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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Data Analysis with Python by IBM

17,861 ratings

About the Course

Analyzing data with Python is an essential skill for Data Scientists and Data Analysts. This course will take you from the basics of data analysis with Python to building and evaluating data models. Topics covered include: - collecting and importing data - cleaning, preparing & formatting data - data frame manipulation - summarizing data - building machine learning regression models - model refinement - creating data pipelines You will learn how to import data from multiple sources, clean and wrangle data, perform exploratory data analysis (EDA), and create meaningful data visualizations. You will then predict future trends from data by developing linear, multiple, polynomial regression models & pipelines and learn how to evaluate them. In addition to video lectures you will learn and practice using hands-on labs and projects. You will work with several open source Python libraries, including Pandas and Numpy to load, manipulate, analyze, and visualize cool datasets. You will also work with scipy and scikit-learn, to build machine learning models and make predictions. If you choose to take this course and earn the Coursera course certificate, you will also earn an IBM digital badge....

Top reviews


May 5, 2020

I started this course without any knowledge on Data Analysis with Python, and by the end of the course I was able to understand the basics of Data Analysis, usage of different libraries and functions.


Apr 19, 2019

perfect for beginner level. all the concepts with code and parameter wise have been explained excellently. overall best course in making anyone eager to learn from basics to handle advances with ease.

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151 - 175 of 2,751 Reviews for Data Analysis with Python

By Ankur G

Apr 29, 2020

Loved the course overall. Truly amazing! Professors did a really great job in making and structuring this course session by session.

A good course to learn know-how of Data Analysis using Python language so as to facilitate analysis and visualization of data to make effective decisions. I thank the professors to make this course interesting and worth it. Only thing is, videos can be made in a better way so as to facilitate people with non programming background. Maybe some basics of programming would help.

By Clarence E Y

Mar 7, 2019

Become a Trustworthy Data Analyst

This course provides the knowledge and skills that form the foundation for data analysis. Students learn how to use Python Packages and gain experience creating dataframes and manipulating data sets for computation and visualization. Extensive work on building and evaluating models is included with explanatory lectures and hand-on labs to work with real data. Students' data analysis work will be supported by applying proper of model optimizations learned in the course.

By Xing W C

Jun 17, 2022

A very good course in general, everything is explained in easiest to understand way that can be easily absorbed by students with little or no knowledge about data analysis and machine learning (mainly Linear Regression in this course). Although the exercises provided by this course is considered a lot, and more than enough to cover the exam and assignments of this course itself, but I hope the creator can put in some optional exercises to help us practice more and more and eventually being job ready.

By Shuyao H

Jun 2, 2020

A step-by-step and detailed introduction to data analysis using Python. It covers a 0 to 1 understanding from importing data to evaluating models, and offers hand-on labs to run codes. The content also includes all the packages and libraries necessary and essential to do data analysis. The courses are somehow in detail, if not, hard, but the tests and assignments are easier. I am sure I will always review the codes I have learned in the course in the future when I go deeper into data analysis.

By Shripathi K

Aug 18, 2019

I audited the course. I did not complete the quizzes because my goal was to get a very quick overview of pandas and scikit and pick up on basics. This was at the right level for me and did not go haphazardly. It did not try to convince me that something was simple, hard or not important.

I recommend this as a starting point for most who have little experience with Python but are well-versed in programming otherwise and want to get a look at a little of the ecosystem for ML using Python.

By Ricardo K

Dec 1, 2022

This course is great!!!

I just have a little suggestion/request that is on week 4, Pipeline theme, that they could detached it from polynomial regression and dedicate a couple minutes to detail it a little bit further on code, applications anda variations. (it was spent exact 1 min).

Besides it, it was a very practice course, I learnt a lot and certainly this course expanded my tool box in my portfolio and for sure I'll have to continue my practice to domain it properly!

By Elizabeth S

Jul 3, 2020

I will say an excellent class! You will learn a lot essential data analysis methods, and the concepts.

Ok, it's never easy for someone who never learned such knowledges before, now encounters all those statistics concepts along with python code. But still, this class managed to use an easy way to explain all those abstract concepts. The forum also helps a lot to explain some difficulties. You might feel lost in the models, but once you learn it, you feel good.

By Milan D

Feb 3, 2019

Really good stuff in terms of outlining what is necessary in order to properly analyze the data. One thing to note is the powerpoint slides are off sometimes. Some of the stuff is not spelled correctly in the code.

Another issue is that x and y axis variables will be assigned, but be on the opposite axes (I.E when x = df['price'] but in the scatterplot it's actually the target variable, and thus on the y-axis.

By Soumya G

Apr 14, 2020

This is an excellent course to begin with analyzing data in python. However, it would have been even more useful and interesting had it contained some more discussions on the topics like logarithmic transformation of features, when to apply it, how to do bi-variate and mutivariate analysis, exercises on topics like manipulation of dataframes using pivot, melt, crosstab etc.

