


Mar 17, 2023

The "Foundations of User Experience" course is an excellent resource for anyone looking to learn about user experience (UX) design. The course covers a broad range of topics, including user research, interaction design, visual design, and usability testing.

The instructor is knowledgeable and presents the material in a clear and engaging way. The course is well-structured and easy to follow, with plenty of real-world examples to help students understand how UX design works in practice.

One of the strengths of the course is the emphasis on hands-on learning. Students are encouraged to complete practical exercises and projects to apply what they have learned. This approach helps students develop their skills and build a portfolio of work they can use to showcase their abilities to potential employers.

Overall, the "Foundations of User Experience" course is an excellent resource for anyone looking to learn about UX design. Whether you're a complete beginner or have some experience in the field, the course provides a solid foundation in the principles and practices of user experience design. I would highly recommend this course to anyone looking to develop their skills in this area.

By Pushpendra K (


Mar 17, 2023

As a learner of the Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design course, I found the experience to be both informative and engaging. The course was a great introduction to the world of UX design, and I found it to be an excellent starting point for someone new to this field.

The most interesting thing I learned in the course was the importance of user research and how it plays a crucial role in UX design. Learning about different research methods and how to analyze data was extremely insightful and helped me understand how to create designs that are user-focused.

While the course was informative, I found the most difficult aspect to be understanding the design principles and how to apply them effectively. However, the course provided a solid foundation and enough knowledge to start designing basic interfaces.

Overall, the Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design course was a great learning experience. It provided me with the fundamental knowledge and skills necessary to start designing user-centered interfaces, and I would highly recommend this course to anyone who is interested in UX design or wants to expand their knowledge in this field.

By Basyl A


Apr 11, 2023

Throughout the course, I gained a comprehensive understanding of the principles and practices of UX design. I learned about the importance of user research, persona development, wireframing, prototyping, and testing in the design process. The course also taught me how to create intuitive and engaging user experiences across various digital platforms.One of the most valuable takeaways from the course was the emphasis on empathy and putting the user first. I learned how to conduct user research and apply insights to design solutions that address user needs and pain points.The course was challenging, but the interactive exercises and real-world examples made the learning experience engaging and fun. I also appreciated the opportunity to collaborate with other learners from diverse backgrounds and perspectives.Overall, I am confident that the skills and knowledge I gained from this course will help me to create user-centered designs that meet the needs of my clients and their users. I highly recommend this course to anyone interested in UX design or looking to enhance their skills in this field.

By Aashishlal S


May 11, 2023

Completing the Fundamentals of UX Design course by Google is a great way to get started with UX design. The course covers the basics of UX design, including user research, prototyping, and design principles. The content is presented in an easy-to-understand way, with plenty of examples and exercises to help reinforce the concepts.

One of the strengths of the course is that it covers a range of topics relevant to UX design, including user-centered design, design thinking, and usability testing. The course also emphasizes the importance of empathy and understanding the user's perspective in the design process.

The course is self-paced, which makes it convenient for learners to fit it into their schedule. Additionally, it's available for free on the Google UX Design website, which makes it accessible to anyone interested in learning about UX design.

Overall, the Fundamentals of UX Design course by Google is a great starting point for anyone interested in UX design. It covers a broad range of topics and provides a solid foundation for further learning in this field.

By Yuvraj S B


Mar 21, 2023

Having finished the course, I can confidently say that it was an amazing experience. The course didn't only provide valuable information but also kept me engaged and interested throughout. The course content was well-organized, which made it easier for me to grasp the fundamental concepts of UX design.

One of the most significant takeaways from this course was discovering the importance of design sprints in the work of a UX designer. Furthermore, the course covered common UX research methods and emphasized the significance of accounting for biases in research, a crucial skill for any UX designer.

The instructors, who are current UX designers and researchers at Google, provided valuable insights and shared their expertise throughout the course. They also guided us through hands-on activities that simulated real-world UX design scenarios, which helped me to apply what I had learned in a practical way.

Overall, I would highly recommend this course to anyone interested in pursuing a career in UX design or looking to improve their knowledge and skills in this field.



Jan 17, 2023

Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design is a crucial aspect of creating successful products and services. It involves understanding the needs and goals of the users, and designing a product or service that meets those needs in an intuitive and efficient way.

