Exam Prep AI-102: Microsoft Azure AI Engineer Associate

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Exam Prep AI-102: Microsoft Azure AI Engineer Associate

Enseigné en Anglais

3 321 déjà inscrits


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Whizlabs Instructor

Instructeur : Whizlabs Instructor


(15 avis)

niveau Intermédiaire

Expérience recommandée

17 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 5 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Explore and make use of AI conversational assistants.

  • Design and implement Computer Vision Solutions.

  • Develop Natural Language Processing Applications.

  • Design and Implement Knowledge Mining Solutions.

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : NLP Solutions
  • Catégorie : Python Programming
  • Catégorie : Conversational AI Solutions
  • Catégorie : Azure Cognitive Services
  • Catégorie : Azure AI solutions: Planning and Management

Détails à connaître

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1 quiz, 16 devoirs

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Il y a 5 modules dans ce cours

Welcome to Week 1 of the Course. This week, we’ll explore the Concepts of Course Overview, Prerequisites, and Azure AI Solutions Introduction. We will also explore the concepts of Azure AI services with security-based selection. By the end of the course, we'll learn how to configure and manage the logging and cost of Azure AI Services and explore the concepts of Monitoring Azure AI Services.


27 vidéos3 lectures4 devoirs1 sujet de discussion

Welcome to Week 2 of the Course. This week, we’ll explore the concepts of Image processing requirements, responses, and features. We learn the concepts of extracting text with Computer Vision Models. By the end of this course, we will be able to configure Image classification and object detection and concepts of Azure AI Vision with OCR and AI.


21 vidéos1 lecture3 devoirs

Welcome to Week 3 of the Course. This week, we’ll explore the concepts of Analyzing text using Azure AI Language and configuring the Process speech using Azure AI Speech. We will learn the concepts of the Translate language with Translator Services. By the end of this course, we will be able to Explore how to Implement and manage a language understanding model by using Azure AI Language and Analyze the concepts of question answering solutions by using Azure AI Language.


37 vidéos1 lecture4 devoirs

Welcome to Week 4 of the Course. This week, we’ll explore the concepts of Implementing Azure AI Search Solutions. Then we learn how to Explore the concepts of Document Intelligence. By the end of this course, we will learn to demonstrate the concepts of Azure AI Document Intelligence with pre-built Models and Explore the concepts of how to implement Build an Azure AI Document Intelligence custom skill for Azure AI Search.


7 vidéos1 lecture2 devoirs

Welcome to the Week 5 (Final Week) of the Course. This week, we’ll explore the concepts of Generative AI, Azure Open AI, and Content Safety Services. Then we will learn how to analyze the concepts of Azure OpenAI Service to generate content. By the end of this course, we will be able to learn how to Analyze the concepts of how to Implement and Optimize Generative AI, and how to create and implement solutions for content delivery.


15 vidéos2 lectures1 quiz3 devoirs


Whizlabs Instructor
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