Should You List Your References on a Resume?

Written by Coursera Staff • Updated on

It’s best to use the space you have on your resume in more productive ways, but collecting references to have on hand is a proactive step you can take in your job search. Explore what resume references are and how to handle them.

[Featured Image] A woman is on the phone while looking at her resume. On her desk is a book and laptop.

Although it used to be common practice to list at least two references on your resume, it’s since become unnecessary in the digital age. Potential employers now tend to ask for references once you near the end of their interview process. Plus, you can utilize that valuable space on your resume to highlight other things, such as your technical skills or job skills.

That being said, when you’re actively searching for a new job, it can help to proactively collect references so you’re prepared in case an employer asks for that information. Learn why employers need references, why it’s not necessary to list them on your resume, and tips for asking someone to serve as a reference. 

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What are resume references? 

References are people in your professional or personal network who can speak to your previous roles, responsibilities, and character. During the job interview process, a potential employer will reach out to your references and learn more about you.

As the job application process has transferred to applicant tracking systems—and as the number of applicants per job has increased—it’s best to use the space you have on your resume in more productive ways. You can go into more detail about your past successes or include a resume summary or resume objective.   

When should you include references for your resume?

The short answer is: never. References on your resume take up valuable space, so only share that information when the recruiter asks for it. Whether your resume is one or two pages, it’s important to use that space to promote your qualifications. Learn more about important resume sections to include.

How to format your references 

Many candidates submit their references in a separate document, sometimes called a reference sheet. Limit your references to one page. Besides including each reference’s contact information (name, phone number, email), provide some additional context by including their job title and the company they work for. You should also explain how you know the person, such as “Person A was my supervisor for three years at Company X.” 

List each reference’s information in the following order:  

  1. Full name

  2. Job title and company name 

  3. Contact information (phone number and email address)

  4. Brief description of the relationship 

Why do employers need resume references? 

References are an opportunity for a potential employer to learn more about your past work and impact—and to gain an outside perspective on any lingering concerns.

Employers typically request references from their top two or three candidates in order to learn more about each person. In addition to the interviews you've conducted and any work samples you've shared, they'll likely factor the information they glean from your references into their final decision.  

When does an employer ask for references? 

Potential employers can ask for your references at any point during the job interview process. But generally, you’ll receive that request during the final stage of an interview, when you’re among the top two or three candidates and the employer is nearing a final decision.

How many references should you include?

When you’re asked to provide references, you should list three to four people who can attest to your professional experience and skills. If a professional reference isn’t available, you can ask friends and acquaintances to serve as a character reference. 

Rather than include your references’ contact information on your resume, it’s standard practice to create a separate list, and submit it as a PDF or Word document via email (unless otherwise noted), using the same font and design details as your resume to create cohesion.  

A reference tends to be a phone call or email that takes place during a job search. A letter of recommendation tends to be a one-page letter that’s required for college and scholarship applications.


Resume reference tips

You can follow these tips to solicit the most effective references possible. Ideally, you'll choose a variety of references who can speak to your different strengths and discuss your experience in specific detail.

Who can I put as a reference? 

It’s important to find three or four people who can highlight your strengths. When possible, try to include as many professional references as possible—people you previously worked with or currently work with.

If you don’t yet have a lot of professional experience, consider asking mentors, former professors, or close personal friends who can substantiate your character, your career goals, and perhaps even your work ethic. 

Some common types of references to include on a reference list: 

  • Former manager or supervisor

  • Former coworker 

  • Current manager or coworker (if they approve of your job search) 

  • Mentor  

  • Former or current professor 

  • Personal acquaintance that’s not related to you 

Start by emailing the people you feel would best represent you and asking whether they’d feel comfortable serving as one of your references. You should also confirm their contact information. 

When should you ask someone to be a reference? 

You can either reach out to potential references when you begin looking for a new job or once a specific company has requested your references. When you contact the three or four people you'd like to serve as references, make sure to detail the following:

  • The job you’re interviewing for

  • What excites you about the position

  • The skills you’ll be able to apply to the role

This will help your references connect this new opportunity to what you've done in the past. 


Take note: If some time has passed between when you initially asked a person to serve as a reference and when a potential employer requests their information, it’s good etiquette to reach back out and confirm their ability to participate before passing along their contact info. It’s also helpful to let your references know that someone from the company you’re interviewing with might be in touch so they know to watch out for a phone call or email. 

Following up with references

After you’ve completed a job search, whether you get the offer or not, it’s a good idea to thank your references for speaking on your behalf. 

Learn how to interview with Coursera

Some employers may ask for a list of references that they can contact about your time in the workplace or how you may fit for a job. Learn more about creating an eye-catching resume and cover letter with this free Guided Project on Coursera. Or you can explore a number of Professional Certificates from a range of industry leaders, each designed to help you develop or strengthen your skill set and add a notable credential to your resume. You can earn a Professional Certificate in business, computer science, or marketing.

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