UX design begins with research, including user interviews, surveys, and usability testing, to gather information about the target audience and their pain points. This information is then used to create personas and user scenarios, which help inform the design process.

Next, wireframes and prototypes are created to test the design and gather feedback from users. These iterative design processes continue until the final product meets the needs of the users and is easy to use.

Good UX design also takes into account accessibility and inclusivity, ensuring that the product can be used by people with disabilities and diverse backgrounds.

In summary, foundations of UX design involve understanding user needs, testing and iterating designs, and creating a final product that is easy to use and accessible to all.

By Mazharul I


Apr 8, 2023

Firstly, the course provides a comprehensive overview of the principles and practices of UX design, making it a perfect fit for beginners. The content is well-structured and easy to understand, covering topics like user research, prototyping, and usability testing, among others.

What sets this course apart is the practical nature of the assignments, which allow students to apply what they've learned in real-world scenarios. The course also emphasizes collaboration and communication skills, which are essential for any UX designer.

Additionally, the course is well-supported with excellent resources, including reading materials, video lectures, and supplementary materials to ensure you get a complete understanding of the topics covered.

Overall, I would highly recommend the Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design course to anyone interested in pursuing a career in UX design or enhancing their skills in this field. The course provides a solid foundation to build upon and equips you with the necessary tools to create compelling and user-friendly designs.

By Robyn S


Mar 14, 2022

I Think this course was great! however I think some of the information was redundant. I think some of the information was redundant because in some cases the speaker will introduce you to a new a topic and or a new vocabulary word because it coinscides with the currentl lesson your're learning, then you'll read about that same topic or vocab word, later in the course, and then you'll get reintruduced to that same topic or vocab word but in more detail and have to watch a video that goes into more detail also. It was confusing at times because I took a lot of notes, and knew that I had already wrote notes for a specific topic already, or learned a certain vocab word already becauseI wrote notes on it, only to come across that info again but in more detail later in the course which made me feel like I was learning about the same thing twice in some cases. I wish they simply kept certain topics seperate and not introduced them early in the learning, give basic yet super understandable definitions, only to introduce it again in more detail.

By Nikhil D


Feb 25, 2024

Thank you for the opportunity to complete this course. Reflecting on my journey, I'm grateful for the enriching experience and the knowledge gained throughout the program. The insights into UX design principles and methodologies have been invaluable, equipping me with essential skills for creating user-centric products. The course structure enabled me to delve deep into various research methods, design principles, and user-centric approaches. I particularly appreciated learning about the significance of empathy in UX design and how it forms the foundation for understanding users' needs and behaviors. While there were challenges along the way, such as mastering qualitative research methods, the support from instructors and peers made the learning process enjoyable and rewarding. I'm excited to apply the skills and knowledge acquired in practical projects and contribute positively to the field of UX design. Once again, thank you for this opportunity, and I look forward to leveraging my certificate to further my career in UX design.

By Benita A


Mar 31, 2022


This course wa DOPE! I mean, the style of learning is way better than my experience in my Masters program.

The course guide is very intelligent, humble in his approach and succint... The style of intsruction was really clear.

Each lesson was backed up with graded assignments and activities that'd make students assess their knowledge, and practice active recall instead which tasks the brain to retain information better.

If you're considering taking this course (along with the 6 other courses in this professional program), then just go ahead. I even took the first step of creating a portfolio for my "FUTURE' DESIGNS; even though I don't have any design yet. What I'm saying in essence is that the course content and instructors makes you feel very confient in what your are KNOWING, you don't have to have fully mastered the course to feel confident.

By the way, we get to build 3 real projects as we progess in the course which we will upload on our portfolio...

Thank you very much, Google!!!

Thank you Coursera!!!

