University of Leeds
Introduction to Technology-Assisted Decision-Making

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University of Leeds

Introduction to Technology-Assisted Decision-Making

Sam Wilson
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Instructeurs : Sam Wilson

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3 semaines à 2 heures par semaine
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Obtenez un aperçu d'un sujet et apprenez les principes fondamentaux.
niveau Débutant
Aucune connaissance prérequise
8 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 2 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Describe the concept of technology-assisted decision-making and the associated terminology within the field.

  • Demonstrate the ability to formulate optimisation problems as mathematical models and apply diverse techniques for their resolution.

  • Understand the applications of optimisation including resource allocation, production planning, transportation, scheduling, and network optimisation.

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Graph Theory
  • Catégorie : Cryptography
  • Catégorie : Computational Logic
  • Catégorie : Algorithms
  • Catégorie : Linear Programming (LP)

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Il y a 2 modules dans ce cours

Hello and welcome to 'An Introduction to Technology-Assisted Decision-Making.' Humans make decisions all the time, but do we always make the best ones? If technology could enhance decision-making processes across various aspects of life, from healthcare to manufacturing, could a society guided by advanced algorithms redefine the boundaries of human choice in a positive way? This course introduces the concept of technology-assisted decision-making. You will learn about a variety of techniques used to help optimise the best outcomes in industry, health and education. It covers topics such as identifying decision-making problems, formulating optimisation problems, developing mathematical models, and using specialised software to solve them. In this first week of the course, you will learn what is meant by 'technology-assisted decision-making'. You will be introduced to our first example of how technology, and computer science, can be used to support decision-making using a practical example. You will then explore a topic in computer science called 'graph theory' and how it can be applied to the practical example to solve a problem. Let's get started!


2 vidéos20 lectures1 devoir4 sujets de discussion

This week, you will be learning about a second type of technology-assisted decision-making, namely linear optimisation. Linear programming and optimisation are powerful techniques used in technology-assisted decision-making to find the best possible solution to a problem within a set of constraints. Linear programming involves optimising a linear objective function, subject to linear inequality or equality constraints. It is used to make decisions that involve allocating resources, such as determining the most efficient production plan, or allocating staff to various departments while minimising costs. Don't worry if you don't understand what this means - you will at the end of the week!


3 vidéos17 lectures1 devoir3 sujets de discussion


Sam Wilson
University of Leeds
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University of Leeds

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