Explore a New Career Path


Looking to make a career change? Not sure how to get started? This collection is designed to help you explore new career opportunities. If you’re interested in career fields like information technology, data science, healthcare, graphic design, marketing, or journalism, these learning programs can help you learn skills you’ll need to get started.

Explore a New Career Path


Looking to make a career change? Not sure how to get started? This collection is designed to help you explore new career opportunities. If you’re interested in career fields like information technology, data science, healthcare, graphic design, marketing, or journalism, these learning programs can help you learn skills you’ll need to get started.

Curated by Coursera

These courses and Specializations have been hand-picked by the learning team at Coursera

There are plenty of courses and specializations on Coursera that can help you learn new skills you can use to embark on a new career journey and feel confident enough to pursue new opportunities. There are plenty of career opportunities that do not require a college degree (often referred to as “middle-skills” jobs).

Burning Glass Opens in a new taband Accenture asked 800 HR executives what made middle-skills jobs difficult to fill, with the top reason stating that trained talent is difficult to find (54% of respondents). 69% of respondents also said their firm’s performance is frequently affected by their inability to attract or retain middle-skills talent. Even though middle-skill jobs account for 53% of United States’ labor market, but only 43% of the country’s workers are trained to the middle-skill levelOpens in a new tab. It’s never too late to start learning new skills. We encourage you to explore the variety of programs available on this page so that you can find a career path that interests you and get started today!

Coursera also has a collection of great courses where you can learn essential soft skillsOpens in a new tab that can help you land your next job!

Popular Categories on Coursera: BusinessOpens in a new tab | Computer Science Opens in a new tab| Data Science Opens in a new tab| Information TechnologyOpens in a new tab | HealthOpens in a new tab | Career SuccessOpens in a new tab | Free CoursesOpens in a new tab | Guided ProjectsOpens in a new tab | See AllOpens in a new tab

Popular Degrees on Coursera: Business DegreesOpens in a new tab | Computer Science DegreesOpens in a new tab | Data Science DegreesOpens in a new tab | Public Health DegreesOpens in a new tab | Bachelor’s DegreesOpens in a new tab | Master’s DegreesOpens in a new tab | See all online degrees on CourseraOpens in a new tab

Popular Professional Certificates on Coursera: Google IT Support CertificateOpens in a new tab | IBM Full Stack Development CertificateOpens in a new tab | Facebook Social Media Marketing CertificateOpens in a new tab | See all professional certificates on Coursera Opens in a new tab

Popular MasterTrack Certificates on Coursera: Social Work: Practice, Policy, and Research CertificateOpens in a new tab | Instructional Design CertificateOpens in a new tab | Machine Learning for Analytics CertificateOpens in a new tab | See all MasterTrack certificates on Coursera Opens in a new tab

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CommunityJoin a community of over 100 million learners from around the world
CertificateLearn from more than 200 leading universities and industry educators.
Confidence70% of all learners who have stated a career goal and completed a course report outcomes such as gaining confidence, improving work performance, or selecting a new career path.
All courses include:
  • 100% online
  • Flexible schedule
  • Mobile learning
  • Videos and readings from professors at world-renowned universities and industry leaders
  • Practice quizzes

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