Eindhoven University of Technology
Lightcap 1: Fundamentals of light's impact

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Eindhoven University of Technology

Lightcap 1: Fundamentals of light's impact

Enseigné en Anglais


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Yvonne de Kort

Instructeur : Yvonne de Kort

6 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 2 heures par semaine
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septembre 2024


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Il y a 9 modules dans ce cours

Welcome to LIGHTCAP 1, the fundamentals of light’s impact. This course will provide fundamental knowledge about visual and non-visual systems in the brain and about the way in which light interacts with relevant brain systems and regions. The basis of this course is mostly neuroscience.


2 vidéos4 lectures

In this first lecture, Qian explains how photoreceptors detect light, what cell types exist in the retina, how they are arranged, and how this allows the retina to detect light and extract visual information.


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In this lecture, Qian introduces a novel photoreceptor -- melanopsin-expressing, intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells (ipRGCs) -- and helps students understand how melanopsin acts to sense light and how it contributes to non-image forming vision.  


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In this lecture, Roya will share basic knowledge about brain pathways from ipRGCs to relevant brain regions and how we came to know about them.


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In lecture 4, Ashwathi introduces the body clock, circadian rhythmicity, how light acts on the body clock, and how, in turn, the clock influences numerous functions in our body.


6 vidéos1 lecture1 devoir

In this lecture, Fermin dives deep into a specific neural substrate: the locus coeruleus (also termed blue spot). After describing its anatomy, firing patterns and projections, he explains in quite some detail the functions of the LC and its relationship with light.


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Roya gives a basic introduction of brain imaging techniques that are being used to study the pathways and effects of light in humans and explains the working of, rationale for, MRI, fMRI and EEG in somewhat more detail. She concludes with sharing example data from an fMRI study on light.


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In this lecture, Fermin explains the basic concepts of metamerism and its potential usage in neuroscience and research on light in particular. We may just have found a good placebo condition for light studies.


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To close this course, Ashwathi presents an overview on some of the most important impacts of light on human health.


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Yvonne de Kort
Eindhoven University of Technology
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