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Learner Reviews & Feedback for R Programming by Johns Hopkins University

22,200 ratings

About the Course

In this course you will learn how to program in R and how to use R for effective data analysis. You will learn how to install and configure software necessary for a statistical programming environment and describe generic programming language concepts as they are implemented in a high-level statistical language. The course covers practical issues in statistical computing which includes programming in R, reading data into R, accessing R packages, writing R functions, debugging, profiling R code, and organizing and commenting R code. Topics in statistical data analysis will provide working examples....

Top reviews


Aug 11, 2019

Very challenging, but good course. I've been programming in R for over a year, but there were still some things for me to pick up in this class. Assignments were a challenge, but satisfying to tackle.


Jul 11, 2016

Excellent course! I already knew a lot about R - but this class helped me solidify what I already knew, taught me lots of new tricks, and now I have a certificate that says I know `something' about R!

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226 - 250 of 4,728 Reviews for R Programming



Jul 15, 2017

The course is excellent, but it takes more time than I realized (at least for someone like me who is completely new to R). It took me up to 15 hours a week to understand the content well and complete assignments - which was more that I had anticipated. I had to make dozens of last-minute schedule changes to make more time for this course just so I could complete it

By Kamala S


Mar 6, 2016

Awesome! It's a well-designed course for a beginner. The quizes and assignments ensured that I took an effort to browse and learn a couple of concepts in depth. Swirl exercises gave me a better understanding of what I've learnt from the vedio lectures. All in all, at the end of one month, you'll know all quick and dirty tricks to deal with huge datasets. Thank you!

By Lourdes S


Apr 8, 2020

This is a very usefull course where you learn many tools. There is a large volume of information, which in principle can be overwhelming, but which with the exercises are understood. The activity of correcting the work of others classmates allowed a much better understanding of what was learned. I hope have the oportunity to do other courses. Thanks Coursera Team.

By Emmet C


Jul 8, 2017

This course is very difficult if you're new to programming and data science, as I was. However it will reward perseverance with practical R skills you can put to use straight away. I'm half way through the specialization and I've already managed to get a job as a data analyst -- in no small part because of the material I learned on this course. Highly recommended.

By Balsher S


Nov 19, 2016

Good for beginner, but also very useful if you familiar with R but need hand on practical experience with the language. As my instructor would say at the University, you gonna need practice, and here is where you can start to focus on structured assignments with clear result need for each assignment. Complete the assignment and you will advance your skills in R.

By James A


May 4, 2020

This program is well structured and provides lots of examples with detailed steps to learning the course material. The swirl assignments were very helpful in getting you oriented and giving you a broader understanding to the program.

I will encourage everyone who want to take this course to do so. There is a lot of help provided again on the discussion platform.

By Amanuel G


Nov 1, 2016

It was a wonderful experience and really exiting working through the extracting and manipulating of data from files and data frames.This course had been a wonderful guide to words this amazing Data science technique.But i would appreciate if you could leave learners with plenty of real problem questions to deal with after the completion of this course.Thank You!

By Bhavneet S


Sep 25, 2022

The course helps to get started with R's data manipulation tools. In course references are a great way to expand on the same. Course includes a little out of the box thinking (a requirement in programming), a bit of git bash and git hub and assingments. Assingments helps to strengthen on your concepts and are a good way to generate a bit of programming sense.

By Anupam A


Jul 10, 2018

This course was intense and I learnt a lot in the 4 weeks. THe programming assignments are the ones that teach you the most. I spent double the time doing an assignment than what I spent in watching the videos and learning from the internet. Swirl sets you up to deal with bigger problems. Do take this course if you want to learn R in a very structured manner.

By Ioannis K


May 28, 2017

Learned R programming for the first time through this course, with only some prior knowledge on the structure of programs in general (pseudocoding). I found this course so useful and learnt so many things. The programming assignments are challenging yet designed in a way that teaches you new techniques and pushes your limits.

I highly recommend this course!

By Alessandro V


Apr 29, 2020

I found the video explanations sometimes not enough precise especially regarding the lexical and dynamic scope, however the assignment and the exercises have been for me very useful to gain all competences I was looking for. I really appreciated the combination of exercises and assignments, even if not really easy, but really useful to learn R programming.

