Fractal Analytics
Successful AI Strategies: A CEO's Perspective

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Fractal Analytics

Successful AI Strategies: A CEO's Perspective

Dieser Kurs ist Teil von Spezialisierung Leadership Strategies for AI and Generative AI

Unterrichtet auf Englisch

Fractal Analytics
Pranay Agrawal

Dozenten: Fractal Analytics

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9 Stunden (ungefähr)
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Was Sie lernen werden

  • Explain key components for driving desired outcomes from AI

  • Explain strategies for error reduction and accuracy improvement in AI

  • Gain insights into optimizing organizational effectiveness in AI adoption

Kompetenzen, die Sie erwerben

  • Kategorie: Organizational Development
  • Kategorie: AI Adoption
  • Kategorie: Ethical and Responsible AI

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Mai 2024


10 Aufgaben


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Empfohlene Erfahrung

9 Stunden (ungefähr)
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Dieser Kurs ist Teil der Spezialisierung Spezialisierung Leadership Strategies for AI and Generative AI
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In diesem Kurs gibt es 5 Module

Welcome to this module where we will unpack "What defines the success of your AI development?" In this module on AI adoption, you will delve into a comprehensive understanding of defining clear AI objectives, drawing insights from real-world examples such as Google Glass and Netflix. You will explore the crucial alignment of AI initiatives with business goals, taking into account market dynamics and ethical considerations. Through the lens of user-centered design and the DVF framework, you will craft purpose-driven AI strategies tailored to organizational needs. You'll also gain insights into engineering aspects, including scalable data pipelines and the critical role of high-quality data. By embracing design thinking principles, empathy, and iterative prototyping, you will learn to translate visions into intuitive AI solutions. The module concludes with actionable steps for implementation, emphasizing collaboration, monitoring, and continuous refinement

Das ist alles enthalten

4 Videos5 Lektüren2 Aufgaben1 Diskussionsthema

Welcome to this module on the synergy of AI, Data Engineering and Design Thinking. This module explores the crucial elements of AI adoption for achieving desired outcomes. By dissecting the equation Results (R) = AI × E^2 × D^2, participants uncover the pivotal roles of Data Engineering and Design Thinking. Data Engineering establishes robust data pipelines, enabling efficient processing and scalability crucial for AI functionality. Design Thinking ensures user-centric solutions, aligning AI applications with user needs through intuitive design and empathetic understanding. Through real-life examples and core principles, participants learn to orchestrate a harmonious blend of AI, engineering, and design, unlocking tangible value and fostering innovation. The module equips participants to champion AI implementations that drive sustainable business growth and user satisfaction.

Das ist alles enthalten

7 Videos3 Lektüren2 Aufgaben

Welcome to "Addressing Errors in AI." Begin with a look back at Siri's early days, where amusing glitches highlighted AI's challenges. Discover why diverse and accurate data are crucial for AI success and how poor data quality can derail projects. Learn proactive strategies for ensuring data quality through governance and monitoring. Next, delve into the vital role of computing power in AI. Explore the hardware and software driving AI advancements, from GPUs and TPUs to frameworks like TensorFlow and PyTorch. Lastly, uncover the transformative power of AI technology, including deep learning and Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs). Understand how these technologies emulate human functions and enhance AI's capabilities. In conclusion, grasp the importance of reducing AI errors through advanced computing, quality data, and cutting-edge technology. As a business leader, understanding these nuances is key to leveraging AI's potential and fostering trust within your organization. Join us to unlock the true potential of AI!

Das ist alles enthalten

4 Videos2 Lektüren2 Aufgaben

Welcome to this module on Organizational Effectiveness in AI. This module explores the key elements driving successful AI adoption within organizations, focusing on the equation OE = T × C × G, where Organizational Effectiveness (OE) is determined by Talent (T), Culture (C), and Governance (G). You will delve into the importance of recruiting skilled AI talent, fostering a culture of experimentation and learning, and establishing robust governance frameworks to ensure ethical AI deployment. By understanding the interconnected nature of these components, you will gain insights into achieving organizational effectiveness in the AI era.

Das ist alles enthalten

4 Videos1 Lektüre2 Aufgaben

Welcome to this module on successful AI implementation. In this module, we delve into the intricacies of AI adoption with a focus on two pivotal strategies: Narrowly Focused AI and Human-Centered Design. Through real-world examples like Digi Mart's customer support AI and a retail giant's AI-driven personalization, we explore how organizations can harness AI to streamline processes and enhance user experiences. We also discuss the importance of strategic decision-making in AI implementation, comparing the risks and benefits of Decision-Forward and Decision-Backward approaches. This comprehensive exploration equips business leaders with insights and tools to effectively integrate AI into their operations, aligning technological advancements with organizational goals and user needs.

Das ist alles enthalten

3 Videos1 Lektüre2 Aufgaben


Fractal Analytics
Fractal Analytics
16 Kurse45.551 Lernende
Pranay Agrawal
Fractal Analytics
1 Kurs444 Lernende


Fractal Analytics

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