Northeastern University
Ethics and Governance in the Age of Generative AI

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Northeastern University

Ethics and Governance in the Age of Generative AI

Obtenez un aperçu d'un sujet et apprenez les principes fondamentaux.
niveau Débutant
Aucune connaissance prérequise
26 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 8 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme
Obtenez un aperçu d'un sujet et apprenez les principes fondamentaux.
niveau Débutant
Aucune connaissance prérequise
26 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 8 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Critically evaluate the ethical dimensions of emerging technologies and their impact on society

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Organizational Strategy
  • Catégorie : Benchmarking
  • Catégorie : Ethical Reasoning
  • Catégorie : Data Ethics
  • Catégorie : Artificial Intelligence

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septembre 2024


24 devoirs

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Il y a 6 modules dans ce cours

Welcome to your course, Ethics and Governance in the Age of Generative AI. You will begin by exploring the ethical and technical dimensions of developing and deploying AI models, with a focused lens on generative AI. Next, you will move into the ethical and societal considerations of emerging technologies, where you will reflect on the unique ethical challenges posed by generative AI. Transitioning next into the mechanics of genAI, you will uncover its workings and explore technical strategies for bias reduction. From there, you will examine the interplay between responsible AI (RAI) principles and the genAI lifecycle, scrutinizing bias and fairness metrics at each stage. Lastly, you will navigate the landscape of RAI strategy and governance specific to generative AI. By the end of your time in this course, you will have developed an understanding of the nuances of the ethical and technical intricacies shaping the development and deployment of AI models, with a particular focus on generative AI.


6 vidéos4 lectures5 devoirs2 sujets de discussion

In this module, you will begin exploring a specific type of artificial intelligence - generative AI. You will explore the recent history and evolution of generative AI - where it began to where it is currently in society. You will learn about the benefits, uses, and the misuses of this type of AI technology. As you learn about generative AI keep in mind what you have learned thus far about emerging technologies and ethical considerations for adoption.


3 vidéos7 lectures4 devoirs1 sujet de discussion

In this module you will explore the basic technical foundations of generative AI and how it differs from predictive AI models. You will learn about neural networks and deep learning models which will then prepare you to develop a grasp on how generative AI works from a technical perspective. Once you have this foundational knowledge, you will then reflect on the current state of AI, how it is being used in industry, and potential challenges associated with this technology.


5 vidéos3 lectures5 devoirs1 sujet de discussion

This module begins our exploration of RAI and generative AI, beginning first with learning about the scope of RAI and how it applies specifically to generative AI. Next, you will explore the metrics and benchmarking used to evaluate training data. This module focuses on bias within data and algorithmic fairness. By the end of your time in this module, you will be able to list and understand various other metrics used to evaluate the quality of generative AI models and assess the fairness and ethical considerations of each.


5 vidéos4 lectures4 devoirs1 sujet de discussion

So far you have learned about what generative AI is and some of the fairness issues that you might encounter, as well as metrics you can use to evaluate your models. In this module we’ll talk about the actual model development lifecycle and how responsible AI practices might fit into it. You will explore different benchmarks and assessment tools and examine different RAI workflows. By the end of this module, you will have a better understanding about the development lifecycle and how to approach design more responsibly.


3 vidéos3 lectures3 devoirs1 évaluation par les pairs

In this module you will be introduced to emerging technologies and the impact they have on technological change in society. You will be introduced to the ethics of these technologies and reflect on the myths and misconceptions surrounding them as well as the limitations to the development of these technologies.


2 vidéos3 lectures3 devoirs1 sujet de discussion


Cansu Canca
Northeastern University
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