By Rishi S

Sep 11, 2019

Fantastic introduction to some of main python libraries and functions used in order to do anything related to data analysis, also a good entry point for machine learning, big data and other data science specialisations - highly recommended for anyone comfortable with high level scripting and basic oops concepts - if you don't then best take a basic course in python first...

By Chung M

May 6, 2020

This course is useful for statistics students who are not taught any programming languages before. It gives us a quick way to organize data. It is also an excellent online course with lab assignments by the end of the modules to practice the Python. I would say it would definitely benefit my career as data is increasingly available nowadays at any corporations.

By Braj K

Aug 7, 2019

The course material was excellent , quizzes makes this course more efficient and handy, all the lectures are explained well , the most important part of this course providing notebooks of each week for self practicing and to judge our-self . Discussion forums are provided asking queries, Overall the course was excellent both for beginners and intermediate.

By Arindam G

Dec 20, 2018

No Doubt COURSERA is always best AND MNC like IBM,Google courses associated with coursera are MIND-BLOWING.

The Instructors are so great at Explanation Part that hardly anyone won't Understand All the Topics

I would love to thank all the INSTRUCTORS who created such a Awesome Content for us.

My Personal Ratings For All the Instructors: 100 / 100

By Thierno

May 28, 2020

Excellent Course, i've learned a lot, i can analyze any data and give a conclusion from it. It's great course with a very clear explanation. If you are not understanding from the videos you can have a full understanding of the course from the Lab Notebook. The best is giving you a chance to access on IBM Cloud, creating new dynamic projects. Thank you

By Ram K

May 7, 2020

Initial part of course was easy, but the labs proved more and more useful. As I learned the course, I applied the charting skills directly to work, and was able to use Pandas to combine data from 3 databases, evaluate and report on the data to my company. It is already making a difference in our ability to make better data driven decisions every day.

By Mona A

Jun 17, 2019

Great Course! I got a great insight into multiple steps involved in data analysis using python starting from an initial data set to pre-processing it, exploratory analysis, doing multiple operations to create possible models and ways to evaluate the models. I hope to be able to use them to solve some sample data sets and come up with possible models

By Volodymyr C

Jun 23, 2019

Did this after Andrew Ng's Machine Learning to learn to do the same things in Python. Great course for people somewhat familiar with Python basics (I used datacamp to get a feel for Python and methods etc. first). Labs were really good for reinforcing knowledge from quizzes and videos. Overall, very nice course - will recommend to others!

By Ramjan A

Dec 19, 2018

This is my first course that i completed, and i am very glad to do this .

thanking you for giving me this opportunity to enrolled this course

i learned a lot of new things from this course this was very fruitful for me.

the slides was nicely represented and the way of teaching was so amazing

i am very very thankful to all the Coursera Team

By Penchalaiah G

Aug 7, 2019

This course is very use for regression model end to end scratch of evaluation and easily understand the coding theory explanation but ridge regression is somewhat improvement is needed.

Finally, I suggested to this course for learning data analysis with python.

Thanks for wonder full opportunity to learn this course in course-era team...

By Yasir E

Oct 7, 2018

This course is probably the most concise and well explained course I have ever taken on the subject. Materials are explained very well, and in a concise manner. The only downside is that the assessment for this course is based on quizzes, which are way too easy. Nevertheless, the course contains ungraded labs which are really useful.

By Azhar S

Mar 2, 2022

Good course for beginners, kindly remove the project at the end of the course, make two projects one after completion of 50% of the course and the remaining after 75% of the course.

increase the questions that are mostly related to project, practical work, interview with more focus on the conceptual understanding, than on the syntax.

By Mihailo P

Apr 12, 2020

This is the most complex course in the IBM Data Specialization Curriculum until now. There is a lot to cover and I would advise the students to go through the notebooks for practice 2 times to make sure to remember everything. One thing that is a bit confusing are functions for creating plots as we did not cover them in details yet.

By Rohit B

Mar 16, 2020

Awesome course on gaining Python skills for performing structured data analyses. If you are already attending the IBM Data Science certification, this course is a "step up" from the initial courses to bring a lot of things together. I would highly recommend doing it in the recommended order, else the learning curve may be too steep.

By D E

Feb 2, 2020

Wow! Excellent course that provides a great skills-focused overview on how to do data analysis with Python. The videos are first-rate, high quality and summarize the essential points nicely. The data set is real and it is used throughout the course and that helps understand the different features of data analysis taught by pandas.

By Paul C

Nov 5, 2022

The course content is pitched at the right level. I suggest that the presenters provide complete threads of code for the earlier videos since some learners may not have the background skills.

I had challenges with electricity so I had to keep restarting the labs and that aected my performance.

Overall a very empowering experience