Eindhoven University of Technology
RF and millimeter-Wave Circuit Design

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Eindhoven University of Technology

RF and millimeter-Wave Circuit Design

Carlos Mendes, Jr.
Peter Baltus

Instructeurs : Carlos Mendes, Jr.

20 865 déjà inscrits

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(206 avis)

niveau Intermédiaire

Expérience recommandée

Planning flexible
Env. 30 heures
Apprenez à votre propre rythme
La plupart des apprenants ont aimé ce cours
Obtenez un aperçu d'un sujet et apprenez les principes fondamentaux.

(206 avis)

niveau Intermédiaire

Expérience recommandée

Planning flexible
Env. 30 heures
Apprenez à votre propre rythme
La plupart des apprenants ont aimé ce cours

Compétences que vous acquerrez

  • Catégorie : Analog Circuit Design
  • Catégorie : Microelectronics
  • Catégorie : RF Circuit Design

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19 devoirs

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Il y a 6 modules dans ce cours

This module will introduce the student to the RF and mm-Wave Circuit Design course and to the topic of wireless systems. It will present the learning objectives, grading system, supporting material, introductory class, and design labs. Besides, it will show the student how to use the simulation tools and the equipment used in the design labs.


7 vidéos6 lectures1 devoir1 sujet de discussion

The module on Wireless Systems will introduce the student to the history of wireless technologies, wireless system design, and RF system specifications. Concepts about transceivers will be detailed, such as path loss, interference signals, receiver sensitivity, and transmitter output power. It also includes the first design lab, the system design of a Wireless Tin Can Telephone.


6 vidéos6 lectures4 devoirs1 évaluation par les pairs1 sujet de discussion

The Amplifiers module will introduce the student to the basic concepts of amplifiers, types of power gain, and the most used amplifier topologies. The student will also learn about low noise amplifier matching and power amplifiers classes. The second design lab will focus on designing LNAs and PAs.


9 vidéos6 lectures4 devoirs1 évaluation par les pairs1 sujet de discussion

The Mixers module will introduce the student to the working principle of RF mixers and their basic concepts. The difference between active and passive mixers will be explained, the advantages and drawbacks of balanced and unbalanced mixers will be detailed, and the mixer's noise performance highlighted. The third design lab will cover the design of up and down-conversion mixers.


5 vidéos6 lectures4 devoirs1 évaluation par les pairs1 sujet de discussion

The Oscillators module will introduce the student to the working principles of frequency oscillators and their basic concepts, like condition to sustain an oscillation. The student will learn about different topologies of oscillators, why and how to tune oscillators, and the impact of noise in the oscillator's signal. At last, the influence of output buffering and breakdown voltage on oscillators will also be explained. The fourth design lab will focus on designing a Voltage Controlled Oscillator (VCO).


5 vidéos6 lectures4 devoirs1 évaluation par les pairs1 sujet de discussion

The Synthesizers module will introduce the student to the working principles of frequency synthesizers and their basic concepts. The student will learn about the importance of using synthesizers in modern wireless communications, the Phase-Locked Loop types I and II, the advantages and drawbacks of using All-Digital PLL, and the impact of the PLL frequency synthesizer on the signal's noise performance. At last, the architecture and usage of fractional-N PLL frequency synthesizers will be detailed. The fifth and last design lab will contain the design of a frequency divider and a phase detector.


4 vidéos5 lectures2 devoirs1 évaluation par les pairs1 sujet de discussion


Évaluations de l’enseignant
4.8 (99 évaluations)
Carlos Mendes, Jr.
Eindhoven University of Technology
1 Cours20 865 apprenants
Peter Baltus
Eindhoven University of Technology
1 Cours20 865 apprenants

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Avis des étudiants

Affichage de 3 sur 206


206 avis

  • 5 stars

    76,21 %

  • 4 stars

    20,38 %

  • 3 stars

    1,94 %

  • 2 stars

    0,48 %

  • 1 star

    0,97 %


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