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Learner Reviews & Feedback for Everyday Parenting: The ABCs of Child Rearing by Yale University

2,861 ratings

About the Course

Everyday Parenting gives you access to a toolkit of behavior-change techniques that will make your typical day in the home easier as you develop the behaviors you would like to see in your child. The lessons provide step-by-step instructions and demonstrations to improve your course of action with both children and adolescents. Among many techniques, you will learn how even simple modifications to tone of voice and phrasing can lead to more compliance. The course will also shed light on many parenting misconceptions and ineffective strategies that are routinely used. The key to the course is practice. It is not enough to know the strategies; you have to do them to reap the rewards. Using the techniques on a temporary basis will lead to permanent change. Chances are your parenting is perfectly fine and working the way you would like. But if you have any frustrations with your child or would like improve your effectiveness in changing your child’s behavior, these videos will be a very useful guide. Subtitles available in Chinese and Spanish....

Top reviews


Nov 6, 2019

Such amazing course, it’s useful and joyful to learn all the way through. I love it ! Thank you Coursera make learning easy to learn and share , I see the power of knowledge by E- sharing ! Wonderful!


May 11, 2020

Very straightforward content and easy to follow for beginners. The course gives very simple tools that are applicable for child rearing when addressing problematic behaviour for children or teenagers.

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101 - 125 of 985 Reviews for Everyday Parenting: The ABCs of Child Rearing

By reirei

May 21, 2018

Very practical and even humble from a leading expert to the struggling rookie parents. Principles mentioned in this course are seemingly simple, but spending the time to go through the journey with Professor Kazdin makes the principles more than a knowledge but something you can really use and make a difference in life.

By Sebastian A V C

Aug 11, 2020

Thank you very much Dr Alan Kazdin. This was such a great course. I´m not a native speaker of english but I get a huge comprehention abaout the topic. I am a psychologyst and I have realized this course synthesizes the basics of human behavior and reinforcement programs in a very interesting way. Thank you very much!!!

By Ayomide B

May 13, 2020

I enjoyed taking this course. The instructor was knowledgeable in his field and the materials were resourceful. And I liked that it was self-paced. I enjoyed the peer review tasks as well as applying the lessons learned in my immediate environment. It was all together, a beautiful experience. Thank you Alan E. Kazdin!!

By Andrea D

Apr 29, 2020

It was an amazing course. Definitely very helpful in these Covid-19 times. We are all confined at home so, having a toolkit of parenting techniques organized by Dr. Alan Kazdin is just what we need. I will be coming back to some lessons as needed for sure. Thank you for putting this kind of courses at our disposition.

By Dicle Ç

Sep 25, 2018

Excellent! This course is both practically and academically helpful for child rearing. Classes are fun and the quizzes are fair. It's very easygoing and it teaches you a great deal. I feel so lucky to join this class when I'm raising my toddler. I'm looking forward to other courses related with this one in the future.

By Fuyuka S

Feb 1, 2021

It was extremely useful as a Early childhood educator also as a mom of two to navigate child's behavior using positive reinforcement. Also this course is very beneficial for who struggles and being frustrated with daily childrearing by learning misconceptions about traditional childrearing techniques like punishment.

By Muku N

Mar 4, 2018

Definitely useful for the new parent as well as parents of older children as they face the challenges of growing up. As parents, there is no way that we know what are the tried and tested methods of child rearing without learning about it, this is the resource for you to learn about those tried and tested techniques!

By Miriam H

Dec 21, 2017

Yo soy psicóloga infantil desde 2011 atiendo casos de TDAH, TND, y otros trastornos de conducta, frecuentemente relacionados a estilos de crianza autoritarios, permisivos o negligentes. Importante la educación de los padres de familia para tener herramientas de prevención e intervención en los contextos más próximos.

By Akhila K

May 26, 2021

This is a wonderfully designed course with lots of practical examples for parents with children of all age groups. I wish I had done this course when my kids were even younger. It could have helped some stressful years. But the techniques outlined are easy to follow and like Dr. Kazdin stresses, practice is crucial.


