Magíster en Ciencia de Datos

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Magíster en Ciencia de Datos

Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

¡Las inscripciones se encuentran abiertas!

Aplica ahora u obtén más información sobre el programa para ser parte de la Universidad Nº 1 de habla hispana en Latinoamérica según QS World University Rankings 2024.

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Universidad acreditada

Título otorgado por la Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile

Enseñanza en español

Participa en discusiones grupales con tus profesores y compañeros

24 meses

22 horas semanales. 16 cursos y un proyecto final.

100% Online

Aprende mediante sesiones en vivo y contenido asincrónico desde cualquier lugar

$9.900.000 CLP

$11,000 USD para alumnos afuera del territorio chileno. Conoce más detalles aquí.

Plan de Estudios

El plan de estudios del programa consiste en cursos mínimos y cursos optativos, lo que permitirá a los estudiantes profundizar en las temáticas de su interés y ampliar sus horizontes. Contempla también una Actividad Final, que permitirá poner en práctica lo aprendido.

Cursos Mínimos

  • Introducción a la Programación en Python

  • Bases de Datos

  • Análisis de Datos en Python

  • Introducción a la Ciencia de Datos

  • Visualización de Datos

  • Aprendizaje Estadístico y Computacional

  • Ingeniería de Software

  • Procesamiento de Datos Masivos

  • Ciencia de Datos Responsable

  • Actividad de graduación I

  • Actividad de graduación II

  • Actividad de graduación III

Cursos Optativos

Para completar el programa deberás realizar cursos mínimos y optativos. La oferta de cursos optativos puede variar de bimestre a bimestre. Sin embargo a continuación, te entregamos algunos ejemplos de los optativos disponibles actualmente:

  • Aprendizaje Profundo

  • Sistemas Recomendadores

  • Procesamiento de Imágenes

  • Estadística Aplicada

  • Métodos Bayesianos

  • Análisis de Redes Sociales

¡Las inscripciones se encuentran abiertas!

Fecha límite de aplicación: 29 de junio 2025

¡Las inscripciones se encuentran abiertas!

Fecha límite de aplicación: 29 de junio 2025


Not ready to enroll in the iMSA? Earn a credential that transfers credit into the degree.

These graduate certificates stack directly into the Master of Science in Accountancy (iMSA). Each of the high engagement courses that comprise these certificates carry University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign graduate credit.

Graduate Certificate in Accounting Data Analytics : Learn how to synthesize and communicate data-intensive information, findings and conclusions, and develop the job-ready skills to solve accounting and business challenges.

Learn more about this certificate

CPA Pathways Graduate Certificate: Build technical knowledge and skills in financial accounting, taxation, and accounting data analytics as you prepare for the Uniform CPA Examination®.

Learn more about this certificate

Accounting Foundations Graduate Certificate: Develop job-ready skills with the top accounting faculty in the nation in as little as eight months.

Learn more about this certificate



This course highlights the conceptual framework and financial statements. It also provides in-depth analysis of accounting issues related to the measurement, recognition and disclosure of current and non-current assets, and revenue recognition.

Students who have previously completed any of the required courses will take a suitable replacement course approved by a program advisor.

This course will cover the measurement and reporting of a firm's liabilities and shareholders' equity. Topics include contingencies, subsequent events, bonds, leases, deferred taxes, pensions, equity transactions, and earning per share.

Students who have previously completed any of the required courses will take a suitable replacement course approved by a program advisor.

Introduction to management accounting principles, as used to facilitate and align internal decisions made by managers and employees. Topics include analytical tools and techniques to address common business problems, cost information systems, budgeting, and strategic performance measurement systems.

Students who have previously completed any of the required courses will take a suitable replacement course approved by a program advisor.

Introduction to conceptual and applied material in the field of auditing. Emphasizes the audit process, reporting, and professional responsibilities.

Students who have previously completed any of the required courses will take a suitable replacement course approved by a program advisor.

Introduction to historical and conceptual as well as applied material in the accounting area of federal taxation; emphasizes the provisions of the tax law relevant to accounting measurement methods.

Students who have previously completed any of the required courses will take a suitable replacement course approved by a program advisor.

Students in the iMSA program will be able to choose from a list of electives to fulfill their degree requirements. Some electives include:

  • Data Analytics for Management Accounting
  • Data Analytics Foundations for Accountancy
  • Statistical Analytics for Accountancy
  • Data Analytics Applications in Accounting
  • Risk Management and Innovation

View a full list of available electives.


  • Accounting Analytics

Specializations or Emphasis Areas:

  • Taxation
  • Corporate Governance & International Business
  • Finance
  • Information Technology & Control
  • Supply Chain Management

Learn more about the concentrations and specializations.

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