Computer Vision: Face Recognition Quick Starter in Python

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Computer Vision: Face Recognition Quick Starter in Python

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niveau Débutant

Expérience recommandée

7 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 2 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
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Obtenez un aperçu d'un sujet et apprenez les principes fondamentaux.
niveau Débutant

Expérience recommandée

7 heures pour terminer
3 semaines à 2 heures par semaine
Planning flexible
Apprenez à votre propre rythme

Ce que vous apprendrez

  • Explain the principles of face detection and face recognition technology.

  • Install and configure dependencies and libraries such as dlib, OpenCV, and Pillow.

  • Execute face detection and face recognition tasks using Python.

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Image Processing
  • Catégorie : Computer Vision
  • Catégorie : Python (Programming Language)
  • Catégorie : OpenCV
  • Catégorie : Dlib (C++ Library)

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septembre 2024


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Il y a 26 modules dans ce cours

In this module, we will introduce the course, providing an overview of the topics to be covered, and discuss the significance of face recognition in various applications. We'll also present the structure and objectives of the course to set clear expectations.


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In this module, we will set up the development environment by installing the Anaconda package. This will prepare our computer for Python coding, ensuring that we have the necessary tools and libraries for face recognition tasks.


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In this module, we will cover essential Python programming basics, including assignments, flow control, data structures, and functions. This foundational knowledge is crucial for understanding and implementing face recognition algorithms.


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In this module, we will install the necessary dependencies and libraries required for face recognition. We will also address common issues with DLib and ensure the environment is correctly configured for our projects.


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In this module, we will introduce face detectors, discussing their importance and the different techniques used for detecting faces. This knowledge is fundamental for implementing effective face recognition solutions.


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In this module, we will implement face detection in code using the face_recognition and OpenCV libraries. We will cover practical coding examples and ensure a thorough understanding of face detection implementation.


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In this module, we will address the common issue of the cv2.imshow() function not responding while displaying images. We will implement a fix and verify that the display window functions correctly.


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In this module, we will detect and locate faces from a real-time webcam video feed. We will cover the steps required to implement and optimize real-time face detection for practical applications.


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In this module, we will detect and locate faces in pre-recorded video files. We will discuss the implementation details and performance considerations for video-based face detection.


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In this module, we will blur detected faces in real-time video to ensure privacy. We will cover the implementation and testing of face blurring techniques in a real-time context.


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In this module, we will install the libraries required for real-time facial expression detection. Proper installation and configuration are essential for the subsequent implementation of facial expression detection.


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In this module, we will detect facial expressions from a real-time webcam video feed. We will implement the necessary algorithms and optimize the detection process for accurate and efficient performance.


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In this module, we will delve into the techniques for detecting facial expressions in video footage. We will explore methods to identify and analyze emotions based on facial cues, and implement algorithms that enhance the accuracy of facial expression recognition.


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In this module, we will detect facial expressions in static images. We will discuss the implementation and validation of image-based facial expression detection techniques.


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In this module, we will introduce age and gender detection, discussing their significance and applications. We will provide an overview of the steps involved in implementing real-time age and gender classification.


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In this module, we will perform real-time age and gender classification on webcam video feed. We will focus on the implementation, optimization, and validation of the detection algorithms.


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In this module, we will classify the age and gender of faces in static images. We will cover the implementation and validation of image-based detection algorithms.


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In this module, we will introduce face recognition, discussing its applications and underlying principles. We will also address the challenges and solutions involved in face recognition technology.


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In this module, we will implement face recognition algorithms to detect and recognize faces in images. We will cover the coding and optimization techniques required for an effective face recognition system.


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In this module, we will detect and recognize faces from a real-time webcam video feed. We will focus on implementing and optimizing real-time face recognition algorithms.


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In this module, we will detect and recognize faces in pre-recorded video files. We will discuss the implementation details and performance evaluation of video-based face recognition.


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In this module, we will calculate the distance between faces for advanced analysis. We will cover the implementation and optimization of face distance algorithms.


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In this module, we will learn how to visualize and customize face landmarks in images. We will cover the implementation and testing of face landmark visualization techniques.


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In this module, we will visualize and customize face landmarks for multiple faces in both real-time and pre-saved videos. We will focus on the implementation, optimization, and testing of multi-face landmark visualization techniques.


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In this module, we will demonstrate how to customize face landmarks to apply simple makeup. We will cover the implementation and testing of face makeup techniques using face landmarks.


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In this module, we will demonstrate face makeup in a real-time video using face landmarks. We will focus on implementing, optimizing, and validating real-time face makeup algorithms.


1 vidéo2 devoirs


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