By Mario A C A


Jul 8, 2020

I think it would be better if everything you ask in the assignment tasks were alredy cover by the course. i found myself in the need to search and investigate somewhere else (wich is kind of good sometimes) to now how to solve the problem. My issue is that the difficulty lvl for the tasks were too high in comparation with the things learned in the course

By Chinmay P


Nov 18, 2017

The course is awesome and great to get you hands on with R programming. The course focuses on various aspects of R programming and what I think most important is it teaches you to write functions is R which is the key to accomplish significant projects using R. Thanks to Dr Roger D. Peng, Dr Jeff Leek, & Dr Brian Caffo, for creating such useful course. :)

By José A R N


Jan 20, 2017

My name is Jose Antonio. I am looking for a new Data Scientist career (

I did this course to get new knowledge about Data Science and better understand the technology and your practical applications.

The course was excellent and the classes well taught by the Teachers.

Congratulations to Coursera team and Teachers

By James G H


Nov 14, 2017

R isn't easy to get familiar with ... spoken by a C++, Java, Python engineer. This course was effective at introducing the essentials of R for inputing, manipulating, presenting, along with a basic IDE and debugging/profiling toolset. I am still wondering when python/R is the better platform ... but presently believe I'm far better off knowing both.

By José A C


Jan 2, 2017

Very good. Even though that it is not completely required to know statistics for this course, I would suggest putting in the requirements something like "basic statistics". For example, I don't need to know about the Poisson distribution in order to apply its function, but at least I might want to know why is it useful to apply those kind of functions.

By Ajay L


Dec 13, 2020

It took me quite long time to complete this course because of challenging assignment and many practical application. This course made sure that I not only learn the theoretical part but also I practice and become confident in what I have learnt. Personally, it was very fruitful course as after learning this I could really use it in my day to day work.

By Nino P


May 24, 2019

Great course for anyone who wants to learn R! I had no prior experience in R and it helped me to start and learn basics. After this specialization I really feel confortable working in R. I would not recommend this course to someone with good knowledge in R since you will be bored, but for every begginer it's a must do. This specialization is amazing!

By Benjamin A T


Mar 15, 2021

This course is a comprehensive introduction to R, ranging from the very basics of the language to more abstract concepts like scoping and object-orientation. For the beginners, the quizzes and the hands-on exercises are not straightforward, which is better to force the student to dive into the programming language. I strongly recommend this course!

By Victor A d S P


Nov 2, 2019

It is a great course. I have already had experience dealing with R, so it helped me a lot to fix somethings that I had problem with. However, I would assume that in order to take this course, you would have to have some previously owned background in Programming. Even though, it is a great course, I just loved it. Take it, if you enjoy a challenge.

By Praveen P


Mar 26, 2017

I really want to take moment to appreciate the careful designing of course material. Start from basic and touched every major point of programming. At least we can take this knowledge ahead and use this in more real world scenario. This has given me enough encouragement to stay connected for future guidance. Kudos to Course designers and Coursera.

By Pinaz N


May 4, 2020

The flow of the course is really justified. Swirl is really the best part of the course. The course should have more lessons on making functions as making function are really difficult and need to look for lots of sources to form a correct one. I really pay tribute to the makers of this complete course. It is really going to help me in my PhD

By Ulrike H


Jul 1, 2018

This course is well structured and the explanations are understandable. I liked best the practice R sessions using the swirl package. Cool thing. I found it a pity, that a few acompanying lecture slides are missing for download. It would be nice if they were available, because they are helpful for programming assignment 3 as cheat sheets.

By Adam G


Jan 28, 2018

Learned a ton in this course! Kind of felt like Excel 101 for R, began to understand most of the basic functions and their use cases.

It was much much harder and work intensive than part 1, took 5-10 hrs/wk. Can't just knock everything out in 1 day, takes consistent workflow.

Recommended if you want to learn, felt challenging but rewarding.

By Chris C


Jun 22, 2016

Was tough enough to give me the feel of solving real problems. Would have appreciated a little more explanation of the return types of the looping functions, all time was spent on the parameters and no time on what the data structure returned is. Online documentation is also weak on this point so some instruction would have been helpful.