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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Ancient Philosophy: Aristotle and His Successors by University of Pennsylvania

709 ratings

About the Course

What is philosophy? How does it differ from science, religion, and other modes of human discourse? This course traces the origins of philosophy in the Western tradition in the thinkers of Ancient Greece. We begin with the Presocratic natural philosophers who were active in Ionia in the 6th century BCE and are also credited with being the first scientists. Thales, Anaximander, and Anaximines made bold proposals about the ultimate constituents of reality, while Heraclitus insisted that there is an underlying order to the changing world. Parmenides of Elea formulated a powerful objection to all these proposals, while later Greek theorists (such as Anaxagoras and the atomist Democritus) attempted to answer that objection. In fifth-century Athens, Socrates insisted on the importance of the fundamental ethical question—“How shall I live?”—and his pupil, Plato, and Plato’s pupil, Aristotle, developed elaborate philosophical systems to explain the nature of reality, knowledge, and human happiness. After the death of Aristotle, in the Hellenistic period, Epicureans and Stoics developed and transformed that earlier tradition. We will study the major doctrines of all these thinkers. Part I will cover Plato and his predecessors. Part II will cover Aristotle and his successors....

Top reviews


Jan 10, 2021

This is an excellent course. The lecturer presents the material very clearly, carefully bringing out what is at stake in the views and arguments of the Greek thinkers and schools she considers.


Apr 25, 2019

Excellent course, Pr. Sauvé-Meyer keeps the material very engaging, and makes it very clear and easily accessible. Knowing how difficult the original texts are sometimes, this is very valuable.

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51 - 75 of 208 Reviews for Ancient Philosophy: Aristotle and His Successors

By Orville C

May 27, 2020

Dr. Susan Sauvé Meyer delivers the course material at a pace that makes the subject easy to understand while using check-in questions during her presentations that help the listener capture the key concepts.

By Paolo R

May 16, 2020

Un curso excelente! Susan Sauve Meyer la profesora es una persona excelente y con mucho conocimiento en la materia, y te explica paso a paso y perfectamente cada unidad y lectura del curso. Muchas gracias!

By Sabrina M

Sep 7, 2021

This was the second part of 2 courses of ancient philosophy kept by Penn University, and I'm very satisfied with both of them. The teacher is nice and well prepared and the argument is very interesting

By Alejandro C D

Jul 2, 2020

It is a very complete course because the main approaches of Aristotle, Epicureans and Stoics are explored and allow us a clearly understanding his doctrines and apply them to our daily life.

By Bruna F

Aug 12, 2020

Great and very interesting course, both parts! I'm gonna miss it, and actually I wish there was more! Also what an excellent instructor! Thank you to all involved in this beautiful project!

By Sylvia H K

Apr 3, 2016

An excellent start to get knowledge about the philosophy principle of the ancient thinkers. Their vision have influenced the way of thinking in European and Western culture.

By Luís A G

Feb 23, 2022

It is an excelent course given by an incredible professor. To enroll it was a pleasure and a very great honor to obtain a certificate from the University of Pennsylvania.

By Noemi M

Aug 3, 2020

I found this course very interesting. Professor Meyer managed to make Philosophy lovely and easy to understand for students who, like me, have never studied this subject!

By Jutta B

Oct 3, 2021

I really enjoyed this course and the way it was presented. It was very accessible also to someone who has no philosophical background. A big thank you to the lecturer!!!

By Felipe Z G

May 18, 2020

Excelente como curso introductorio de la filosofía aristotélica, estoica y epicurea. Las lecturas sugeridas son muy apropiadas y las explicaciones en los videos también.

By David M L

May 20, 2018

me ha gustado mucho aunque esté practicamente en ingles, no importa, se aprenden muchisimas cosas tanto de términos como de explicaciones, espero uno de Ortega y Gasset.

By Nabil K

Jul 13, 2017

Absolutely amazing course. Very excellent teacher. She is eloquent, knowledgable and effective at teaching. The only sad part is that she only has 2 courses on Coursera.

By Mandhir S

Feb 1, 2021

Excellent course. Really well presented and the prompts/quizzes were appropriate. I wish there were more. I have done both her courses. And they are both excellent.

By Laura M P

May 5, 2020

Excellent second part of an equally excellent first course. Complete and interesting. Both agreed courses are ideal for having a solid base on the ancient philosophers.

By Oscar A R A

Oct 11, 2022

Este curso me gustó demasiado. El objetivo de analizar y estudiar partes fundamentales de la doctrina del filósofo estagirita se evidencian en este excelente curso.

By Angelina W

Mar 10, 2016

Formatted like the the preceding course. This one goes in depth with the later philosophers. The lectures are very detailed and in-video quizzes are engaging.

By Florence R

Feb 19, 2021

Excellent course! I enjoyed the journey in Ancient Philosophy, Susan Sauvé Meyer provided in this course and the former one about Plato and his predecessors.

By Raimundo P J d O

Mar 14, 2019

Excelente Curso! Conteúdo, metodologia, de uma forma dinâmica e interativa, conseguir aprender o material e atingir o objetivo. Vou indicar para meus amigos!

By Josef P

May 19, 2016

Introductory course, but nontheless it offers deep insights and explanations of some special problems in Aristotle, Epicureanism and Stoicism. Thank you!

By ivan l a

Jul 12, 2020

Excellent course, like that of Plato and Predecessors. I feel it intellectualy stimulates and challenges you. Very well the teachers clasees. I loved

By Inga B H

May 6, 2018

Loved every minute of it! A big thank you to professor Susan Sauve Meyer - it was beautiful experience, I wish the course would be intimately wider.

By Mandy S

Jun 19, 2016

This is a great course because the great instructor shares her knowledge about Aristotle and his successors in a comprehensible and exciting manner.

By E T

Feb 18, 2022

The course did not only serve as a refresher course on Aristotle, it actually capacitated me to know more and anew. Thank you for this program.

By Chris P

May 22, 2017

i learned from this lecture that aristotle is true genius and I sincerely give admiration to the lecturer thanks for the work you have done

By Matthew A

Nov 27, 2019

I honestly looked forward to this class at the end of each work day. Modest course work and excellent lectures and discussion exercises.