Most Popular Online Courses: Coursera Anniversary Collection


Celebrate 7 years of learning and connection with the most popular courses on Coursera.

Most Popular Online Courses: Coursera Anniversary Collection


Celebrate 7 years of learning and connection with the most popular courses on Coursera.

Online Courses that Learners Love

We created this collection to celebrate 7 years of learners and educators coming together to spread knowledge and transform lives. Thanks for being a part of the journey with us!

Learn machine learning, data science, personal development skills, and more with courses from top-rated educators.

Hear what Coursera learners have to say:

Shiv, Coursera Community Member on Coursera InstructorsOpens in a new tab

“It will be very difficult for me to point out any one single course or instructor. Almost all the courses that I have undertaken along with their instructors has been extraordinary. The Coursera Community that has grown up over the years is absolutely amazing…”

A Roaming Teacher & Community Member on "Learning How to Learn" courseOpens in a new tab

“MASSIVE thank you to Barb and co. on the Learning How To LearnOpens in a new tab course. It changed my life as a parent, student and teacher. I am constantly referring to the lessons and it started me down a path that has made my life even more fulfilling. Barb has answered the queries I have sent her directly so I could continue my learning journey..."

Popular Categories on Coursera: BusinessOpens in a new tab | Computer Science Opens in a new tab| Data Science Opens in a new tab| Information TechnologyOpens in a new tab | HealthOpens in a new tab | Career SuccessOpens in a new tab | Free CoursesOpens in a new tab | Guided ProjectsOpens in a new tab | See AllOpens in a new tab

Popular Degrees on Coursera: Business DegreesOpens in a new tab | Computer Science DegreesOpens in a new tab | Data Science DegreesOpens in a new tab | Public Health DegreesOpens in a new tab | Bachelor’s DegreesOpens in a new tab | Master’s DegreesOpens in a new tab | See all online degrees on CourseraOpens in a new tab

Popular Professional Certificates on Coursera: Google IT Support CertificateOpens in a new tab | IBM Full Stack Development CertificateOpens in a new tab | Facebook Social Media Marketing CertificateOpens in a new tab | See all professional certificates on CourseraOpens in a new tab

Popular MasterTrack Certificates on Coursera: Social Work: Practice, Policy, and Research CertificateOpens in a new tab | Instructional Design CertificateOpens in a new tab | Machine Learning for Analytics CertificateOpens in a new tab | See all MasterTrack certificates on CourseraOpens in a new tab

CommunityJoin a community of over 100 million learners from around the world
CertificateLearn from more than 200 leading universities and industry educators.
Confidence70% of all learners who have stated a career goal and completed a course report outcomes such as gaining confidence, improving work performance, or selecting a new career path.
All courses include:
  • 100% online
  • Flexible schedule
  • Mobile learning
  • Videos and readings from professors at world-renowned universities and industry leaders
  • Practice quizzes

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