Energy Management for IoT Devices

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Energy Management for IoT Devices

Enseigné en Anglais


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Karlis Zars

Instructeur : Karlis Zars

niveau Débutant

Expérience recommandée

5 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 1 heure par semaine
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Understand the principles of energy management in IoT.

  • Explore energy-efficient technologies in IoT devices.

  • Analyze strategies for effective energy management in IoT applications.

  • Apply energy management techniques in real-world IoT scenarios.

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Energy Consumption
  • Catégorie : Green Technology
  • Catégorie : Internet Of Things (IoT)
  • Catégorie : IoT Applications
  • Catégorie : Energy Management

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4 devoirs

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Il y a 4 modules dans ce cours

Module 1 serves as an introduction to the essential concepts of energy management within IoT devices. Participants will explore the fundamental principles at the intersection of IoT and energy, gaining insight into energy sources, consumption patterns, and management techniques. Through interactive sessions, learners will understand various energy sources and storage options, such as battery technologies and renewable energy solutions. Additionally, they will analyze energy consumption patterns in IoT devices and explore techniques for optimizing energy usage, including power management strategies and energy-efficient design principles.


10 vidéos4 lectures1 devoir2 sujets de discussion

Module 2 focuses on the technological aspects of managing energy within IoT ecosystems. Participants will delve into hardware components and software solutions tailored for enhancing energy efficiency in IoT devices. Through engaging sessions, learners will gain insight into energy-efficient sensors, actuators, and low-power communication technologies. They will also explore the role of software and analytics in optimizing energy consumption, including the integration of AI and data-driven approaches. Furthermore, participants will examine networking and connectivity considerations for enhancing energy efficiency in IoT systems.


10 vidéos3 lectures1 devoir2 sujets de discussion

Module 3 focuses on the practical aspects of designing and implementing energy-efficient solutions within IoT environments. Participants will learn principles of efficient design, component selection, and integration of renewable energy sources. Through hands-on activities, learners will gain practical insight into building and testing energy-efficient IoT solutions, including prototyping, testing methodologies, and real-world case studies. Additionally, they will explore strategies for the deployment and ongoing monitoring of IoT energy solutions, considering scalability, performance optimization, and future trends.


10 vidéos3 lectures1 devoir2 sujets de discussion

Module 4 delves into advanced topics and emerging trends in IoT energy management, providing participants with insights into innovative applications and future directions. Participants will explore the application of IoT in smart environments, including smart cities, smart grids, and sustainable development initiatives, with a focus on energy management perspectives. Additionally, they will examine IoT applications in industrial and commercial settings, such as energy management in manufacturing, building automation, and logistics. Furthermore, participants will gain insights into future trends and emerging challenges in IoT energy management, including ethical and environmental considerations, preparing them for the evolving landscape of IoT-driven energy solutions.


11 vidéos3 lectures1 devoir2 sujets de discussion


Karlis Zars
15 Cours5 665 apprenants

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