Tel Aviv University
Economic Growth and Distributive Justice Part II - Maximize Social Wellbeing

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Tel Aviv University

Economic Growth and Distributive Justice Part II - Maximize Social Wellbeing

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Il y a 5 modules dans ce cours

Dear students, The first half of the course is behind us, and there's one more half to go. We hope you are enjoying yourselves! In the previous class, we focused on the equity side of the equity-efficiency tradeoff, learning how to measure inequality and poverty. In this class, we will move on to talk about measuring efficiency. We will study the principles of SOCIAL EFFICIENCY, guided by the logic of trade, profitable transactions and the influence of TAXATION. Using everyday examples (have you ever babysitted?!), we will investigate the concept of EXCESS BURDEN, how and why taxes reduce social efficiency, and how this can be measured. So let's begin week 5! Best, Economic Growth and Distributive Justice team


8 vidéos3 lectures1 quiz2 plugins

Dear students, This week we will learn how market forces determine who bears the economic burden of a tax. We will follow various classic examples and see how this happens - often in an unintuitive manner, which may be contrary to the legislator’s intention. Best, Economic Growth and Distributive Justice team


6 vidéos1 lecture1 quiz

Dear students, This week's lecture is all about progressivity. We will learn about the difference between MARGINAL and EFFECTIVE tax rates, how progressivity can be achieved, and how the transfer side of the system (e.g. welfare benefits) can create steep marginal tax rates, in addition to those generated by the tax side of the system. In the second part of the lesson we will begin studying the OPTIMAL INCOME TAX MODEL, in our search for the tax and transfer system that would maximize social wellbeing. Best, Economic Growth and Distributive Justice team


5 vidéos1 lecture1 quiz

Dear students, This week's lecture will continue our discussion about progressivity. In this second part of the lesson we will begin studying the OPTIMAL INCOME TAX MODEL, in our search for the tax and transfer system that would maximize social wellbeing. Best, Economic Growth and Distributive Justice team


7 vidéos1 lecture1 quiz

Dear students, Time goes by, as always, and here we are, in our last week of the course 'Economic Growth and Distributive Justice'. We hope that by now you have all acquired sufficient knowledge and understanding in the various issues taught by Prof. Margalioth, enabling you to better analyze the social-economic reality in which you live, and form your own educated views and preferences regarding these issues. The last week of the course will be devoted to the OPTIMAL MODEL OF THE TAX & TRANSFER SYSTEM. Combining all materials taught in the course and applying them together, Prof. Margalioth will present to you what he believes to be the best possible model, through which a government can achieve both Economic Growth and Distributive Justice. Will you agree to adopt it as well? Perhaps you have some other interesting ideas? We will be more than happy to discuss them. Thank you for taking our course. It was our pure delight to have you as our students! So let's begin week 8! Best, Economic Growth and Distributive Justice team


7 vidéos1 lecture2 quizzes1 plugin


Évaluations de l’enseignant
4.3 (16 évaluations)
Professor Yoram  Y. Margalioth
Tel Aviv University
2 Cours19 602 apprenants

Offert par

Tel Aviv University

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