University of Geneva
Introduction to Political Citizenship

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University of Geneva

Introduction to Political Citizenship

Enseigné en Anglais


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Marco Giugni
Eva Fernandez G.G.
Valentina Holecz

Instructeurs : Marco Giugni

niveau Débutant

Expérience recommandée

14 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 4 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • A primary knowledge about citizenship and its interplay with political equality and democracy.

  • The understanding of the origin, meanings and implications surrounding political citizenship.

  • To foster critical thinking regarding the unequal political voices of citizens.

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Youth Activities
  • Catégorie : Political Sciences
  • Catégorie : Political Philosophy
  • Catégorie : Immigration Issues
  • Catégorie : Political Sociology

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Il y a 4 modules dans ce cours

This module will provide you with the basic theoretical tools for the entire course. You will discover how the concept of citizenship has come into being, the values that can justify different views of citizenship and its components (membership, rights, participation). Together, we will examine how citizenship can hold diverse meanings and implications for various groups, such as migrants, young people and the unemployed. After completing the module, you will be able to identify various models of citizenship and understand the impact of being a citizen on people's lives, both in general and within democracies.


15 vidéos8 lectures3 quizzes2 éléments d'application1 sujet de discussion

This module focuses on the participatory dimension of citizenship from a general point of view. You will discover the various forms of political participation (electoral and non-electoral, voting and social movements), how they have evolved over time, and how they help to define the outline of citizenship in contemporary societies. We shall touch upon, amongst other, concepts such as "active citizenship" and "participatory citizenship". After completing this module, you should be able to identify the main issues related to the relationship between citizenship and political participation.


15 vidéos2 lectures6 quizzes3 éléments d'application

This module examines the conceptual and practical connections between citizenship and participation in the field of migration. You will discover how the conceptions and institutional practices of citizenship, as seen in the first module, shape the migration field and how they relate to both discourses and actions that influence the degree of political inclusion of immigrant groups. You will gain familiarity with the historical emergence of integration policies and observe how these relate to collective mobilization and individual participation in migration politics. The module will allow you to assess key determinants of the political inclusion of immigrants in contemporary democracies. After completing this module, you should be able to identify the main issues related to the relationship between citizenship and political participation with respect to migration politics.


17 vidéos4 lectures4 quizzes3 éléments d'application1 sujet de discussion

This module examines the conceptual and practical connections between young citizens and political participation. You will discover how young people are seen in the public sphere and how they challenge the conceptions of citizenship. Specifically, you will understand how young people relate to both discourses and actions pertaining to young people, and how this affects their political inclusion. Moreover, you will gain familiarity with the social and political inclusion of young people, how and under what circumstances young people are socialized to the public life, and how they relate to collective mobilization and individual participation. After completing this module, you should be able to identify the main issues related to the relationship between citizenship and young people.


15 vidéos3 lectures6 quizzes1 sujet de discussion


Marco Giugni
University of Geneva
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University of Geneva

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