Yad Vashem
The Holocaust through the Perspective of Primary Sources

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Yad Vashem

The Holocaust through the Perspective of Primary Sources

Enseigné en Anglais


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Dr. Yossi Kugler

Instructeur : Dr. Yossi Kugler

niveau Intermédiaire
Certaines connaissances prérequises
9 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 3 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
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Il y a 6 modules dans ce cours

Welcome to the online course "'It Must All Be Recorded Without a Single Fact Left Out': The Holocaust through the Perspective of Primary Sources" for EHRI, the European Holocaust Research Infrastructure. Yad Vashem is one of 26 EHRI partners, and tasked with creating and operating the course. In this first short week, we will introduce the subject of Holocaust research and study using primary sources, including some of the main issues within this domain.


4 vidéos4 lectures2 sujets de discussion

This week, we will learn about researching and studying the Holocaust using diaries as unique historical sources. We will demonstrate these through the diaries of Adam Czerniakow and Emanuel Ringelblum, among others.


13 vidéos1 lecture2 sujets de discussion

This week, we will learn about the use of photographs and images as tools in documenting and commemorating the Holocaust, and as historical sources, through the photographs of two photographers active in the Lodz Ghetto: Walter Genevein, a Nazi official, and Mendel Grossman, a Jew incarcerated in the ghetto.


6 vidéos2 lectures2 sujets de discussion

This week, we will learn about researching and studying the Holocaust using German bureaucratic sources. We will focus on four German bureaucratic source types relating to specific aspects and stages of the Holocaust: Situation Reports; documents on the confiscation of Jewish property; Einsatzgruppen reports; and documents on the deportation process.


12 vidéos2 lectures1 sujet de discussion

This week, we will learn about researching and studying the Holocaust using personal letters written immediately after liberation. We will examine such letters' significance in Holocaust research and studies, the motives of their writers, and their main themes.


8 vidéos2 lectures1 sujet de discussion

This week, we will learn about researching and studying the Holocaust using testimonies of survivors. These testimonies include early accounts submitted closer to the time of the events themselves, as well as later ones. We will explore questions and arguments regarding the use of testimonies as historical sources, their significance, and the invaluable perspective they offer, especially concerning topics where other source types are lacking.


7 vidéos2 lectures1 évaluation par les pairs2 sujets de discussion


Dr. Yossi Kugler
Yad Vashem
5 Cours12 729 apprenants

Offert par

Yad Vashem

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