Jan 29, 2022

I enrolled in this course because I wanted to be a good parent. I am very glad I did because the tools and techniques work. I have been practicing them to help my son develop better study habits. Not only has he gained better study habits, but we have also grown closer in the process. Thank you, Dr. Kazdin!

By Djong T

Nov 10, 2020

I found this course very helpful in changing the way I would communicate and deal with my son. The course provides practical tips backed by research that help make parenting much smoother. It's not easy, you will have to do the work, but having these tools will give you a deeper understanding of parenting better.

By Igor S

Jan 13, 2019

This is a great course for any parent that aims to improve their career. It helps you being a better parent and saving time and effort on the repairable aspects of the child's behavior. The peace of mind, and released time and energy give an opportunity for better productivity at work and happier life altogether.

By Jeff W

Jan 16, 2021

This course is very informative and provides strong bases for communicating with your spouse and teacher about facets of behavior change. Speaking the same language with my spouse and having shared learnings from this course have already shown promise in training our child to get better with every day behaviors.

By edgar l

Aug 29, 2017

i found this course to be highly resourceful and interactive, with loads of concepts and helpful tools that parents can easily learn, understand, relate to and apply successfully in their homes. If only more people had access to this type of a course, the world would be a happier place. Thank you Dr. Kazdin.

By Salonee J

Oct 4, 2020

It's a really important & informative course. We all as individuals/parents tent to forget our basic pf praising by this course it has reinforced in me that how important it is to praise & it does wonders. Not only praising technique but all that was covered - shaping, rewards, positive opposite & so on.

By Olga T

Feb 11, 2018

Dear Professor Kazdin,

Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge! Your course has changed my life, and the life of my two kids. Your techniques help so much to improve relationships, I wish I had known them much earlier. I would not have done so many mistakes. We are a happier family now thanks to you!


Jun 29, 2020

The course is amazing. I highly recommend to everybody no matter if you are a parent, a teacher or a sister. Each of us is responsible for the emotional education of children. Professor Alan E. Kazdin explains everying in a clear way. Every minute in front of the monitor is wort it. Thank you Professor!

By Dr S G

Jul 31, 2021

This course offered by coursera is extremely beneficial for everyday parenting .It will be really helpful for young parents in child rearing .The best part is that Dr. Kazdin has conveyed all the parenting tools so well that any difficult child behaviour also dose not appear impossible .


By Katarzyna S

Mar 22, 2022

I loved this course. It was very informative and easy to follow. I liked the way the professor led the videos. First of all, there were short which let me listen to them while I was driving. Second, the professor provided a lots of examples and always summarize everything at the end of each session.

By Jennifer H

Mar 31, 2020

This course is a life-saver! The techniques showed by Prof Kazdin were very practical and easy to practise too! and very logical too! This course also helped me to correct some of the myths / misunderstandings about parenting. Very valuable course for all parents... trying to be even better parents!

By Janine

Mar 11, 2019

Fantastic course! We have a household with 4 children and the dynamic of the household is somewhat strained with a very difficult 5 year old. This course has helped so much, the small changes we made has made a huge improvement and slowly but surely the behaviors are becoming permanent. Thank you!

By Josh M

May 15, 2022

This course covers a wide variety of tactics to help to encourage behavior changes where needed and give alternatives to traditional punishment. I learned more than I initially thought possible and my future plans on how to praise and pupnish my son are vastly different than the way I was raised.

By Ayelén

Feb 1, 2019

It's an amazing course. In a little span of time, you learn so much and can apply it inmmediately. It's life changing. Dr. Kazdin did a great job at explaining and making clear steps; his articles are also great.

I'm really thankful for the production team and also Dr. Kazdin for this course!!

By Екатерина М

Aug 2, 2023

Я обучаюсь по образовательной программе дошкольное обучение и воспитание. Благодаря этому курсу узнала много нового и необходимого для себя. Огромная работа преподавателя того стоит. Этот курс просто потрясающий. Все очень понятно и доступно, слушать и проходить данный курс одно удовольствие.

By Kiran T

Aug 27, 2019

Presenting in an amazing manner by Dr. Kazdin. He has addressed many childhood concerns and how to approach them in a more effective manner. The tools shared by Dr. Kazdin are practical and doable. I tried it with my daughters and shared it with the parents that I work with. It worked nicely.