Giving and Receiving Feedback in a Diverse Environment

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Giving and Receiving Feedback in a Diverse Environment

Enseigné en Anglais


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John Shulman
Pem Shulman
Jeanne-Marie Almonor

Instructeurs : John Shulman

niveau Intermédiaire

Expérience recommandée

10 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 3 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Initiate conversations to give feedback when needed

  • Explore ways to improve performance and relationships

  • Manage emotions and avoid unnecessary conflict

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Receiving feedback
  • Catégorie : Giving feedback
  • Catégorie : Collaboration
  • Catégorie : Communication
  • Catégorie : Real life simulations

Détails à connaître

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août 2024


19 devoirs

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Il y a 3 modules dans ce cours

This module explores techniques to initiate and engage in feedback conversations in a diverse workplace. Guided by a four-step framework, in this module you’ll learn how to clarify expectations, share factual observations about behavior, identify gaps between expectations and behavior, and suggest a path forward. You'll learn by playing games (realistic simulations) in which animated characters challenge you to understand their perspectives and interests.


11 vidéos2 lectures6 devoirs2 éléments d'application

This module examines methods to give feedback to friends in a diverse environment. In this module, you will learn how to apply a simple, proven four-step framework for giving feedback to friends, including clarifying shared expectations, sharing factual observations, recognizing gaps between shared expectations and behavior, and suggesting a path forward that resolves issues collaboratively and strengthens relationships. You'll learn by playing games (realistic simulations) in which animated characters challenge you to understand their perspectives and interests. . You'll learn by playing games (realistic simulations) in which animated characters challenge you to understand their perspectives and interests.


9 vidéos2 lectures6 devoirs2 éléments d'application

This module addresses ways in which you can work with others to get help and solicit feedback, both inside and outside the workplace. In this module, you'll explore steps and tips to follow to get help from others, make strategic decisions about confronting others, and receive valuable feedback that can improve both your workplace performance and your relationships. You'll learn by playing games (realistic simulations) in which animated characters challenge you to understand their perspectives and interests.


9 vidéos2 lectures7 devoirs3 éléments d'application


John Shulman
2 Cours451 apprenants

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