By Riz A


Mar 25, 2021

"The building is a tall as the foundation is strong enough to build on"Excited completing the first module of the Google UX Design Certification course. A course which I wish I had when I started out in UX design seriously 10 years ago. I certainly enjoyed it because I entered the course with a learning mindset. Putting aside all the things that you know, experiences and unlearning what you have learned on the job, there are new things which I learned. A few takeaways from me—inclusive design, accessibility which I rarely get the opportunity to even work on this, and my favourite, personal branding as a UX designer. This got me seriously thinking deep about values and personal statements. Thanks to Michael Cedric k, Lisa Fischer, Shabnam Kashani, Kartik Rao, Juan Angustia, Josh Lucas for putting together these content and making it relevant. I can see this took months to put together. Looking forward to continue this with the Googlers in the rest of the course.#growwithgoogle #userexperiencedesign #uxdesign

By Emily S


Jun 23, 2022

I am obtaining this certificate as additional experience on UX design, I have already taken an HCI course in college that covered everything discussed in this course. I found it to be a great refresher though, and a great introductory course for new learners, with only a few small concerns. Firstly, I disliked not having the ability to return to my discussion post and see what others replied with. I wish it would have a better search feature or an option to view my post within a thread. Secondly, there were a few times where the ordering of what the instructor said change when giving the definition on screen. It made me stop and question the flow, especially if others didn't pick it up and got confused about the material. Lastly, there was one interactive learning exercise that was not designed well. It had the text over dark colored or just viewly distracting graphics which made it hard to read. Overall, I am excited to continue with this certificate and build up my resume before job searching.

By Edwin J C


Sep 15, 2023

So far so good walking through the Foundation of User Experience Design. The only goal not achievable is the one that walk down to the grave with someone.

Irrespective how challenging the goal is to attain, always believe that with determination and enthusiasm you can scale through.

I was faced with more frustration when I started this Course through the time I finished. You know, I do not have Laptop to complete some activities, and most time I suffered financial challenge to an extent that I can't even afford feeding twice in a day let alone to get data to pursue the Course.

Don't stop, knowing how golden the crown of reaching your destination should energize and motivate you to keep pushing.


My name that should have appear on the Course Cert is Edwin Chisom John and not Edwin Chiso John. Please, I don't know how to go about contacting the appropriate sector for the mistake correction.

Thanks to the Coursera team for the opportunity to study further, I appreciate it!

By Taimoor K


Jan 27, 2024

The "Foundations of User Experience (UX) Design" course provides a comprehensive and insightful introduction to the key principles and practices in UX design. One of the most commendable aspects of the course is its structured approach, starting with the fundamentals and gradually delving into more advanced topics. The course content is well-organized, covering essential concepts such as user research, information architecture, and usability testing. The interactive nature of the course, including practical assignments and real-world examples, significantly enhances the learning experience. The hands-on projects allow students to apply theoretical knowledge to practical scenarios, fostering a deeper understanding of UX design principles. The course also provides a good balance between theoretical foundations and practical applications, ensuring that students not only grasp the concepts but also develop the skills needed in real-world UX design projects.

By Sohrab P


Oct 19, 2021

I learned a lot, but the most important thing for me is the attitude of big companies like Google in software development, giving great importance to user experience design.

Things like accessibility and its importance and design for a billion people who do not currently have access to the Internet and mobile phones (NBU) really change my view of software design and development.

The way of teaching the content and the detailed view, which was present in Design Sprint, for example. That all the details were mentioned, even the ice breaker.

Topics like impostor syndrome were also explained to remind novices that their fears and anxieties are normal, and someone as vice president of user experience at Google (Catherine) talked about their shared experience. It was wonderful and unique.

I have about fifteen years of full-time teaching experience in college, and what impressed me most about this course was its outstanding perspective and unique teaching methods.



May 17, 2022

Consider the following scenario:

Imagine that a UX designer creates an app for saving, organizing, and streaming podcasts. To learn about users' experiences with their product, the designer conducts interviews with a select group of target users: podcast enthusiasts. The research team has a hypothesis that podcast enthusiasts prefer long-form, polished content—rather than talk radio and news—so they ask a ser Question 12

Consider the following scenario:

Imagine that a UX designer creates an app for saving, organizing, and streaming podcasts. To learn about users' experiences with their product, the designer conducts interviews with a select group of target users: podcast enthusiasts. The research team has a hypothesis that podcast enthusiasts prefer long-form, polished content—rather than talk radio and news—so they ask a series of questions about how users interact with this content.

ies of questions about how users interact with this content.