University of Cape Town
Introduction to Small Molecule Drug Discovery & Development

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University of Cape Town

Introduction to Small Molecule Drug Discovery & Development

Enseigné en Anglais

3 918 déjà inscrits


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Dr Susan Winks

Instructeur : Dr Susan Winks


(51 avis)

niveau Débutant

Expérience recommandée

17 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 5 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
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Ce que vous apprendrez

  • The different stages of drug discovery and development, including the tools and technologies influencing how we think about new medicines.

  • Investigate drug metabolism, pharmacokinetics and drug safety all the way to clinical development and beyond from the needs of the patient.

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Drug Development
  • Catégorie : drug discovery value chain
  • Catégorie : drug safety
  • Catégorie : Pharmacokinetics
  • Catégorie : metabolism

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Il y a 4 modules dans ce cours

This week covers an introduction to the drug discovery and development process. It starts off by considering the patient, as the ultimate beneficiary of new and improved drugs, to ensure that they are kept at the centre of and integrated into all subsequent decision-making. Through a case study, the concept of an unmet medical need is introduced and provides a backdrop for understanding further critical concepts which underlie drug discovery and development. An overview of various drug discovery strategies is presented, along with approaches to screening and hit discovery. Various scientific, medical and humanitarian considerations need to be taken into account if effective delivery of new and improved drugs is to be achieved. Some of the challenges are presented, and a panel discussion highlights different, and similar, perspectives in the academic and industry approach to drug discovery projects.


9 vidéos9 lectures2 quizzes3 sujets de discussion

This week explores the early phases of drug discovery. As outlined previously, the starting point is always the needs of the patient and their biomedical realities. Understanding disease biology is a critical next step and sets the scene for mapping the context for immune response and the origins of ill health and how the progression of disease can be controlled or arrested. Case studies, particularly in the context of tuberculosis (TB), demonstrate the rationale behind molecular biology studies of the pathogen and the host. Key concepts such as the essentiality and vulnerability of targets and their 'druggability' are introduced. Medicinal chemistry drives the chemical modification of drug-like molecules to improve their activity and safety. The various tools and approaches that the medicinal chemist has at their disposal, including the value of the screening cascade, will be discussed.


10 vidéos4 lectures2 quizzes1 sujet de discussion

This week picks up the drug discovery and development story at the point at which promising drug candidates have already been identified. The crucial importance in this phase of investigating the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of potential drugs is introduced, as these are key parameters for the effectiveness of a new drug and a positive patient experience. These properties have a bearing on bioavailability and metabolic processes and provide a backdrop for animal model studies, and the extent to which the biological properties of the drug are retained in mammalian systems. The ethical considerations and technological advances pertaining to in vivo testing are discussed. Drug testing, safety profiling, and toxicology and efficacy in preparation for clinical trials are presented, and an introduction to process optimization and API manufacturing is also discussed.


10 vidéos4 lectures2 quizzes1 évaluation par les pairs

This week outlines and examines the clinical development phase. Once a drug candidate has successfully progressed through the phases outlined previously, it qualifies for filing as an Investigational New Drug (IND) and a Clinical Trial Application (CTA) and the accompanying review process. An overview is given of the regulatory framework governing this, and a description of the various phases of clinical trials. The extensive teamwork that is required during the clinical trial is outlined, as well as the various role-players in this process, and some of the critical aspects, such as the submission and approval process, protocols that need to be established, informed consent and site management, are described. Finally, we look to the future and consider how new technologies are changing the face of drug discovery and development and how this may ultimately bring newer and safer medicines to the patient more rapidly.


10 vidéos8 lectures2 quizzes


Évaluations de l’enseignant
5.0 (9 évaluations)
Dr Susan Winks
University of Cape Town
1 Cours3 918 apprenants

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