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Business Intelligence (BI) Essentials

Ce cours fait partie de IBM Business Intelligence (BI) Analyst Certificat Professionnel

Enseigné en Anglais

Rav Ahuja

Instructeur : Rav Ahuja

19 229 déjà inscrits

Inclus avec Coursera Plus


Familiarisez-vous avec un sujet et apprenez les fondamentaux


(137 avis)



niveau Débutant

Expérience recommandée

14 heures (approximativement)
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Explain the concept of business intelligence (BI), the key components and challenges involved, and the career options in this field.

  • Describe data analytics and its significance in BI, recognizing its role in extracting insights from data.

  • Evaluate different business intelligence tools and technologies used to analyze the business context and requirements of a BI project.

  • Develop actionable insights using appropriate tools and techniques for data gathering, wrangling, analyzing, mining, visualizing, and reporting.

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Data Wrangling
  • Catégorie : Data Analysis
  • Catégorie : Data Warehousing
  • Catégorie : Data Visualization
  • Catégorie : Data Mining

Détails à connaître

Certificat partageable

Ajouter à votre profil LinkedIn


12 quizzes, 11 devoirs


Familiarisez-vous avec un sujet et apprenez les fondamentaux


(137 avis)



niveau Débutant

Expérience recommandée

14 heures (approximativement)
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme

Découvrez comment les employés des entreprises prestigieuses maîtrisent des compétences recherchées


Élaborez votre expertise en Data Management

Ce cours fait partie de la IBM Business Intelligence (BI) Analyst Certificat Professionnel
Lorsque vous vous inscrivez à ce cours, vous êtes également inscrit(e) à ce Certificat Professionnel.
  • Apprenez de nouveaux concepts auprès d'experts du secteur
  • Acquérez une compréhension de base d'un sujet ou d'un outil
  • Développez des compétences professionnelles avec des projets pratiques
  • Obtenez un certificat professionnel partageable auprès de IBM

Obtenez un certificat professionnel

Ajoutez cette qualification à votre profil LinkedIn ou à votre CV

Partagez-le sur les réseaux sociaux et dans votre évaluation de performance


Il y a 6 modules dans ce cours

This module introduces you to the field of BI. You will gain insight into the key concepts of BI, understand its importance in modern business operations, and explore the benefits and challenges associated with implementing BI solutions through various examples. You will also gain insight into how BI, data analytics, data science, and data engineering are different. Additionally, you will learn about the career opportunities and roles in BI and the skills and qualifications to develop a successful career in this field. By the end of the module, you will have a fundamental foundation in BI and be able to apply your knowledge to understand its significance in real-world business scenarios.


13 vidéos4 lectures4 devoirs1 sujet de discussion4 plugins

In this module, you will learn about the different types of data structures, file formats, sources of data, and the languages data professionals use in their day-to-day tasks. You will gain insight into various types of data repositories, such as databases, data warehouses, data marts, data lakes, and data pipelines. In addition, you will learn about the extract, transform, and load (ETL) process, which is used to extract, transform, and load data into data repositories. Finally, the module also provides an overview of big data and big data processing tools such as Apache Hadoop, Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Hive, and Spark.


17 vidéos2 lectures4 quizzes2 plugins

This module explores the ecosystem of business intelligence (BI) analysts and provides insights into the types of analytics, such as descriptive, diagnostic, predictive, and prescriptive analytics, and understanding their unique contributions to data analysis. You will also learn about the key BI components that make up its process and the relevance of key performance indicators (KPIs) and metrics used in evaluating business performance. Additionally, you will gain insight into different BI technologies and tools used, the differences between these technologies, and how to analyze the business context, processing requirements, and objectives of a BI project to gain a comprehensive understanding of its scope and potential impact. Finally, the module introduces you to the overall BI process and delves into the privacy and security issues and the necessary regulatory compliance.


12 vidéos2 lectures4 devoirs7 plugins

In this module, you will learn how to identify, gather, and import data from disparate sources. You will learn about the tasks involved in wrangling and cleaning data to prepare it for analysis. In addition, you will learn about different tools that can be used for gathering, importing, wrangling, and cleaning data, along with some of their characteristics, strengths, limitations, and applications.


7 vidéos2 lectures4 quizzes2 plugins

In this module, you will learn about the role of statistical analysis in mining and visualizing data. You will also be introduced to various statistical and analytical tools and techniques that can be used to gain a deeper understanding of your data. These tools help you analyze the patterns, trends, and correlations in data. Additionally, you will learn about various types of data visualizations to communicate and tell a compelling story and different tools that can be used for mining and visualizing data, along with some of their characteristics, strengths, limitations, and applications. Finally, the module delves into how you can effectively present the BI insights you have gained.


9 vidéos2 lectures4 quizzes1 sujet de discussion2 plugins

In this module, you will identify and apply the right BI techniques and tools to various real-world business scenarios and develop a comprehensive BI project. You will also gain an opportunity to apply your acquired knowledge and skills in a hands-on assignment.


4 vidéos4 lectures3 devoirs5 plugins


Évaluations de l’enseignant
4.8 (39 évaluations)
Rav Ahuja
52 Cours2 838 251 apprenants

Offert par


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’J'ai directement appliqué les concepts et les compétences que j'ai appris de mes cours à un nouveau projet passionnant au travail.’
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’Apprendre, ce n'est pas seulement s'améliorer dans son travail : c'est bien plus que cela. Coursera me permet d'apprendre sans limites.’

Avis des étudiants

Affichage de 3 sur 137


137 avis

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    82,06 %

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    13,79 %

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    3,44 %

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    0,68 %

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    0 %


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